One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 406 Perona, success

Flying into the sky was a cute-looking girl.

She has long pink hair tied into two twin tails, a crown on her head, and a cute little skirt. The most eye-catching thing is her big, round eyes.


Moria, who was caught by Brett, took the opportunity to activate his ability, and his body had exchanged with the shadow again.

After all, although Bright had the power to crush this guy to death, he really couldn't directly suppress his ability like a sea tower stone.

"Are you alright?"

Moria looked at the girl floating in the sky in surprise.

In the attack just now, half of the castle was blown down, and the lives of his beloved subordinates were completely uncertain, but now it seemed that at least Perona was safe.

"Yeah! Lord Moria! I just happened to avoid the explosion!"

The girl named Perona shouted back, "But those two idiots Hogbark and Absalom can't move now!"

"This guy is the enemy. Let me help you, Lord Moria!"

"Hehehehehe, with your help, the pressure will be much lighter!"

Moria chuckled.

Well, at least one obvious advantage is that he really cares about his companions.

“Negative Ghost!”

Perona flicked her hands, and two translucent ghosts escaped from her hands and flew straight towards Bright.

Her round eyes were full of expectation.

Just let me turn into a negative loser!

Brett still did not escape, allowing this negative ghost to penetrate his body.

"Success! Hohohohoho!

Perona was floating in the air excitedly, her ponytails raised in excitement, "You are a complete idiot!"

Moria's eyes couldn't help but shine with joy.

Perona's ability is extremely powerful. As long as she is touched by the negative ghost, she will become extremely negative and lose all fighting spirit.



Brett slowly breathed a sigh of relief, then he raised his head and showed a bright smile, "It's a pity, it's useless."


! "

Perona's eyes almost flew out of their sockets.

This was the first time she had seen a guy who could ignore his abilities!

what happened? What's going on with this guy?

Brett's lips curled up slightly.

This girl's ability is indeed powerful, but unfortunately it doesn't work on herself.

Of course it's not because I am as negative as Usopp, but because——

"It's domineering!

Moria almost gritted his teeth, "Overly strong domineering energy can shake the ability of the Devil Fruit!

This guy! It is not unexpected that the emperor of the deep sea possesses this level of domineering power!

It had been so long since I had fought against such a guy that I had almost forgotten the role of Haki!

"Okay, let's end this."

Brett said calmly.

More than half of the five minutes had passed, and Brett didn't want to miss the date in front of his friend's sister.

"I'm not afraid of you!

Perona yelled and rushed towards Brett.

The reason why she was so bold was because what was in front of Bright at this time was not her physical body at all, but the product of her soul leaving the body.

Normal attacks are useless against her.

So use unusual attacks.

Brett frowned.

The next moment, dark lightning shot up into the sky, directly scattering the fog that enveloped the large ship.

The ground was shaking even more, and the dilapidated castle began to collapse completely, and the broken rubble was turning in the direction of the tomb.

Invisible energy roared out, and Perona's body shook suddenly as she flew by, then she rolled her eyes and disappeared out of thin air.

"Do you look like a king??"

Moriah's complexion instantly turned extremely pale, and fine sweat had wet his entire face. He trembled and took two steps back.

What a joke! Are you kidding yourself with this level of dominance? Even I feel my body is getting weak!

This guy is stronger than Kaido!


Could Whitebeard be that strong?

Did Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest, have such a terrifying domineering color when he was young?

“Shadow gathering place!

Moria has realized that the man in front of him is a monster even higher than Kaido.

There was no longer any hesitation. With the ability activated, all the shadows on the island broke free from the zombie bodies they were hosting and soared into the sky, flying towards Moria.

Moria opened his mouth wide, and the shadow fell into his mouth again.

There is still a chance. As long as you can convert all the shadows into your own power, you can still fight this guy——

He suddenly heard a voice coming from in front of him.

"Wurai Tsun."

Brett's hands were entangled with invisible waves, domineering energy, electric waves, and water waves.

Then he gently pressed his palm on Moria's stomach.

The invisible ripples spread out and penetrated Moria's body directly in the next moment, making his stomach rise and fall like water.


! "

All Moriah could do was scream, looking up at the sky, his eyes turning white.

His body staggered backwards, then simply sat on the ground, and finally fell on his back.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】


Brett whistled.


Moria had indeed fainted, and had no longer any mental activity.

Then, the shadow in Moria's mouth began to fly up into the sky, and the shadow that was originally hovering in the sky and did not fall, even flew in all directions after a brief stalemate.

One of the laws of Devil Fruit is that after a person with an ability is knocked unconscious, his ability will cease to function.

Although I don’t know why I can sleep but not be comatose, but that’s the setting.

Brett nodded slightly, then jumped into the air and headed towards Laura.

In fact, he admires this guy Moriah, so there is no need to kill him right here. Anyway, he is not a guy who must die. Rather, even Brett is looking forward to his future, just like Kroc. Same as that guy Dahl.

While rushing over there, Brett took out his phone and dialed.

He just happened to land on the ground when the phone bug dialed.

"Mr. Brett!

came back! The shadow is back!

Laura came forward extremely excitedly, jumping up and down on the ground, constantly looking at the slender shadow under his feet.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Bright, I don't even know how to express my gratitude!"

Laura even shed tears of excitement, "Please let me pledge my life to you! Please marry me--"

"Please forgive me for refusing."

Brett got to the point.

"Laura, don't cause any trouble to Brett."

On the other end of the phone in Brett's hand, Katakuri also spoke earnestly.

"Ah! Katakuri-nii!"

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