One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 409 Fire Fist Ace goes to Fish-Man Island

"Our purpose of coming has been made clear,"

The man was wearing a decent black suit, and he had a warm smile on his handsome face. He was the kind of person who would give people a feeling of spring breeze just by looking at him.

"So, what's your decision?"

The man looked solemnly at the group of people in front of him, or at a certain man among the group of people, "Are you going to agree to the government's request to become the new Shichibukai, or not? Please give your answer, Fire Fist. Ace."

This is Area 21 of the Shampoo Islands, Bar Street. There are a large number of pubs here, and it has always been the place where pirates gather the most.

At this time, this island, which had always been quiet, was now completely silent.

Because the two groups of people were on guard against each other at this time.

Standing opposite the man in a black suit, with a hat on his head and his upper body exposed, the man with these freckles on his handsome face scratched his hair in trouble, "From now on, you can no longer be pursued by the navy, okay Being protected by the government, they even have the legal right to rob, so they can rob legally without committing a crime.”

"Shichibukai, that sounds really tempting."

The crowds were all far apart, and they surrounded the two groups of people who were confronting each other, with shock on their faces.

"Yes, did I hear it wrong? Are the government guys inviting that guy Fire Fist Ace?"

"Everyone can't hear it wrong! The government really wants to make Fire Fist Ace the new Shichibukai!"

"But isn't the Shichibukai already full?"

"Idiot, although many people have forgotten it, that guy Doflamingo is also a Shichibukai! The government has never removed him, but last year's great changes in the country of Wano, Doflamingo has of course also merged with Baidu. The Beast Pirates are finished together!"

"I see! If you put it this way, Fire Fist is really amazing! He just went to sea this year! He is still a complete newcomer. The only one who can compare with him is the Empress of the year, right?"

People were talking a lot.

They were all a little excited, feeling like they were about to witness the rise of a new legend of the sea.

The corners of the black suit's mouth couldn't help but turn up even more, "Yes, the Shichibukai will enjoy huge powers that ordinary pirates can't even imagine. So, Fire Fist Ace, what's your answer?"

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"My answer?"

Fire Fist, Portcas D. Ace grinned, "My answer is-"

"Mirror Flame!"

He just waved his right arm casually, and the flames like a tsunami surged towards the government agents ahead one after another.


The people in black suits who were caught off guard were instantly engulfed in flames.

But soon, in the surging flames, the black suit was ejected into the sky. The clothes on his body were in tatters, and his meticulously styled hair was now burned into a ball. He almost gritted his teeth, "Fire Fist" Ace! I thought you had no reason to refuse!"

"Yes, there is no reason, but,"

Ace gently lifted the brim of his hat with his flaming fingers, "There's no need for a reason at all!"

"That's right,"

Behind Ace, a man with blue hair and a mask that only covered his eyes laughed loudly, "Ace is right, what reason do pirates need to refuse the government's request?"

The black suit looked deeply at Ace, "I hope you won't regret your decision at this moment."

He stamped on the air and left quickly.

"Hahaha, Deus, look,"

Ace laughed and looked at the back of the man walking away, "He looks like a dog."

"It doesn't matter whether it looks like a dog or not,"

The blue-haired man, the vice-captain of the Spade Pirates named Deus, smiled and said, "Let's go to Fish-Man Island as soon as possible!"

"Eh? Why are you so anxious?"

Ace blinked, "I haven't even visited the entire Chambord Islands yet!"

"Don't say stupid things!"

Deus rolled his eyes, "Do you know where we are? The Chambord Islands! The navy headquarters is right next to it. I am afraid that this time it has completely angered the government. The navy who came to attack us will probably set off soon! Say no. The generals-to-be will personally go out."

"Just be lucky that the ship has been coated, otherwise there would be no place to run!"

"Hahaha, that's really dangerous!"

Ace put his hand on the hat on his head and said danger, but his smile never stopped, "Then run away quickly!"

He had already taken the lead and ran back.

His companions hurried after him.

"It's safe as long as you go to Fish-Man Island,"

While running, Deus said, "That's the territory of Deep Sea Emperor Brett. Even the government can't extend its tentacles there!"

"My beloved emperor?"

Ace twitched the corner of his mouth, "It is said that he is a very amazing guy!"

"Hey, Ace, what are you thinking about?"

"Haha, I didn't think about anything!"

"Wow! You must be planning something! Let me tell you, don't mess around when you get to Fish-Man Island. In the deep sea, we have nowhere to escape!"

The group of people ran to the coast laughing and joking, where their boat docked.

"Is the ship safe?"

Deus said happily, "I thought the government would take action."

"Anyway, let's board the ship!"

A group of people boarded the ship, and then the bubbles gradually began to expand, engulfing everyone standing on the deck.

"Oh! This is amazing!"

Ace looked around excitedly, this was a new experience he had never had before.

"Hey, Ace!"

Suddenly, Ace heard a voice.

He turned around and followed the sound in surprise.

On a rock by the sea not far away, a white-haired old man was waving towards us. He smiled and said, "You must live your life well!"

"Who is that guy? Ace, do you know him?" Deus narrowed his eyes and asked in confusion.

"I don't know him, I've never seen him before." Ace also looked confused. Why was this old man suddenly calling his name so intimately?

However, they didn't know someone on the boat who was the same.

The man named Skar's eyes suddenly widened, and then he threw himself to the side of the ship and looked forward hard.

The ship was already sinking, and the sea water had gradually overflowed the sides of the ship, even going up to block the view.

"Damn it! Can't you see this?"

Skar said unwillingly, "I even said I would take two photos!"

"Hey, Scar, what's wrong with you?"

Ace was a little surprised, "What is this all of a sudden?"

"Skar's favorite thing is to collect information about pirates. He is a super pirate enthusiast!"

However, Deus's expression became serious, "The person who can make this guy so excited must be an amazing pirate!"

"A great pirate?"

Ace tilted his head, "That old man?"

"That's not an ordinary old man, Ace!


Skaar exclaimed, "His name is——"

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