One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 501 Before the meeting

"The scale of this world conference seems a bit exaggerated."

On Fishman Island, Brett had two phone bugs in front of him. He was talking to his friends. Brett said leisurely, "The government seems to have sent out invitations to all the joining countries."

"In 800 years, this seems to have never happened before."

Although the government has not announced this matter to the world, Brett's intelligence ability can easily detect that the government has sent invitation fleets to all the participating countries.

"It seems that the government has also begun preparations for the final decisive battle,"

Mr. Zefa's calm voice came from the mouth of one of the phone bugs, "Maybe he wants to gather the power of the whole world to start this final battle with us."

"It's not something that's completely incomprehensible,"

The voice from the other phone was Dorag's. He looked quite smiling, "Even if it uses coercion, the government will want to expand its troops to the maximum before our decisive battle." .”

"It doesn't matter,"

Brett said indifferently, "No matter how large the number of ordinary troops is, they cannot play a decisive role in the direction of the war."

"indeed so."

Mr. Zefa sighed with deep understanding, "In front of such weapons, quantity is simply meaningless."

Zefa's last confrontation with the government's ultimate weapon will be unforgettable in his life.

In front of that kind of devastating weapon, the number of people is just a joke.

So what if there are tens of millions of troops? How many shots can that floating fortress be able to withstand?

But it only increases casualties.

Although this floating fortress is not on their side, there are also ancient weapons here, which were the ones that fought against the flying ship eight hundred years ago.

What ultimately determines who wins and who loses is the confrontation between these ultimate weapons.

"But even so, there is no need for the world government to drag more people into this war."

Dorag said, "Our strategy is to fight quickly and completely disintegrate the Tianlong ruling group in the shortest possible time. There is no need to start a fierce battle with them around the world."

"Oh? Dorag, do you have any ideas?"

Mr. Zefa asked with a smile.

"This would be a great opportunity,"

Dorag said this, "When the kings of each country leave the land they rule, it will be time to activate the back-up men ambushed by our revolutionary army."


Brett raised his eyebrows, and then said with interest, "This is a very good idea!"

"If war is officially declared, then it is time to expose that dusty history."

"In this case, it is indeed the best time."

Mr. Zefa also agreed, "The people who are shocked by the truth are the most suitable time to lead them to rise up."

"This is exactly what we envisioned!"

Dorag smiled and said, "Since the world government wants to mobilize the power of the entire world, let us compete with them to see who can get more support!"

Dorag's heroic words made both Brett and Zefa laugh.

At this point, there should no longer be any fear. No matter what kind of enemy, you just need to face it boldly.

"I guess the government is going to declare war on us at the World Conference, in that case,"

Brett smiled and said, "I want to join in the fun too!"

"Britt, are you serious?"

Mr. Zefa said in shock, "You want to go directly to the enemy's base camp? Isn't it too dangerous? It's like you are looking for death?"

"Well, it's a critical moment anyway, so I have to respond in person."

Brett smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about safety. I'll ask someone to go with me."

"Besides, the navy puts all the pressure on the tea dolphin, which makes me a little worried."

As long as Caesar and his scientific force base are really near Mary Joa, then he can easily find them as long as he gets there.

"That's it."

Mr. Zefa sighed softly, "But it is indeed very risky."

"Let Brett do it, Mr. Zefa."

But Dolag laughed and said, "I have never heard of Brett failing, and I never dare to imagine what it would be like for him to fail."

"makes sense."

Mr. Zefa laughed loudly, "If it's Brett, then there will be no problem!"

Brett led them to survive the pursuit of that thing!

"Thank you for your trust!"

Brett laughed, "But I'm not omnipotent, but don't let your enemies take it lightly because of this, right?"

"How can it be!"

The World Conference is always next.

While waiting, more than a hundred kings from all over the world, escorted by the navy, began to gather towards Marie Joa.

"Father, why don't you let me go to Mariegioa with you this time?"

In Alabasta, Princess Vivi, who has grown into a charming young girl, questioned her father doubtfully.

"The situation in the world is in violent turmoil."

King Kobra, who is much older than he was four years ago, is worried, "NEo Navy, Revolutionary Army, war may be about to break out."

"This world conference may be a turning point in the entire world situation!"


The young King who was no longer here looked at his daughter solemnly, "So you have to stay in Alabasta. Even if something happens during the World Conference, you have to continue to lead this country!"


The little princess's eyes widened.

De Rosrosa, a large ship has also sailed out of the harbor under the escort of naval warships.

"World Conference..."

King Riku stood on the bow of the ship and said with some emotion, "That was actually four years ago."

It has been so long since Brett and Neptune, but I still remember that brief but touching friendship very clearly.

"Violet, remember to follow me honestly when you get to Mariejoia,"

He turned back to his daughter, who was attending the World Conference with him for the first time, and warned, "That place is never safe!"

"Don't worry, father!"

Wearing a dress, the charming beauty smiled and replied, "I know!"

King Riku nodded, turned back, and looked at the sea again.

I don’t know what will happen at this world conference.

There is always an ominous premonition.

In short, the World Conference is just around the corner.

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