One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 485 Caesar’s Request

Chapter 485 Caesar’s Request

When Bright visited Vegapunk's laboratory, Mary Joa and the other five stars were frowning.

"Although we have indeed recruited a lot of troops, they are only limited to grassroots marines,"

The blond Wulaoxing sighed and said helplessly, "Sure enough, it is already very difficult to recruit a powerful navy through conscription."

The five old stars shook their heads together, and they also understood that there were certainly not so many powerful loners in the sea waiting for them to recruit.

I just wanted to try it again.

After all, in this situation, if they do nothing, how can they relieve the anxiety in their hearts?

"The NEO Navy's recruitment is in full swing."

The bald Five Old Star gritted his teeth, "After the two rip-off bastards Sakaski and Kuzan joined the NEO Navy, Zefa, the **** bastard, became even more popular!"

"A bunch of more countries and regions have joined his command! The previous losses were made up almost instantly!"

The five old stars were helpless.

There was almost no progress on their side, but the enemy was making great progress.

Is there anything more helpless than this in the world?


There was a sudden knock on the door.

The bearded Wulaoxing shouted, "Come in!"

The door was pushed open, and a CP0 walked in holding a phone. He first saluted respectfully towards the Five Old Stars, and then said, "Your Excellency, the Five Old Stars, Dr. Caesar's image contact."


The blond five-old star's face lit up, "Is there finally good news? Has that guy finally made some progress?"

The other Five Old Stars were also delighted.

Sure enough, now we can only count on Caesar.

CP0 sent the phone bug over and then respectfully withdrew.

The five old stars connected the phone, and the phone bug's eyes immediately projected an image, forming a screen on one side of the white wall.

"Oh! Is it Wulaoxing?"

A large number of people came in front of the camera and laughed strangely in a low voice, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, I'm Caesar."

"Of course we knew it was you, Caesar,"

The sword-holding Wulao Xing said impatiently, "We are not here to hear your self-introduction. Since you have contacted us, you have already achieved results, right?"

"of course!"

Caesar puffed up his chest proudly, "I contacted you just to show you my most proud work!"

He seemed to have picked up the phone, and the camera moved very fast. The five old stars even felt a little dizzy because they were staring at the screen.

Soon the lens was fixed again.

Across from the phone is a large room, with the camera focused on a monster.

A monster indeed.

It's like a giant octopus sitting on the ground. It's five or six meters tall. It looks smooth all over. It has no arms and is replaced by tentacles. Even its legs have become tentacles and its head is bare. , only a pair of dull eyes dotted the face.

The first impression of Wulaoxing is that it is disgusting.

"Hey, Caesar, what is this?"

The bearded Wulaoxing suppressed his discomfort and asked, "Is this your product? It's completely different from what we asked for."

"Just becoming a fishman is not enough! My research has stimulated the power of blood hidden in the body of the fishmen!"

Caesar walked up to the monster. Although the Five Elders couldn't see his face, they could still hear him loudly and impassionedly preaching, "Look at this posture. Can anyone think that he was once a human being?"

What the hell is this bastard doing?

The bald Five Old Star frowned, "Caesar, what we want are warriors who can fight in the deep sea."

"He is a warrior!"

Caesar smiled proudly, "After awakening the ancient power, his power has been greatly strengthened!"

"Hey, Dauberman, show your power to the Five Old Stars." Caesar raised his foot and kicked the monster, and then the camera switched to focus on a huge iron ingot on the other side of the room.


The blond Wu Laoxing suddenly exclaimed, "You said, this guy is Dauberman?"


Caesar just chuckled.

Then the monster began to move.

The monster that was originally lying on the ground as softly as a puddle of mud suddenly ejected, and one of his tentacles ejected, entwined with dark domineering energy, and stabbed towards the iron ingot from all angles like lightning. Come.


Just like piercing through foam, the tentacles directly pierced the iron ingot and formed it into a honeycomb.


The sword-wielding Wulao Xing narrowed his eyes, "Has your power increased?"

"That's right!"

The camera switched again and focused on Caesar's big face. He said proudly, "I activated the fish part of the fish-man bloodline! Coupled with the technology of blending artificial devil fruits, to a certain extent, this guy is already He’s an esper! So of course he’s been strengthened!”

"And because of the power inherent in his bloodline, he is even a person with abilities that is not bound by the sea!"

"Sounds really good!"

The bearded Five Old Stars were thoughtful.

It's a bit ugly, but it's useful, right?

If we use this kind of technology to organize an army, will it be equivalent to an army of extraordinary ability users? Moreover, there is an army of ability users that can fight in the deep sea!

"Well done! Caesar!"

The bald five-star star has already begun to praise it. This is really the best news in recent times, "So, can it be mass-produced?"


Caesar was suddenly silent for a moment.

The five old stars were a little surprised, "What's wrong?"

"In fact, there is still a little problem with the research."

Caesar pinched the thumb and index finger of his right hand gently, indicating that it was really just a small problem and that he didn't need to worry about it at all. "As you can see, Dauberman's intelligence seems to have some problems. When the fish bloodline is stimulated, the animal nature seems to be lost even in the brain. Eroded away.”

"What do you mean?" The blond Wulaoxing frowned.

"Now this guy will only act according to my instructions, and they must be the most direct instructions. He can't fight normally at all."

Caesar said awkwardly.

He can't personally direct every move and every move.

The five old stars fell into silence.

"Then, Caesar, can it be improved?" the bearded Five Old Star said calmly.


Caesar immediately puffed up his chest, "In fact, this is the reason why I'm contacting you now! I've been looking for Dauberman for a long time but couldn't find the reason, so I thought it would be great if there was a test subject that could be used as a control."

The knife-wielding Wulaoxing frowned and said, "Where are the so many test subjects sent to participate in your experiment?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, of course they have all dedicated themselves to science!" Caesar's body floated back and forth in the air, and the camera shook.

"You bastard!"

The bearded Five Old Star couldn't help but cursed angrily.

That's hundreds of fishmen navy!

Can't this bastard save a little?

Where are there more test subjects now——

Wait, it seems there is.

The bearded Five Stars looked directly into Caesar's eyes on the screen, "I'll give you another test subject. Are you sure you can complete the experiment?"


Caesar patted his chest, "Only the final kick is left!"

The bearded Wulaoxing paused for a moment, then finally nodded, "Okay, we'll give it to you."

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