One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 510: Reappearance of shelling

Of course, Yin Mu's speech can only be described as earth-shattering.

Even after the truth about Caesar's experiments was revealed, a huge rift had opened between the Navy and the government that was hard to mend.

But when Yin Mu announced that he would completely separate himself from the navy and treat the righteous navy as his enemy, the top brass of the navy remained silent.

"Ah, so you won't have a job next?"

Kizaru sighed helplessly, "We haven't reached the age of retirement yet, how should we solve the problem of pension for the elderly?"

"Isn't it time to think about this matter now?"

Fujitora, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, had a wry smile on his lips, "Isn't it more troublesome that we are also on the list to be purged?"

"very scary,"

Green Bull also looked like he was sighing, "Does this mean that the government has become our enemy now? This is really not good news."

Because if you think about it, this guy called Yinmu actually has the courage to start a war with Brett without using the navy, which means that he must have subversive power in his hands.

No matter how you look at it, it is not a good idea to be an enemy of such a guy.

"No need to worry,"

Brett said with a smile at this time, "Since the navy has become the enemy of the government, then of course we are your friends. The enemy of the enemy is a friend. Isn't that what everyone says?"

"Oh! The strongest man in the world has become our companion! That's really reliable!"

Green Bull suddenly became energetic and started clapping loudly.

"This seems good."

Kizaru also nodded slowly, "Teacher Zefa's neo navy and Dorag's revolutionary army are doing well, aren't they? Fishman Island is even more wealthy than any other country, so you don't have to worry about wages, right?"


Green Bull laughed and said.

What happened in this short moment really made the kings gathered here too overwhelmed.

The navy is really going to betray the world government, or should I say, be abandoned by the government!

Now they even want to side with the enemy!

Isn't this the worst news?

The five old stars can actually remain indifferent. What on earth do these guys think?

"Things have actually come to this."

Lieutenant General Garp looked at the five old stars who were still kneeling behind Yin Mu. Seeing that they had no intention to refute, he could only sigh, "How could anyone imagine this before?"

"Give up, Cap."

The bearded Wulaoxing turned his head, his voice was very dull, "When this master decides to take action, no one in the world can stop him."

"Just treat it as if you are facing an irreversible fate. I can't blame you. You are just a small sailboard affected by the storm."

How arrogant.

Brett's lips curled up slightly. Is this the confidence he has accumulated from ruling the world in these eight hundred years?

"Mr. Karp, what's your decision?"

Miss Gion looked at Hero Garp and asked with a solemn face, "Mr. Sengoku and Sister He are not here. Only you can make a decision now!"

Although the three generals are here at this time, it is obvious that with Vice Admiral Garp's status in the navy, he is the most suitable person to make the decision.

"Is there any other choice now?"

Hero Garp sighed, "We can only go to the dark side in one way!"

The navy has been regarded as an enemy by the government, and as an existence that must be eliminated. Is it possible that they can still choose to compromise and wait for the government's purge?

"That's it."

Fujitora stood up slowly, and placed his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist again, "It seems that now there is another reason to fight."

What can be said now?

Then just go ahead and do it.

"Yes, there is a reason why we have to fight!"

Lieutenant General Tea Pig said in a low voice, "Since the world government can no longer represent justice, let us pursue true justice!"

"That's how it should be!"

Miss Gion nodded solemnly.

Her original goal has been achieved now.

From now on, the Navy will finally break away from the World Government and truly embark on the path of justice!

"But the premise is,"

Brett opened his mouth, revealing two rows of white teeth. His teeth were as sharp as jagged teeth, and his expression at this time revealed an unspeakable ferocity.

His eyes were fixed on the black figure standing quietly here. The smile on his face did not diminish, but his tone was slightly solemn, "We can all leave here smoothly today."

At least for now, it seems that Lord Yin Mu definitely doesn't want to let the tiger return to the mountain and let them escape from Mariejoia.

"That was never an option."

Yin Mu's voice was as calm as ever, as if he would never have any emotional ups and downs, "Let's start cleaning up the world from here."

At this moment everyone's bodies tensed up.

The kings gathered here were at a loss because of the drastic change in the situation.

As for Brett and the navy, of course they have tightened their nerves and are ready for the next battle.

"There is no point in being vigilant, if you want to say why,"

Yin Mu's voice sounded leisurely, "Because you have been within range from the beginning."

Brett looked up.

He could feel that above, above the base he moved to, there was a huge thing slowly descending.

So it turns out that thing is just floating in the sky carelessly?

"what is that?"

General Fujitora, who had the most outstanding appearance besides Bright, also frowned at this time, "There is a terrible sound falling from the sky!"

This man's appearance is somewhat similar to Brett's, and he can also hear sounds.

But what is far inferior to Brett, who can hear the sounds of almost all things, is that the sounds Fujitora hears are sounds in the real physical sense.

He could hear the faint sound of thunder in the distant sky, and he could also hear the sound of meteors streaking across the deep sky in the starry sky.

Well, if nothing unexpected happens, the universe of this world should be filled with air, at least in the earth-moon system.

Otherwise, why would Enel fly up in a ship with leaks everywhere and only land on the moon?

Going a step further, a huge crisis has come, and the floating battleship that almost pushed Brett and others to the end of their rope last time appears again.

"Is it possible that you want to include everyone?"

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Don't underestimate it. In addition to large-scale bombardment, it is also very good at small-scale attacks."

The moment Yin Mu's voice sounded, a slender beam of light descended from the sky, easily penetrated the scientific base above, and then fell down along the hole made by Bright.


Brett turned sideways just right.

The hot beam of light fell from his side, leaving a smaller hole on the floor before disappearing.

"Be careful,"

Brett swallowed, "The power of this shelling is extraordinary!"

Although the scale is much smaller than the previous bombardment, the penetration is really no joke.

Brett could hear that the beam of light penetrated directly into the depths of the Red Earth Continent without any hindrance. If it fell on a person, it would not be something a mortal body could resist.

"Do you still have time to worry about other people?"

Yin Mu's voice was full of laughter.

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