Chapter 418 In the Dark

Ace is a very loveless child, Brett is sure of this.

Although they were both orphans, Bright's own experience was even more miserable. After all, Ace had Lieutenant General Garp to adopt him, and he also met life-and-death brothers like Sabo and Luffy.

Even Dadan, who was his adoptive mother, was also a woman with a hard mouth and a soft heart who cared for him immensely.

But he still lacks care.

I don’t know what the hero Garp thought, but he told this boy his life experience when he was very young.

Therefore, Ace, who grew up listening to people's curses on One Piece, was naturally burdened with huge sins.

Although he kept saying that he would target the Pirate King, in fact, Ace had been wondering, should he, the child of the Pirate King, really survive in this world?

Should the sinful bloodline really continue?

The young man who looks like he is laughing and joking, actually has a very delicate mind.

"It sounds like you hate Roger very much?" Brett felt that he needed to play a guest role as a spiritual mentor to save the lost boy who had made a mistake.

"Who cares what that guy is like!"

Ace said disdainfully, "What would you think of a guy you've never met?"

"That's it."

Brett nodded, "Then let me tell you what I think of Roger."

"Roger kicked off the great pirate era. To be honest, this brought huge disaster to Fish-Man Island. Countless pirates poured into the island. That period of history was the history of blood and tears for our entire Fish-Man Island. I I think I should be the most qualified to condemn that man."

That was a history that no one on Fish-Man Island wanted to recall.

It can be heard that Ace's mood is a bit complicated. I believe that countless people have repeated similar words in front of him countless times.

Bright added, "From this perspective, he is indeed a big sinner."

"But," he paused, "you can't just look at one side of everything."

"The Age of Great Pirates has brought serious disasters to the world, but from another perspective, it has also greatly shaken the rule of the World Government. Secrets that have been hidden for eight hundred years will gradually be revealed."

Without Roger to kick off the era of great pirates, who knows how long it would take before anyone could collect the four stones and reach the final island.

Who knows how long it will take for someone to find the ancient weapons and start a war with the government.

From this aspect, The Age of Pirates is also of great significance.

"He is an amazing man." Brett said seriously.

Call him evil or great, at least he is indeed great.

Ace was just a little confused.

He is just a pirate, and does not fully understand the relationship between the world government and the sea, and is not interested in the blank history.

"In short, there is no need to rush to reject it, let's try to understand it first."

Brett smiled and said, "There are still many people in this world who know Roger very well. You can try to get to know him."

Ace was silent.

"Okay, okay, there's nothing more to say next. Go back and have a good rest. By the way, keep today's conversation confidential."

Brett waved his hand, indicating that Ace could get out, "While your injuries are still recovering, take a nice walk around Fish-Man Island, and let Leo Zang find someone to be your guide."

"Come to me again after you recover from your injury, and I will teach you how to master the use of Haki."

Ace, this kid, relies too much on his abilities.

Ace walked out of Bright's office in a daze.

He still didn't come back to his senses until he followed Bao Zang back to the room where he was resting.

On the way, he subconsciously turned his head and looked out the window. The Fish-Man Island outside the window was a bustling scene.

The man who created this prosperous area with his own hands advised him to get to know that bastard better...

Want to try this?

Ace fell silent.

"Come on, kid, I'll take you to meet the friends you miss so much."

Bao Zang, who was leading the way, said this.

As soon as he heard about his friends, the melancholy in Ace's heart immediately disappeared, and his mood immediately became high.


Soon Ace saw his dearest friends, and a group of people with bandages all over their bodies hugged each other instantly.

"Ace! I wish you were safe too!"

"So what's going on now? Why did that guy Brett let us go?"

"That's right. Although I felt like I was going to die at the time, when I woke up now I found that my body was completely fine?"


Ace, who was surrounded by his friends, scratched his head through the bandage, "Anyway, that guy Brett has no ill intentions towards us."

He didn't hesitate much and didn't say much about the conversation with Bright. He just said, "He just wanted us to know the cruelty of the new world in advance."

"He also said that after we recover from our injuries, he will teach us how to use Haki."


Deus, who was also wrapped in thick bandages, said blankly, "Why is this?"

Don't understand.

Why does the emperor of the deep sea treat them so well?

They even have to teach them how to use Haki.


Ace just smiled dryly but said nothing.

Deus glanced at him and knew that the captain probably had something he couldn't reveal, so he didn't continue to ask. He said with a smile, "Anyway, we are really on the same page this time, right?"

"That's the emperor of the deep sea!" Skar was also extremely excited.

Ace sighed, "Anyway, let's take good care of our injuries first."

This encounter happened because of the kindness of that bastard father.

The man who is called the emperor even has to personally teach himself and others.

Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Ace was a little confused.

But soon he stopped thinking about these boring things. Leopard Zang found a guide for them to take them sightseeing around the Fishman Island.

The beautiful scenery of this island completely attracted their attention. Who would think about those troublesome things?

However, they were so excited about traveling that they didn't notice that occasionally there would be a tail following behind them.

Somewhere in the deep sea outside Fishman Island, someone was talking on the phone.

"Confirmed, it is indeed the Spade Pirates. Fire Fist Ace is already related to Bright to some extent."

"The location of Tom the Fishman has not yet been discovered, but it is probably deep in the Forest of the Sea, where a large project seems to be underway. As for the Explosive Rock, there are no clues."

"But when we were searching in the deep sea, we found something interesting."

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