One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 367 The Final Island

Brett took Robin through the deep sea.

He noticed that the woman's body, rolled up by his clouds and wrapped in bubbles, was trembling imperceptibly.

Even for Nicole Robin, who was used to seeing the wind and rain at sea, it was natural for her to feel fear when she first came to such an uninhabited deep sea.

"There's no need to be afraid. As long as I'm here, no one in this deep sea can hurt you."

Brett said with relief.


Nico Robin breathed a slow sigh of relief and nodded.

There was indeed some panic in her heart, but more of it was anticipation and excitement.

She heard unbelievable news from Brett's mouth.

This man has actually found the historical text of the four road signs. As long as she translates the text above, he will be able to go to the final island and decipher the final secret of the world.

The blank hundred years of history that the O'Hara generations have been pursuing will now be revealed!

Robin never thought that that seemingly illusory dream would be so easy to come true now!

Brett has agreed to take her to the final island with her. After all, that island is likely to have ancient writing written on it, and she needs her help to decipher it.

All that is needed now is to translate those ancient texts!

Robin had unconsciously clenched his delicate fists.

Brett quickly returned to Fish-Man Island with Nico Robin, then entered the bubble from above Fish-Man Island and came directly to Dragon Palace City.

There is no need to rush to reveal that Nico Robin has arrived at Fish-Man Island.

In a certain room in Ryugu Castle, Neptune, Jimbei, Taizoro and three others were already waiting.

The expressions of the three people were very consistent, and they all looked at the closed door with great anticipation.

Then finally, the door opened and Brett came in with a woman.

The three people in the room stood up at the same time, and even Neptune stretched out his tail to support his body.

"It's really Nico Robin!"

Tezolo tilted his head and looked at Robin, and then said in surprise, "Britt, you are really good at finding it for you!"

"So, we can start translating the historical text of the road signs now, right?"

Neptune said with great anticipation.


Nicole Robin said solemnly.

Although she is a little hungry, she can put that kind of thing aside now. She can't wait to see the historical text of the four road signs!


Jinbei took out a thick stack of paper and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, Miss Robin."

The historical text is very large, and the text on which the historical text is printed is also very thick, so Brett did not take them with him when he went out. He gave them to Jinbei for safekeeping, and now is the time for them to come in handy. .

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Robin excitedly took over the thick stack of pedals and opened them one by one eagerly.

The rubbings of the lost road sign kept in Fishman Island, and the rubbings of the road sign protected by Elephant Master given to Zuowu's friends Neko Viper and Inuarashi.

The rubbings of the historical text of the road sign that were protected by the Wano Kōzuki family, and the rubbings that Charlotte Lingling had captured and given to Brett by Katakuri.

The four rubbings of the historical text of the road signs were now completely spread out in front of Nicole Robin. The woman entered working mode in an instant and began to decipher these complicated ancient texts with full concentration.

"it should be no problem?"

Tezoro walked to Brett's side, his voice sounded a little uneasy.

After all, this matter is so important. If Nicole Robin cannot translate these ancient texts smoothly, then the four rubbings of road signs collected through all the hard work will be completely meaningless.

"Believe her."

That's all Brett said.

What could be wrong?

The historical text interpreted by Robin in the original work is not in two pieces.

Now all you need to do is wait quietly.

Tezoro stopped talking, and for a moment the whole room fell into unbearable silence.

Everyone is waiting, quietly waiting for the location of the final guidance to be revealed.

They didn't let them wait too long. Nico Robin suddenly looked up from her head buried in a pile of rubbings.

The woman's beautiful face was filled with excitement and excitement.

"Has the result been obtained yet?!"

Brett asked expectantly.

Even though I have long been convinced that Nicole Robin will have no problem and will translate the rubbings smoothly.

But when things came to an end, Brett was still a little uneasy.


Fortunately, Brett's trust in Nico Robin was not wrong. The woman nodded solemnly, "I have translated all the ancient texts, and now I know the location of the final island!"



The four of them, Bret Neptune, Jimbei Taizoro, asked in unison.

Robin paused, and then she said, "..."

On the other side, Marie Joa.

The five old stars were at a loss again at this time.

"What the hell is that guy Crocodile doing?"

The blond Wu Laoxing had disbelief written all over his face.

Not long ago, the Navy sent them incredible news.

Crocodile, one of the King's Shichibukai, suddenly led people to attack the naval base on Sentin Island, robbed a warship and a large amount of arms, and then left.

The five old stars simply don't understand what's going on with Crocodile. Weren't they always happy to cooperate in the past ten years? Why did you suddenly fall out now?

"Probably because of what happened in the rainy land."

The bearded Five Old Stars were also a little helpless.

After a round of investigation, the government discovered that before the attack on the naval base, he seemed to have fought with someone in the Crocodile guy's lair.

But the five old stars have no way of knowing who exactly Crocodile fought with.

Although the CP system is pervasive, it is not omnipotent.

"For Crocodile to react like this, there is no doubt that that battle was not simple."

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "But all the people who might have witnessed that battle have been swallowed up by the desert. We can't even find a single witness."

"It doesn't matter, it's just Crocodile."

The bald Wulaoxing shook his head.

There is no one who has betrayed the Shichibukai, including Crocodile.

"Give that guy a reward and let him know the consequences of betraying the government."

"However, has Brett been a little quiet recently?"

What on earth is Brett doing? The five old stars are very curious about this.

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