One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 564 Let the war begin

New Fishman Island seemed very quiet at night.

There is no way, the current Fish-Man Island is of course incomparable with the original Fish-Man Island. There is no bustling city group on the new Fish-Man Island, but only simple houses.

The residents who migrated here did not have a lively nightlife to live in, so when night fell, most of them could only end their day's activities, go home to eat, and then prepare to sleep.

For most of the residents of Fish-Man Island, today is just an ordinary day.

However, at this time, in the sky above the New Fishman Island, tens of thousands of miles high in the sky, there were two figures floating here quietly.

Under the bright moon, Brett had transformed into a dragon form. He released the flame cloud and lifted himself and Charlie up into the sky.

"Charlie, you probably rarely see me in this posture, right?"

Brett lay lazily on the clouds, looking up at the bright moon in the sky.

When I landed on the moon in person before, I felt that there was no beauty at all on that planet, and that it was just desolate.

But when I looked up at the moon in Qinghai, what I saw was such a moving beauty.

Charlie sat next to Brett, her slender fish tail swaying gently. Under the bright moonlight, her already fair skin seemed to become transparent.

Brett, who tilted his head and glanced sideways at her, even felt like he was looking at a white jade statue made by the best sculptor.

Compared with Charlie, Brett looked really ferocious at this time.

There is no other way. If you don't transform into a dragon form, you can't release the clouds. You can't keep holding Charlie and use the Moon Step to float in the air, right?

Just running around banging in the sky, come on, that's really stupid.

"It feels pretty good."

Miss Charlie lowered her head and looked at Brett.

Although Brett is a big man over five meters tall, Charlie is not small and can look down at Brett calmly.

"Very handsome."


Brett chuckled, Charlie would never dislike him anyway.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the moon above again, "We were on the moon before."

"So, does Princess Kaguya really exist on the moon?"

Charlie asked with interest.

"Forget about Princess Kaguya, there is no Jade Rabbit making medicine or Chang'e in the moon."

Brett smiled and shook his head, "There is just a barren land."

"It's completely different from the beauty it looks like here."

"it's a pity,"

Charlie felt a little regretful, "When I was a child, I also imagined what kind of beautiful place was above the moon."

"The reality is always like this, it always makes people feel disappointed."

Brett put his hands behind his head and said leisurely, "If you feel disappointed, then after the war is won, let's travel to the universe."


Charlie lowered her head and met Brett's eyes.

"The vast, vast universe."

Blake looked up at the stars in the sky, "There must be much more beautiful scenery than in Qinghai."

"Really? That's really exciting."

The corners of Charlie's mouth raised slightly, "So, Brett, the war is really about to begin, right?"

Brett nodded, "All preparations have been completed, and nothing can stop us from launching an attack on the World Government."

"That's it."

Charlie's hand gently touched Brett's forehead, because she saw that the man's brows were not completely relaxed.

But she didn't say anything, just gently caressed the corners of Brett's eyes and eyebrows.

"The next step is to really change the world."

Brett's eyes were covered by Xia Li's hand, so he simply closed his eyes, "Of course I still remember your prophecy, so I have no doubt that we will win the final victory in this war."

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】


Brett's voice became a little deeper, "In this process, how much sacrifice will we make, and after winning, will the world really become a better place?"

Brett had seen too many examples of dragon-slaying boys transforming into evil dragons.

Prior to this, Brett had not wavered in this regard. He always believed that change was a good thing, and no matter how bad it was, it would not be worse than the current world government.

But when this moment really came and they were only one step away from changing, he felt a little hesitant in his heart.

Although he is not willing to shoulder the whole world on his shoulders, his goal from the beginning to the end is just to allow his compatriots to live freely on the sea.

However, at this point, the fact that no matter how much you deny it cannot be shaken is that the fate of everyone in the world is now pinned on the next war, a war led by Bright.

Then it would be really difficult for Brett to say that the whole world has nothing to do with him.

"It's going to get better."

Charlie's answer was very calm, but her tone was decisive.

"Is it another prophecy?"

Brett smiled.

The future is not unpredictable. With Miss Charlie here, even the fog shrouding the future will be peeled away by her.

"No, not a prophecy,"

Charlie shook her head slightly, and then she said softly, "Because you are Brett, I know even without prophecy that you will be able to create the most beautiful era."


Brett didn't speak, but silently held Charlie's hand.

The anxious mood suddenly calmed down.

Yes, what is there to hesitate about now?

Whether it's good or bad, just let it go.


Brett moved Charlie's hands away from his face so that his eyes could meet hers.

"After the war is won, it's time for us to get married."

His voice was very calm, without any intense emotions, as calm as if he was talking about what he had eaten this morning.


Charlie nodded slightly, without any surprise or excitement.


Brett nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Although there is no doubt that this is a deliberate act.

But no matter what, Brett felt that there was no time more appropriate than now.

Before the final battle, let's do all the things we didn't do in the end, Brett thought.

In short, all the preparations have been completed, and only the final battle is left.

Yoon, are you ready?

The final battle to determine the ownership of this world is about to begin with you!

This time is different from eight hundred years ago.

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