One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 404 The Magic Triangle

So Brett embarked on a journey to the Magic Triangle.

This section of the road is not really that far. After all, the Magic Triangle is right in front of the Chambord Islands. It is a place where several routes of the Grand Route must pass when they converge.

The straight-line distance from Fishman Island is only a few hundred kilometers.

Even though Brett was swimming in the deep sea, it didn't take long to reach this fog-shrouded sea with extremely chaotic currents.

The reason why he swam over leisurely in the sea instead of flying over at the fastest speed was because Brett knew that nothing happened to Laura.

He may have indeed met Moriah, but Moriah had no intention of threatening her life.

After all, in the original work, Lola lost her shadow to Moriah in the Magic Triangle. She hid on the terrifying three-tailed sailboat for three years before she was rescued by the Straw Hat Junior Brother, and then returned to the new world safely, and by the way Then I found a husband.

Although I don’t know why Laura still went to the Magic Triangle, it should be okay.

After arriving at the Magic Triangle, Brett did not surface immediately. He searched in the sea.

Soon he found a sea king species swimming on the bottom of the sea.

He leaned over and said, "My name is Brett, can you do me a favor?"

The Neptune creature, which was swimming blankly in the water, slowly turned its head, and then a somewhat surprised voice sounded in Brett's mind.

"Oh! Fish-man Brett, I know this name, the king's mentor."

The sea king type said, "Of course, of course I will help you as a reward for teaching the king."


Brett sighed in his mind that his identity as Prime Minister of the Sea was still useful, "Then, please take me to that huge ship wandering in this sea area."

It is also very difficult to find a huge ship on a foggy sea.

Fortunately, Brett could still find someone to ask for directions.

"Oh, is it that huge sea ship? I know it, of course, please come with me."

The Neptune type was very powerful. After nodding slightly, he turned around and swam in the other direction.

Brett followed immediately.

The swimming speed of the Neptune species is not very fast, but due to its huge size, the distance it travels every time it twists its body is still considerable.

Not long after swimming, he had already brought Brett to a sea area.

"It's right here."

The Neptuneoid stopped.

"Thank you so much for visiting Fish-Man Island when you have time."

After thanking and briefly saying goodbye, Brett rushed out of the water.

Not far away on the sea, a large ship that remained as stable as a mountain even in the chaotic currents had appeared in Brett's sight.

It's very big, it's really a bit exaggerated, it's like a small island lying across the sea.

This is probably the largest sea ship that Brett has ever seen in his life.

After all, the construction of Gulan-Tezolo, that guy from Tezolo, has not started yet. There should be no larger ship than this one in the world.

This is the ship of that guy from Moria. I don’t know how he brought such a huge ship from the Western Sea to the Grand Route.

Brat could already clearly feel the relatively powerful aura in the middle of the ship.

It must be Moria, he is still laughing.

But he has really fallen a bit over the years, and his aura is only slightly stronger than that guy from Crocodile.

Speaking of Crocodile, that guy has returned to the new world, and he doesn’t know what he is doing now.

But if something big happens in the future, the guy who is unwilling to be lonely will definitely appear.

Brett did not go to Moriah immediately, but continued to search the ship without any hesitation.

He was searching for Laura's breath.

Although in the original work, Lola still hid on the ship after seizing the shadow, but who knows if the Lola in this world is the same?

Even Brett couldn't guarantee whether Laura was actually attacked by Moriah.

But fortunately, he was lucky. He felt Laura's breath in the corner of the ship.

Brett was glad that he remembered Laura's aura when they met in the Giant Kingdom, otherwise it would not be easy to find her now.

Immediately, Brett ran wildly in the direction of Laura, running in the air.

It was deep in a forest on the edge of the island. There was an abandoned building here, and Laura's aura was hidden in this building.

Brett landed lightly in front of the building. He opened his mouth and shouted, "Miss Laura, are you inside? Your brother asked me to pick you up."

After a brief silence, rapid footsteps sounded inside the building, "This sound is——"

Soon, a familiar figure ran out from the deep door.

The moment the stout woman saw Bright, her face showed an uncontrollable expression of excitement, "Mr. Bright! Did Brother Katakuri invite you here? I knew he must be Know something happened to me!"

Brett nodded slightly, "As soon as he realized something was wrong with you, he contacted me and asked me to come and rescue you."

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"Very good!"

Laura wiped her tears, "I thought it was over!"

Behind her was a group of people whom Brett didn't even recognize. They were probably her friends, and they were whispering.

"Who is this person? Is he here to save the captain?"

"The captain said her brother would definitely come to save us. It turns out it's true!"

"Looks so familiar, I always feel like I've seen this person somewhere?"

Laura wiped away her tears and walked up to Brett, "Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Brett, but I may have to trouble you a little more next time."

"What is it?" Brett asked knowingly.

"This ship is the home base of Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King. He took away our shadow. In this case, once the sun shines on it, it will be completely destroyed!"

Laura sniffed, "So, I still need to trouble you -"

"I'm going to help you get your shadow back, right?"

Brett nodded slightly, "It's very simple. Just wait here for a moment. Five minutes is enough."

In the next moment, he had already ejected, heading towards the ancient castle in the center of the island in the distance with a thunderous thunder.

"Just, leave like this?"

Laura’s men were confused.

"Captain," someone said worriedly, "That's Moria from the Shichibukai! Will anything happen?"

"The Shichibukai are nothing worth mentioning in front of this man!"

Laura's face was filled with a bright smile, "As he said himself, for a guy of Moria's level, five minutes is enough!"

The subordinates looked at each other.

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