One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 487 Named Dauberman

Chapter 487 Named Dauberman

Naval Science Corps.

A guy with a rough human shape, but from the appearance point of view is a complete monster, like a standing octopus, lying quietly on the cold operating table.

There are many lines connected to his head, and these are connected to the research equipment nearby.

"What exactly happened?"

Caesar, wearing a white coat, stood in front of the device, staring at the numbers on the screen with a puzzled look on his face, "There should be nothing wrong with it, why is this guy so brainless?"

We should have collected enough data through continuous experiments, so why are there still missing parts?

It's a headache.

"Peach Rabbit is already on the boat coming here."

Behind him, a figure shrouded in a white robe slowly approached, "She will arrive in a day at most."

"Very good!!"

Caesar immediately started dancing, "There will definitely be no problem now! I will soon create a technology that surpasses that guy from Vegapunk!"

"It better be this way."

The white figure said calmly, "Masters Wulaoxing don't want to get the result of failure."

"How could this genius fail!"

Caesar's lower body turned into gas, and his whole body floated into the sky, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! There will only be one result: success!"

"But you have to protect me!" Caesar looked down at the white figure condescendingly. "That Peach Rabbit is different from the other trash. If she starts to riot, I will be in danger!"

"Don't worry,"

The white figure was very calm, even though the opponent he might face next was the alternate admiral of the Navy Headquarters, "Wulao Xing sent me here just for this matter."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! That's no problem!!"

Caesar's excitement filled the room, "Vegapunk! Just wait, I'm going to surpass you soon!"

What no one noticed was that the monster lying on the operating table seemed to regain energy for a moment in his originally dull eyes.

But it returned to its original state in the blink of an eye, it seemed like it was just an illusion.

On the deck of a ship in Gion, this is an ordinary merchant ship on the outside, but in fact the sailors on the ship are all the most elite naval soldiers.

The reason for being so vigilant is mostly due to Bright's previous raid on the Naval Science Force Base in Punk Hassad.

Hide it, you must hide it well, and you must not let something like that happen again.

Gion gently lifted his somewhat disheveled hair and looked at the island in the distance that was gradually approaching.

"The new chief scientist is called," Gion recalled carefully, "Caesar?"

She was not very familiar with the Naval Science Corps, but she had heard her senior Kizaru occasionally talk about things there before.

The most deserving scientist is of course Vegapunk, and then there is the man named Caesar.

Polusalino-senpai said that Caesar was different from Vegapunk. He was a cold and arrogant scientist who would do anything for his own research.

"I don't know what he has researched."

Gion was a little emotional.

Why was Dr. Vegapunk kidnapped by that guy Bright?

If he were still here, the government would probably not be as stretched as it is now.

The ship arrived at the island and stopped at a cliff.

Then the mountain wall opened, revealing a passage, and the ship drove in.

Inside is a small port with bright lights everywhere.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Welcome, Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit!"

Before Taotu could get off the boat, a guy flew over lightly from the shore, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

This guy was like a puff of smoke circling around Peach Rabbit.

Peach Rabbit endured the discomfort and said, "You are Dr. Caesar, right? Let's stop talking nonsense. Is there anything you need my help with?"

"Hey! You don't have to do anything. You just need to cooperate with my experiment!"

Caesar floated lightly in the air, he chuckled, "I will let you evolve! Get more power than what Vegapunk gave you!"

Has this guy really made something more powerful than Dr. Vegapunk?

Taotu was a little suspicious and looked like a fool.

But there is nothing we can do now. This is an order from above, so we can only cooperate.

"I see."

Taotu nodded, "When will the experiment start?"

"Of course right away!!"

Peach Rabbit got off the boat and walked into the base with the light Caesar.

Although it was rebuilt in a hurry, the base is quite large. While walking along the corridor, Peach Rabbit asked, "Dr. Caesar, are Dauberman and the others here too?"

Caesar turned back with a smile, "Of course, they have completed evolution one step ahead of you and are adapting to their own power."

Taotu nodded, "What does the so-called evolution mean?"

"It's about discovering the true power hidden in the fish-men's bloodline!"

Caesar immediately shouted enthusiastically, "You can be understood as an animal-type ability user who is not restricted by the sea and sea tower stones!"

It sounds very powerful.

Taotu murmured in his heart.

"After you, the first batch of lucky ones, have been upgraded, we will start preparing for mass production." Caesar smiled strangely, "By then, the deep sea will not be exclusive to Fish-Man Island!"

Peach Rabbit nodded.

It would not be bad if they could compete with Fish-Man Island for the supremacy of the deep sea.

At the same time, in another room not far away from them, Lieutenant General Dauberman, who had turned into a monster, was squatting quietly in the corner of the room.

This room is far from solid. Although the door is an iron door, it is still considered thin. The people guarding the door are just two ordinary sailors.

The guards can only be described as loose.

This is normal. After all, who would send heavy troops to guard a guy who has no will of his own and can only act on the orders of others?


The soulless eyes of the monster huddled in the corner gradually regained their vitality.

"This aura——Gion?"

He murmured softly, and then he stood up, "The opportunity has finally come."

Tentacles all over his body shot out like lightning, and the thick wall was smashed to pieces in an instant.

Then, the lightning that this man turned into shot out.

The long-term forbearance has finally reached its breaking point!

Let me reveal the darkness hidden in this naval base! !

He turned into the wind and galloped all the way.

The siren suddenly sounded throughout the entire base.

Dauberman sped along.

Then he stopped, and a white shadow stopped in front of him.

"Did you go berserk?"

The man was muttering.


Dauberman let out a weird roar from his mouth, and then rushed forward.

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