One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 39 Recruiting troops

The banquet had just begun and could only be temporarily suspended.

Because the frail Princess just wanted to hug her daughter but one of her ribs was crushed.

"Your Highness, your body is very fragile, so please be careful in the future." The doctor from Dragon Palace City said worriedly.

Although not many people agree with Otohime's ideas, her enthusiasm and gentleness are also admired by many fish and mermaids.

But the only thing is that her health is a little too bad.

It's the kind of level where a slap on someone's face would break one's own hand.

It's hard to imagine how she managed to give birth to four such huge children.

"But Shirahoshi is cute!"

Her Royal Highness the Princess, whose tears had not yet been wiped away, said confidently, "She is indeed my mother's cutest daughter!"

Her hand gently rubbed her daughter's big head, and Her Royal Highness showed a happy expression.


The little girl didn't know what kind of harm she had caused to her mother. She felt her mother's tenderness and just responded to her with a happy smile.

"Ah, it's so cute!!"

The princess, who seemed to be missing a chord in her mind, jumped on her daughter's body and rubbed her around like she was holding a large doll.


"Ah!! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

"Your Highness, didn't I tell you to be careful!!"

Brett looked at Neptune.

Neptune sighed sadly.

What a strong man.

This should probably be his daily routine.

The banquet was finally held.

After the doctor treated Princess Otohime's more serious injuries again, the woman immediately came to Bright with her children and laughed lively. I really didn't know whether she was fragile or strong.

"Call Brother Brett!"

Otohime introduced Bright to her sons and daughters, "Here, introduce yourself to your beloved."

"Brother Brett!"

The little princess listened to her mother's words and said crisply, "I am Bai Xing."

The two big eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and the young Lian family was full of happy smiles.

"So cute."

Brett couldn't help but reach out and touch the little girl's cheek.

Well, a five-year-old girl who is a head taller than him.

"Brother Bright, I am a star!"

Much shorter than Shirahoshi, he looked like a boy in his teens and happily announced his family status.

"I am the Emperor Star, Brother Bright!"

Much taller than his third brother, the second prince, who was about twelve or thirteen years old, said with a smile.


The last of the four siblings, the eldest young fishman hesitated, "My name is Shark Star, please give me some advice, Brother Bright!"


Brett greeted with a smile.

The Neptunes are nice people.

"Brett is very powerful!"

Princess Otohime proudly boasted to her children, "He is the one who will change Fish-Man Island together with his parents."

Who will be with you?

And, what are you proud of?

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Hey! That's awesome, brother Brett!"

The little princess firmly believed in her mother's words, clenching her two little fists tightly together, and stars seemed to be popping out of her eyes.

After chatting for a while, the banquet finally officially started.

Not only the Neptune family and Bright Jinbei were attending the banquet, the ministers of Ryugu Castle were also invited to attend. The reason was simple.

"Today's banquet is to celebrate two things!"

At the beginning of the banquet, Neptune declared loudly.

He seriously announced the hiring of Bright to form the Immigration and Entry Administration and the establishment of the Fishman Island Mining Company.

This of course caused an uproar.

The ministers of Dragon Palace City almost immediately broke into a quarrel.

But this time Neptune's attitude was very tough, and with Otohime's support, the ministers had no choice but to accept it aggrievedly.

Neptune solemnly raised his glass and said to Bright, "Bright, the safety of Fish-Man Island is in your hands!"

Brett nodded seriously and raised his glass, "Leave it to us."

They both picked up their wine glasses and drank down the wine in one gulp.

On one side, the eldest prince Shark Star, who was sitting with his younger brothers and sisters, looked at Bright intently, "From Fish-Man Island, it's safe——"


It was already midnight when the banquet ended, and Bright and Jinbe returned to Fishman Street by the water road.

"Brother Brett!!"

"Boss, are you back?"

"Good evening, Brother Brett!"

The fishmen were very enthusiastic after seeing Bright, who is the new boss of Fishman Street.

Before he got home, Aaron, who received the news, came out of nowhere.

"How about it?"

He almost couldn't wait to ask, "Isn't that guy Neptune very uncooperative? When will we attack Dragon Palace City?"

Jinbe couldn't help but said, "Aaron, stop thinking about inexplicable things all day long."

"The conversation went very smoothly."

Bright smiled and walked forward, "Brother Aaron, help me summon the leaders of Fishman Street tomorrow. I have two good things to announce."

"Good thing?"

Aaron frowned.

"Anyway, tomorrow is a new beginning!" Jinbei said looking forward to it.

"It's best this way."

Aaron pouted.

Bright shook his head helplessly. He knew that Aaron was looking forward to directly overthrowing Dragon Palace City and letting them dominate the country.

But Brett didn't want to do that.

He imagined that the relationship between Fishman Street and Dragon Palace City should be like the relationship between the Babao Navy and the Kingdom of Flowers.

Ryugong Castle is responsible for making this country develop, while he and others are responsible for making this country strong.

They should be close partners.

As for whether this relationship will deteriorate in the future, Bright is not worried.

All power, wealth, and fame in this world are based on strength.

I went back home and went straight to sleep. I had a dreamless night and it was already dawn when I woke up.

After washing up a little and changing his clothes, Brett went to a store he used to go to for breakfast. He didn't have time to go to Charlie's place today.

"Oh! Brother Bright is here!"

The boss, who almost watched Bright grow up, laughed and said, "What do you want to eat today? My treat!"

"No need, how can the elder brother ask the younger brother to treat you?"

Brett found a place to sit down and said with a smile, "Just follow the rules."

"Hahaha, okay big brother, wait a moment!"

There were gradually more people in the breakfast shop. Everyone who saw Brett greeted him enthusiastically, and he responded enthusiastically.

There were more people outside the breakfast shop.

Tall and strong murlocs gathered from all directions, and then stood quietly on the road outside the store, forming a dark mass.

"Oh! It's brothers!"

"Why are everyone gathered here?"

"Idiot, of course it's Boss Bright who's calling!"

"It looks like something big is about to happen!"

"A big thing? What big thing? Are you going to attack Dragon Palace City?"

Brett, who had just finished eating and put down the utensils, twitched the corner of his mouth.

Are the people in Fishman Street so obsessed with attacking Dragon Palace City?

After giving breakfast money, Brett walked out of the store.

"Boss Bright!"

In unison, everyone bowed their heads and greeted Bright loudly.

The combined sounds formed a wave and spread in all directions.

Surprised and admiring glances were cast from everywhere around him.

"Scared hahahaha."

Brett heard laughter. He turned around and saw Aaron leaning against the wall. "How about it, Brett, this is power!"

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business."

Brother Jinbei squeezed out from the crowd.

Bright looked behind him and saw that the Sun Pirates were also following him.

Bright nodded towards Jinbei, and then said loudly, "I'm calling everyone here today mainly for two things. Don't question it, just listen to me."

"First thing, help me inform everyone in Fishman Street that Dragon Palace City will set up a mining company in the future to mine seabed minerals and trade them with humans in exchange for wealth. The company will give priority to selecting employees from our Fishman Street, and their salary will be It should be quite impressive.”

Bright is not a capitalist and has no intention of exploiting his fellow citizens.

Mining is a very hard job, so of course you need high treatment.

It doesn't matter if the company makes less money.

The little bosses from all over Fishman Street have started talking about it.

Before they could come up with anything to discuss, Bright continued.

"The second thing is to help me select a group of people from Fishman Street, about ten thousand people. There are two requirements, one is to be obedient, and the second is to be able to fight."

He said loudly, "In the future, I will form an organization to manage the entry and exit of Fish-Man Island. It's time to stop outsiders from being unruly in Fish-Man Island!"

The crowd was silent for a moment.



Long awaited.

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