Chapter 496 Strategy

Brett felt a little funny.

Even now, Miss Gion still doesn't believe him.

This made her willing to reveal her whereabouts in front of her, but this was all in the hope of contacting Mr. Zefa through herself.

In this woman's mind, although her image has improved a little, she is still regarded as an enemy of the navy.


Although now she herself is also an enemy of the navy.

"To this day, the government has become my enemy, but Teacher Zefa, I can't judge whether your actions are correct or not."

Miss Gion's tone was a little confused, but more of it was firm, "All I can do is try to make the navy recognize the true face of the government!"

"At that time, let Mr. Warring States, Sister He and the others make the decision."

A smile appeared on the woman's face, "You guys should be happy to see this matter come to fruition, right?"

Of course I'm happy to see it work.

If the navy can really be separated from the world government, it will of course be a great thing for Bright.

Even if the Navy is not on their side, as long as they are also enemies of the World Government, that is enough.

How can one object to the fact that the World Government has too many enemies, right?

"If you can really do it, then of course I will applaud you."

Mr. Zefa on the other end of the phone sighed, "That's it for now."

Bright knew that Mr. Zefa was very confused.

On the one hand, Gion's previous actions killed tens of thousands of NEO navy soldiers.

On the other hand, she was his beloved disciple, and could be of great help to their cause if her actions were truly successful.

It's very confusing.

At this time, it was the turn of the caring little helper Bright to take action. He leaned over and said, "In this case, let Miss Gion stay on Fish-Man Island for the time being."


Mr. Zefa was stunned for a moment.

"Although it is said that the navy should be separated from the government, there is probably no chance now, right?"

Bright looked at Gion, "The entire navy already regards you as a traitor."

A complex expression appeared on the face of the beautiful fish-woman.

"The reason why I want to contact Mr. Zefa is probably to get help."

Bright said, "Mr. Zefa may have some inconvenience, so please leave it to me for such a long time."

"I will create opportunities for you, and I will provide you with help until your goals are achieved."

Gion was silent.

It is indeed her goal to get Teacher Zefa's help.

Revealing the truth of the matter cannot be done with empty words.

The government's authority in the navy cannot be reversed by her in a few words. What's more, with the government's ability, the navy may already have a lot of evidence of her rebellion.

She needs help.

However, what she needs is Teacher Zefa's help, not that of Brett.

"This is good!"

Mr. Zefa said happily, "Gion, if you have Bright's help, your chances of winning will be much higher!"

"But Mr. Zefa——" Gion also wanted to elaborate on his disbelief in Bright.

"At least, Miss Gion, you can at least believe in one thing,"

Bright smiled and said, "You should at least believe in my will to overthrow the world government. I will never mess with anything that can weaken the government's combat power."


Miss Gion pursed her lips and fell into thought.

After a long time, she finally sighed, "If that's the case, then so be it."

There is no other choice now.

"so be it."

Mr. Zefa said, "Bright, I'll leave you to worry about it next."

"During the waiting time, the Communist Party will continue to weaken the world government,"

Brett smiled and said, "Isn't this good? Anyway, leave it to me."

Of course it would be best if the navy could betray the government. Even if it fails in the end, it doesn't matter, it won't be a loss anyway.

So the call ended.

Brett put away the phone and looked at the woman beside him, "So, Miss Gion, what are you going to do?"

Miss Gion took a deep breath, and then.

"I don't know either."

She smiled bitterly and shook her head, "Even Sister He doesn't believe me anymore, and I don't know how to start."

Brett thought about it. If this woman had her way, she wouldn't ask them for help. She would probably have already started taking action on her own.

"In that case, let's brainstorm."

Brett said so.

Later, in the office of the director of the Fishman Island Entry-Exit Bureau.

Gion, Bright, and Bright's two good brothers gathered together.

"Tsk, things are so unpredictable."

Tezzolo arrogantly sat on the sofa with his legs crossed, his eyes looking up and down at Miss Gion who was sitting opposite, "The original enemy has now become an ally."

Gion ignored him.

"Okay, now is not the time to argue,"

Brother Jinbei, who was still mature and steady, stood up and said, "The situation is not good, isn't it? If, as Miss Gion said, Caesar's experiment is successful, doesn't it mean that the government will soon form a more powerful force?" Deep navy?"

"Although the Navy will understand who the liar is by then, it will be meaningless by then."

Bright shook his head, "There are two things we have to do now. One is to stop the government's plan, and the other is to expose the government's criminal behavior and help Miss Gion get the navy out of the government."

"Two things are actually the same thing."

Tezzolo said, "As long as we can stop the government's plan to mass-produce monsters, we will probably have all the evidence to prove it to the navy."

"But the problem is that we don't know where the experimental base is,"

Gion shook his head, "It's impossible to run to Mariegio to find evidence."

“We have to ask people within the government to help.”

Brett rubbed his chin, "We can't do it, but the people inside may be able to do it."

"I'm afraid there is no such person anymore."

Gion sighed, "Even Sister He, who trusts me the most, doesn't believe me. Where else can I go to find help?"

"Lieutenant General Crane?"

Brett smiled softly, "She may not be the person who trusts you the most. Even I know the story between Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin, the two generals' back-up."

"You mean, Jiajia?"

Miss Gion was stunned for a moment, then she shook her head repeatedly, "It's impossible, that guy is just a fool."

“How do you know it’s impossible if you don’t try it?”

Brett grinned, "I remember that he really, really, really likes you, Miss Gion."

Brett used several of them in one go.

The purpose is to emphasize that the tea dolphin is a peach rabbit licking a dog.

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