New Fishman Island, Dr. Vegapunk's experimental base located under the sea, has become a temporary conference venue today.

Brett's good friends who were separated from each other in those days all gathered here.

The world government has been gathering strength, so of course they are not idle either.

The leaders of the neo navy, the revolutionary army, the new navy, and Fish-Man Island are all gathered here.

Coupled with Shanks and Rayleigh, who represented the pirate camp, the final meeting was quite impressive.

"Hey, Zefa, long time no see?"

As soon as we met Lieutenant General Garp, no, Marshal Garp couldn't wait to say hello to his old friend.

A long time has indeed passed since Mr. Zefa betrayed the navy and established the neo navy.

Mr. Zefa just gave Marshal Garp a warm hug, "It's a pleasure to fight alongside you again, old friend."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Garp and Teacher Zefa, if you want to reminisce about old times, we can talk about it later,"

Following Marshal Garp to the New Fish-Man Island was General Kizaru. This man still had a lazy smile on his face, waving his hands and saying with a smile.

"It's really, really cold, Porusalino, and he said he wanted to have a good chat about the past few years."

General Aoki Pheasant, who came here with Mr. Zefa, sighed.

He really hadn't seen Kizaru for a long time.

When we parted last time, both parties were still admirals, but now they are no longer admirals.

"Oh! Kuzan!"

Kizaru was smiling, and it was really hard for people to understand his true emotions, but he was probably happy, right?

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"Okay, as Mr. Porusalino said, let's have the final combat meeting first."

As the host, Brett stood up to maintain order at this time.

He clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention, and then said, "Go to the conference room first."

Coming to this meeting with Brett was Tezzolo.

Although theoretically speaking, the number two figure on Fish-Man Island should be Jinbe or Neptune, as Tezolo is Brett's good brother, the forces under his command cannot be underestimated.

Miss Uta alone is amazing enough.

Later, in a temporary conference room specially created for today's meeting, Brett and his good friends gathered together.

"No need to say more,"

Brett was the first to speak, "The main purpose of today is to discuss our strategy in this final battle."

"The core idea is to lure Yin Mu out, and then hit him head-on when he's not prepared!"

Both sides have destructive weapons in their hands, so whoever takes the lead will of course have a huge advantage.

But the current situation is that both sides are hiding, waiting for the other side to reveal their flaws.

So the troublesome part is how to force that guy Yin Mu out.

"But before that, I think it is necessary to report the situation on the World Government side."

Brett suddenly changed the subject, "The World Government has recruited a group of powerful guys from the Advancement City. Whether through coercion or inducement, they have indeed made those criminals with extraordinary strength willing to fight for them."

"It even includes-"

Brett glanced at Teacher Reilly and said, "A man named Douglas Barrett."


Teacher Rayleigh's eyes widened, "Will that kid actually fall into collaborating with the government?"

It’s simply unimaginable. After all, Barrett has always given people the most arrogant and unruly impression.

"Me too, it's really unimaginable."

Shanks also looked shocked.

"No matter what the reason is, it is true."

Brett said, "In short, this will be a quite extraordinary force."

"We have to pay attention."

"But then again, why do you know about this, Brett?"

Lieutenant General Garp looked at Brett with some surprise. No matter what, this should be a secret of the World Government, right?

"Well, the World Government is gathering strength. Whether it's pirates or whatever, as long as it can be used by them, they have gathered together."

Brett smiled and said, "It just so happens that among these people are my friends."

"Oh! Amazing! Spies have already been deployed? But speaking of which, Mihawk should have been recruited as well, right?"

The red-haired man suddenly laughed, "Haha, that guy also said he wanted to fight alongside us, right?"

"So at least in this regard, we have an advantage."

Brett said.

At least many of the forces gathered by the government are on their side.

At the critical moment, they will give the government a big surprise.

"Then can we confirm Yin Mu's location through them?"

Dorag said immediately.

Brett shook his head, "The person who contacted them was CP0. Yin Mu and his ultimate weapon have never appeared."

"What a patient guy."

Qing Zhi scratched his hair, "No wonder he was able to defeat everyone eight hundred years ago and became the final winner."

"If we want him to reveal his traces, I'm afraid we have to give him a bait first."

Tezolo said solemnly, "And it must be a big enough bait!"

Only in this way can we seduce that guy Yin Mu to reveal his true potential.

Otherwise, who knows how long that guy can float in the sky.

"indeed so."

Mr. Zefa also nodded solemnly, "It must be a bait that makes Yinmu still want to bite the hook even when he guesses that there may be an ambush!"

"Then it's easy."

Brett smiled and said, "There is no one more suitable besides me, right?"

For a moment, the conference room became somewhat silent.

Everyone knows very well that among them all, no one is more afraid of Yin Mu than Brett.

As long as Brett appears, the possibility of Yin Mu holding back is very low.

"But Brett,"

Dolag said in a deep voice, "You should understand, right? What kind of risks are there behind this?"

"Hey, don't underestimate people. I have successfully escaped from Yin Mu several times in a row. Who else can do it?"

Brett said with a smile, "So of course, there is no more suitable bait besides me."

"We can't put Pluto or King of Heaven on the table and let that guy Yin Mu bomb, right?"

Everyone was silent again.

"Then, it's decided,"

Brett smiled and said, "I will personally go out and find a way to lure Yin Mu into our encirclement."

"Then defeat them completely in one go!"


Mr. Zefa nodded heavily, "Since this is your own decision, Brett!"

Brett smiled.

Then the next step is to find a way to make that guy Yin Mu willingly follow him into the encirclement.

Well, what to do?

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