One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 546 Pluto, attack!

Sea Forest, which usually seemed a bit quiet, became extremely lively today.

Millions of residents of Fish-Man Island are constantly pouring in, and even this coral jungle that spreads to the depths of the sea has become a little crowded.

Fortunately, the troops from Fishman Island and the soldiers from the Entry-Exit Administration Bureau were maintaining order.

They cut down a large area of ​​coral in the sea forest and artificially created roads that went straight into the depths. Through these roads, the fleeing fish-man islanders were divided into queues.

At the end of the road is the depth of the Forest of the Sea, where the promised ark Noah docked.

Eight hundred years ago, Qiao Yin Boyin made an agreement with the then Mermaid Princess that after the war was won, he would use this ship to lead the fishmen and mermaids to the sea.

Let the fish and mermaids who have always been imprisoned in the deep sea embrace the sunshine above the sea.

But it is a pity that this agreement was not implemented.

Qiao Yin Boyin lost that crucial battle and never had the chance to fulfill his promise.

However, the ship stayed here and was placed in the Forest of the Sea, never to be used again.

Until now.

Fish-Man Island has reached its most dangerous moment, and this big ship that symbolizes hope has finally come into use.

The boat of hope left by Qiao Yin Boyin is really the hope of Fishman Island this time.

Noah's size is astonishing. Placed in the forest of the sea, it looks like an undersea mountain range.

As a promised ship used to transport all the residents of the entire Fish-Man Island to the sea, this ship is half the size of the Fish-Man Island.

Even if there are as many as five million residents of Fish-Man Island, it can easily accommodate them.

The residents dragging their families and luggage climbed up along the lowered ship plank and entered Noah's cabin.

This ship has not been used for eight hundred years, and a lot of dust has inevitably accumulated in the cabin.

But I can't care about that now. Of course, saving my life is more important, right?

Above the forest of the sea, he looked down calmly at the compatriots below who were pouring into Noah like flowing water.

Hai Xia's face turned a little gloomy, and then he sighed deeply.

Sooner or later, Fish-Man Island will be moved to the surface of the sea, as long as this war can be won.

But there are two different feelings: moving based on one's own subjective will and being forced to abandon one's hometown.

Jinbe felt angry and humiliated.

He stopped looking at his compatriots below and began to swim upstream.

Further up, Bright was still fighting side by side with the Neptunes to resist the falling rocks.

"Brother Jinbei?"

Brett noticed Jinbe's arrival.

"Everything is going according to plan, and the compatriots are migrating to Noah."

Jinbei's tone was very serious, "It will probably take more than an hour."

This is not a small scale event with thousands or tens of thousands of people.

This time is the great migration of millions of people across the entire Fish-Man Island.

needs time.

"no problem."

Brett, who transformed into a mighty dragon warrior, raised his lips and said, "Let us fight for the time. Brother Jinbei, I can only leave it to you to maintain order."

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

Again, there are too many people, and big trouble will occur if you are not careful.

"give it to me."

Jinbei looked up and saw that rocks were still falling from above, "I can't help you much in this regard, but you don't have to worry about other aspects!"


Brett smiled and nodded.

Brother Jinbei never lets him down.

Jinbei returned below and continued to command the troops to maintain order.

There are fewer and fewer falling rocks above.

No matter how many there are, there is a limit after all, not to mention that most of the rocks were directly blown up by Yin Mu.

But even so, a high plain has accumulated around Fishman Island.

Fish-Man Island has completely become a big pit in the ground.

If it weren't for the Sea Kings who were still desperately trying to prevent the surrounding rocks from rolling down, I'm afraid the Fish-Man Island would have been buried under the plateau.

However, the initial crisis has passed and things are now calming down.

If this continues, it will not be difficult to support until all the compatriots board Noah, and then let the Neptunes take them away.

Brett thought so in his mind.

However, probably because good things come in pairs, misfortunes never come alone. The deep sea that had just calmed down became turbulent again in the blink of an eye.

There must be a violent explosion happening above the sea.

It was so violent that even in this deep sea, powerful vortices were forming in an instant, and even the piled boulders began to tremble.

The huge bubble covering Fish-Man Island began to shake violently, as if it would collapse at any time.

The Forest of the Sea was swept by the vortex, and many residents were directly swept up.

damn it!

Brett looked up at the sky, his teeth clenching together tightly.

There is no doubt that that bastard Yin Mu is causing trouble again.

It doesn't matter that the Red Earth Continent was destroyed by the bombing, this guy is still bombing the sea.

One cannon blasted a huge hole in the sea, and then another cannon landed at the bottom of the hole, almost piercing the deep sea.

This can't go on like this.

Even though Yin Mu still couldn't blast through the deep sea, the powerful vortex caused by the serial bombing alone almost tore Fish-Man Island to pieces!


Brett yelled.

"I'm here, bro!"

The Warrior Shrimp quickly moved towards Bright. The pincers on his chest and the tail on his butt were wrapped with powerful domineering energy, allowing him to easily crush boulders falling from above.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Please command the Sea Kings to continue blocking!"

Brett said.

"Oh? So brother, what are you going to do?"

Brett looked up and said coldly, "I'm going to stop some bastard and stop him from having fun!"

"Oh, I see!"

Alexander nodded heavily, "Leave it to me!"

Although he wanted to say that he wanted to fight side by side with his brothers, it was obvious that this was not the time.

Brett felt relieved that a good brother could be trusted.

He did not remove Yan Yun, but continued to maintain their existence to protect Fish-Man Island.

Then, Brett shot towards the forest of the sea below, and soon appeared above a certain open space.

"Pluto! I need your help!"

Below him, a huge thing was parked here quietly.

Then the next moment, a phantom condensed in front of Brett's eyes.

"Ready to strike at any time."

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