One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 381 Genuine and Pirated

Chapter 381 Genuine and Pirated

At this moment, everyone on the battlefield was deeply shocked by what they saw.

There is almost no power to fight back!

That Kaido, that powerful and invincible Kaido of the Beasts, when faced with this man named Bright, he collapsed at the first touch and was unable to withstand the opponent's attack at all!

Bright could just knock Kaido into the sea, but then the battle would be over.

Wouldn't that be too boring?

The golden flame dragon twisted its body and slowly floated into the sky again.

"Hey, hey, Kaido! Is it just this level? It's too disappointing, isn't it?"

Leisurely laughter rippled in the sky, and the expressions of everyone in the Beast Pirates were almost distorted.

"That monster!!"

Has turned into a big cat, the animal cat fruit ancient species saber-toothed tiger form, the former CP agent Foz Fu's forehead is already covered with cold sweat.

That's too much, Brett!

Even the strongest shield master I have never met is far inferior to the strength displayed by this monster at this time!

That was Kaido, Kaido, the strongest candidate in the world, was not an unknown person, but he was suppressed like this! !

"Don't get distracted!!"

A huge man rushing at the front turned into a giant mammoth, and the elephant roared, "Believe in Boss Kaido!!"

“Drought Jack!!”

A man appeared in front of Jack, and he jumped towards this guy without hesitation.

It’s Hesong!

The man named Jack is a fish-man, so let him, a fish-man, deal with it!

The battlefield has turned into chaos in the blink of an eye.

But Bright, who was floating in the sky, didn't care much about the battle below.

He just looked at the man rising into the air from the ruins of the dilapidated ghost island with great interest.

"You bastard!! It really hurts me to death!!"

Kaido has turned into a dragon-man form, but the green scales on the surface of his body now have a burnt smell.

Unexpectedly, a corner of his head was broken, and there was a big gash on his forehead, but no blood flowed out because the blood had already evaporated.

Kaido's look at this time can only be described in one word, ferocious.

The blow just now still caused considerable damage to him.


Bright chuckled, and the slender red dragon's body inside the Flame Dragon also began to shrink, and finally turned into a human-animal form.

The golden flames wrapped around his body also began to dissipate, leaving only the flame cloud still surrounding him, allowing him to confront Kaido in the air.

"Is there a physical competition next?"

"damn it!!"

Kaido pulled out the mace from nowhere, "Next, I'm going to smash your head in!"

"Then let's try it."

Bright stretched out his right hand and held it in the air, and the dissipating flames began to gather towards his hand.

It was originally as viscous as magma, but it already had a form, and even the flames that could possess domineering energy condensed in his hands.

Condensed into a shining flame mace.

Brett had a smile on his lips.

Kaido watched this scene with veins twitching on his forehead, "I want to see how long you can imitate!!"

"Thunder gossip!"

The roar sounded like thunder exploding in the sky.


Yamato raised his head in surprise.

Because she saw Brett rushing forward like lightning.

No, it's not like lightning, that man's body is wrapped with dazzling lightning!

Eh! ?

That’s not right!

Why is he the one calling Lei Ming Bagua!

The mace condensed by flames was now wrapped with domineering energy, and dark lightning was jumping.

Brett laughed and waved the mace in his hand.

The so-called Thunder Bagua is just wrapping up the powerful armed color and overlord color and then swinging the stick vigorously.

Who can't do this?

"Thunder Gossip!!"

Kaido raised the iron rod in his hand high. He wanted the bastard in front of him to see what the real thunder gossip was!

boom! !

The real iron rod and the mace made of flames collided in the air in the next moment.

The space seemed to begin to distort at this time, and the air began to riot instantly.

The violent wind roared downwards instantly, causing the men and horses on both sides who were fighting on the battlefield below to stand unsteadily.


With a groan, Kaido's body was knocked backwards.

My arms feel a little numb. What's going on with this bastard's strength?

In fact, now he can't even compare to his domineering power!

Brett stepped on the air and quickly approached.

The stick of fire in his hand shattered and then coalesced again.

"The so-called Overlord Color means that the stronger the user, the stronger it becomes, right?"

He fell in the air, "Jiang Sanshi - Yin Nai Luo!"

Today, Bright's power is far superior to Kaido, so it stands to reason that his overlord-colored domineering power is also at a level that Kaido cannot match.

The flame cloud surged out and immediately wrapped around Kaido's body. He clenched the iron rod with both hands, "Jun Dali - Long Shengjun!!"

The iron rod was swung like a storm, like a swarm of meteors rising in the opposite direction.

Since quality can’t compare, let’s make up for it with quantity!

Brett falls!

Like a meteor shooting through the storm!

The afterimages of the iron rods flying all over the sky, like a storm, dissipated in an instant.


Kaido's eyes widened, he could barely hold the iron rod in his hand, and his right arm was twisted behind his back by the powerful force.

Then, the blazing stick of fire hit his right shoulder.


It was the sound of scales shattering and bones breaking.


This is the sound of flesh being burned by extremely high temperatures.

Kaido's body turned into a black shadow and fell downwards.

Brett wasn't surprised.

Compared with Kandu, his power cannot be said to be vastly different, but the gap is still not small.

This is not a small gap, and what it shows in the battle is a one-sided situation.



At the moment when he fell into the ice and was about to break through the frozen sea and fall into the sea, the clouds wrapped up Kaido's body again, and then took him flying up.

"You damn thing!!"

"bring it on."

Bright smiled and fell down, "Jundali-Long Shengjun!"

This time it was his turn to wave the flaming rod in his hand to create countless afterimages.

Kaido took out a wine bottle and began to pour wine into his mouth. A drunken blush gradually appeared on his face.

"Jiulong Bagua——"

He belched wine and his eyes flashed with red light.

Then in Bright's surprised eyes, his huge body was deftly avoiding Bright's attacks.


Brett nodded understandingly.

“Great mighty virtue—thunder gossip!!”

The iron rod came forward.

Seeing the future, right?

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