Going forward, the water will become too shallow, and the Neptune species will no longer be able to move in such a shallow sea. Of course, there is no way to send Noah directly to the island.

So we can only stop while the sea water is still deep enough. The Neptunes will be sent here until Noah stays on the seabed in this area.

For the next short distance, the fish and mermaids can only swim by themselves.

Fortunately, both fishmen and mermaids are very good at swimming.

For them, this distance is not much different from going out for a walk, and it may even be easier.

But this doesn’t mean that Noah will stop here.

In fact, the island ahead was a completely deserted island, with nothing but lush forests on it.

There is no way that the five million residents of Fish-Man Island can start a new life as soon as they arrive there.

Not to mention anything else, I don’t even have a place to live.

Therefore, Noah will be the main residence of his compatriots before building it on a slightly larger scale.

However, this does not prevent our compatriots from taking a good tour of the island first to truly experience the sunshine and sea breeze above the sea.

But before that, the protective work decided before must be done first.

Bright first sent his men to spread the signal blockers created by Dr. Vegapunk on the surrounding seafloor to block communications between the phone bugs.

Then let Princess White Star order the Neptunes to block the surrounding sea areas and prohibit anyone from entering or leaving without permission.

After all the preparations were completed, it was time for real free activities.

Bright floated above Noah, watching his compatriots below come out of the ark one by one.

Everyone had cheerful smiles on their faces, and the sadness of being forced to leave Fish-Man Island seemed to have completely disappeared.

Although the previous Fishman Island also had sunlight cast by Yangshu Eve, it was all false.

That is not the light cast by the real sun.

And now, they finally want to truly embrace this beautiful world.

The soldiers of Fish-Man Island are distributed in this sea area. They still have to work hard to maintain order and avoid accidents caused by their compatriots being too excited.

Then the compatriots came up one by one, and they finally surfaced.

The weather is great today, the sky is cloudless.

The sun was suspended in the sky, shining its light towards the sea.

Although this desert island is deserted, its weather conditions are not bad. It is a spring island with a mild and humid climate all year round.

The first thing the fishmen and mermaids felt when they surfaced was warmth and light.

"This - this is the real sun, right?"

An old fishman raised his head and looked up at the glorious sun in the sky that exuded endless light and heat. He didn't know whether it was because of the dazzling light or something else. He had tears streaming down his face, "It's so beautiful. !”

"It's so warm, completely different from the light brought by Eve!"

The fishmen and mermaids could not contain their excitement, even though they just emerged from the sea to bathe in the sunshine.

This is the long-cherished wish of Fishman Island eight hundred years ago!

Now it's finally time to get what you want, and who wouldn't be moved by it?

"I want to go see that island!"

A fishman shouted, and then he quickly broke through the water and quickly approached the desert island not far away.

You have already bathed in the sun and felt the sea breeze, so how can you not go to the land and see the scene that is different from the seabed?

Go see the real forest and smell the grass.

To embrace the world and feel the nature where human beings live.

Almost coincidentally, the fishmen and mermaids began to move towards the deserted island.

The desert island is not small, otherwise Bright would not have chosen it as the temporary residence of Fish-Man Island.

In terms of area alone, the area of ​​that desert island is definitely not smaller than that of Deros Rosa, or even larger. It is not a problem at all to accommodate the five million immigrants from Fishman Island.

As for why such a large island with superior natural conditions is a desert island, then it can only be blamed on this sea area called the New World.

The extremely harsh natural conditions make it difficult to organize a large-scale immigration team, and it is very difficult to develop overseas islands.

There are not many inhabited islands in the New World, and such desert islands can be seen everywhere.

Bright floated on the sea, quietly watching his compatriots rushing toward the deserted island like a torrent.

"The army has already entered the island one step ahead of schedule,"

Below, Jinbei was splashing on the sea. He said solemnly, "They will watch and tell the compatriots not to mess around."

Brett nodded slightly.

Millions of people flood into an island at once, and a little carelessness can lead to catastrophic consequences.

That's what Brett definitely doesn't want to see.

"Then we will make our compatriots suffer hardship,"

Bright said, "First use the resources on the island to build all shelters."

First we have to build some houses.

Otherwise, we can only live in Noah forever.

This is also a troublesome thing. Although the island is large enough, it may not be easy to provide the resources needed for millions of people to build houses.

Therefore, Bright said, "There is no need to insist on living on land. My compatriots may be even more uncomfortable with this."

"Build houses on the islands and on the seabed near the sea. Those who want to live on land can live on land, and those who want to live in the sea can live in the sea."

Bright felt that, at least, mermaids preferred to live in the sea, especially male mermaids. Since they couldn't separate their legs, wouldn't it be more inconvenient to live on land?

Anyway, it is so close to the land now. Even if you live in the sea, you can go to the land to see it at any time.

Moreover, it would be much more convenient to build a residence in the sea. The craftsmen of Fishman Island are very good at it. It is only temporary anyway. It is not difficult to just dig down and carve out a stone house.

In this case, you can settle down temporarily.

"Urge the logistics team,"

Bright said, "Transport as many supplies as possible as quickly as possible."

If we want our compatriots to live here safely for the time being, all kinds of materials are absolutely indispensable.

Jinbei nodded slightly.

Then there's——

Brett looked down and saw that the Haki had penetrated the sea water and penetrated Noah's deck to observe the other group of guys in the cabin.


The humans living on Fish-Man Island also escaped from Fish-Man Island with the large army.

We can only temporarily aggrieve these guys, making them temporarily unable to contact the outside world and temporarily separated from the human world.

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