One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 389 Listening to the Voice of All Things

Chapter 389 Listening to the Voice of All Things

Since the negotiations had been successfully completed, there was of course no need to continue bringing the guys from the Beast Pirates with them. Bright found a random desert island to land on, and then threw them on it.

By the way, the shackles of the sea floor stone that bound them were released.

"Hey, hey, hey, this can no longer be described as bold as a skilled person, right?"

Tezzolo looked at the cadres of the Beasts Pirates who were moving around and couldn't help but smacked his lips, "Bright, you guys are too arrogant."

Yes, it's simply too arrogant. Doesn't this mean that you don't take these guys of the Beasts Pirates seriously at all? If you just let them go free like this, are you really not afraid that they will immediately turn against you and attack you?

At least Tezzolo saw it, the little girl with horns and blue hair looked eager to try.

"If they want to fight now, that's fine with me."

Brett said casually.

"Hahahaha, how could it be, how could such a thing happen?"

Quinn smiled humbly, rubbed her hands and stood in front of Brett, nodding and bowing.

Are you kidding me? How can I fight this monster? Even Boss Kaido is no match for him!

Although there are many of them, if they really want to fight, they will all be wiped out in an instant!

Even the little girl with blue hair could only cross her arms and snort, but in the end she said nothing.

The gap in strength is absolute, everyone can see this.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Jhin."

Brett smiled and said, "It's best to be quiet from now on, and don't let me know that you are still doing things that only pirates do."

"I know."

Jhin nodded.

He looked up at the cloud floating in the sky, as if his eyes had seen through the cloud, and he saw a huge figure still lying on the cloud.

"I'm always waiting to hear from you."


Brett clapped his hands, "Then let's say goodbye here."

"Wish ya'll good luck."

After leaving these last words, Bright took Tezolo and flew into the sky, and then went straight away.


It wasn't until the cloud disappeared from the horizon that Quinn finally breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground, "Ah, ah! I thought I was dead!"

"This bastard is too scary!!"


The man named Foz Fu also slowly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "Just thinking about being an enemy of him is enough to send chills down one's spine."

"So, Mr. Jhin, what should we do next?"

The tall woman with blond hair named Black Maria looked at the silent Jhin.

Jhin took a deep breath, then turned around, "None of you want to escape, right?"

He stared at the fat man sitting on the ground.

"Hey! Jhin! What does this bastard mean?"

The fat man immediately stood up and asked angrily.

"What do you mean? You know it yourself."

The flames on the back of Jin's head soared, turning him into a torch. "Everyone, please listen to me. If anyone wants to betray, I will not hesitate to roast him into charcoal."

"me too!"

Jack was the first to echo him, "No one is allowed to betray Boss Kaido!"

Jhin nodded slightly, Jack did not need any doubts about Mr. Kaido's loyalty.

"Of course I do too!"

The little girl with blue hair raised her hands and said loudly, "Xiao Pei too!"

Other cadres also raised their hands one after another.

Apart from anything else, the cadres of the Beast Pirates are very loyal to Kaido, which is in sharp contrast to the Charlotte family.

"The same goes for me."

Quinn hummed, "If anyone wants to betray, I will crush him mercilessly!"

That's what he said, but no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

But at least now, everyone gathered here is united.

"Anyway, let's find a place to stay first."

Jhin said so.

He didn't know what the future would be like.

But at least, his actions will be of some help to Mr. Kaido, and that's enough.

On top of the departing cloud.

"I really don't know what you're thinking, Brett."

Tezoro lay leisurely on top of the flame cloud, "Are the combat prowess of those guys really that important to you?"

He glanced sideways at Brett, who was sitting aside.

Based on the strength of his good friend, it would only take two or three minutes at most to defeat the remnants of the Beast Pirates.

Bright also glanced sideways at Tezolo, "Is there a possibility, Tezolo, that you are not much stronger than Jhin."

When did the strength of the Pirate Emperor's second-in-command become insignificant?

Tezzolo, you are really a little too arrogant.

"Hahahaha, too."

Tezzolo laughed and didn't pay much attention.

The remnants of the Beast Pirates are a powerful force even without Kaido.

A piece of paper and a pair of underwear have their uses, and one day they will also come in handy.

Even in the final war, killing a group of World Government soldiers was completely worth it.

"Then what?"

Tezzolo glanced back.

Kaido was lying quietly at this time. Bright was not gagging him, nor was he unconscious, but this guy was silent at this time.

"What are you going to do with this guy?"

"Take it back to Fish-Man Island and find a place to lock it up."

Bright said casually, "I'm also a little curious about whether the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air can move freely in the depths of the sea."

"Hahahaha, you guy..."

Tezzolo laughed and shook his head.

Even if you think about it, it's impossible. Although Kaido is known as the strongest creature in the sea, land and air, he is not Bright, so how can he survive in the deep sea.

"Now the new world will be interesting."

Tezzolo said with a smile, "Is there only one white beard left?"

Of the great pirates from the previous era, Whitebeard is indeed the only one left. Kaido and Charlotte Lingling have both fallen.

"Senior Whitebeard is an old friend of Fish-Man Island,"

Brett smiled, "I won't allow anyone to do anything to them."


Tezzolo twitched the corner of his mouth, "That's right, it doesn't matter anymore, right? After all, the era of pirates chasing their dreams is over."

Because, someone has already arrived at the final island and found the legendary secret treasure.

"All that's left is the last war."

Brett didn't speak, just looked at the end of the sky quietly.

Yes, only the last war is left.

Just need to wait until Master Tom's side of Hades is finished.

"Already, soon."

"hold head high!"

Ahead, a high-pitched cry suddenly came.

"Oh! Elephant Lord!"

Tezzolo looked at the giant elephant walking on the sea in front of him, "Have we met it again?"

Brett was slightly startled.

He seemed to understand the Elephant Master's voice?

This is, listening to the voice of all things?

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