One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 570 Im’s decision

Chapter 571 Im’s decision

Above a certain sky in the world, a huge floating ship is floating quietly in the sky.

"What? That guy Brett showed up?"

The shocked voices of the bearded five old stars echoed in the empty space.

A very panicked voice came from the phone in his hand, "Yes, yes Lord Wulaoxing, that guy is coming for the strength we gathered!"

"He wanted to surrender them, and, and—"

The voice gradually became desperate, "That guy is not alone! He is carrying a huge aircraft with extremely amazing firepower! Random bombardment makes the entire sea area boil!"


The bearded Wulaoxing hung up the phone with a gloomy expression.

He raised his head and met the equally solemn eyes of several colleagues.


Before they could discuss anything, a smiling voice rang out, and a tall and thin figure floated over like a ghost. The king who had ruled the world for eight hundred years said with a smile, " The aircraft flying in the sky? Is it Pluto? Did that guy Brett transform Pluto?"


Is it the Pluto built by Fishman Island?

The expressions of the five old stars changed.

It’s actually finished!

Doesn't this mean that the enemies already have four ancient weapons in their hands?

Even if Neptune will not be of much use on the battlefield of the decisive battle, the combination of two Plutos and a Uranus is already scary enough!

It was really difficult not to show a look of panic on the faces of the five old stars.

"Lord Im,"

The five old men knelt down in front of Im immediately. The five old men with beards asked extremely eagerly, "Is this an opportunity? That guy Bright appears alone with Pluto?"

"is that so?"

Im shook his head gently, "It was Bright and Pluto last time, but in the end, there was nothing we could do to him, right?"

The five old stars were speechless.

Yes, even the last Pluto couldn't fly. It was a ship that could only sail on the sea. It couldn't catch that guy Bright, let alone this time.

"Indeed, Bright acted with confidence."

The five old stars holding the knife smiled bitterly and said, "Besides, is this really an opportunity? What if it is that guy Bright who is luring us to show up?"

He said solemnly, "After the new Hades is completed, it will be our turn to be at a disadvantage."

The expressions of the five old stars changed at the same time.

Yes, forget it if they can't catch Bright. What if what awaits them in the past is a dragnet?

"Yes, it is better to say that this possibility is higher."

Im smiled and said, "Really, that's too disrespectful of people. That guy Brett, the word conspiracy has almost been put on the table."

"Then, Lord Im, should we just pretend we didn't see it?"

The bearded Five Old Star's expression became even more bitter.

Some of the strength that was finally gathered was about to be wiped out.

Although these guys are of little use in the battle of ancient weapons, they are still some valuable combat power.

"Keeping waiting will only make it more difficult."

Im said softly, "When the King of Heaven fully matures, we will have even less chance of winning."

"But Lord Im——"

The sword-wielding Wulaoxing mustered up the courage to raise his head, "Now -"

If you want to take action now, you are playing into that guy Brett's hands.

But then I thought about it, if I don't take action now, I will just boil the frog in boiling water and wait to die.

When the King of Heaven gradually matures, the gap in combat power between the two sides will reach its highest value.

Is it really possible to hide his whereabouts for decades until the King of Heaven grows old again?

The five old stars lack this confidence.

"Now is the moment when it is easiest to win a frontal war."

Im said calmly, "The further back we go, the lower our chances of winning will be."

Having said this, he shook his head helplessly, "Really, this boy Bright has forced us into a desperate situation."


The Five Old Stars bit their lips.

How many years has it been?

They who originally ruled the world and were above everything like gods have actually fallen to this point.

"Then, Master Im, what do you mean,"

The blond Wulaoxing said with some difficulty, "Are we going to go to Bright's date?"


Im nodded slightly, and then he smiled and said, "But it would be too pointless to let it go like this."

Although Bright is most likely a bait, this bait is too tempting and cannot resist the refreshing aroma.

However, of course, you can’t just pounce on the bait to bite the bait. Wouldn’t that take advantage of the fisherman’s wishes?

"Anyway, let's go there first. I'll think of the specific method later."


Why does it feel so unreliable?

Time goes back to earlier, to the abandoned naval base.

Of course, Bright heard the panicked sounds of the CP0s hiding to deliver messages to the World Government who didn't know where they were, but he didn't react at all.

This is what you've been waiting for, okay?

Even if it’s because of ‘Why would a guy like Brett not notice the CP0s’ actions? There must be a conspiracy! ’ It doesn’t matter if something is exposed for such a reason, right?

That guy Im knows that the further back they go, the harder their lives will be, and they will have no choice but to hide.

The more you want to win, the more time you have to seize.

There is a high possibility that that guy will really show up, Brett was so sure.

But before that, how can we delay some time here?

Brett felt a little headache.

after all.

"——I don't care about that kind of thing!!"

The huge robot jumped into the air, and then with wild laughter, the huge fist smashed down in the air.

"Crazy! This guy is crazy!"

The evil king Aballo Pizarro almost screamed, "How dare he!"

How dare you attack Brett?

Weapons with destructive power are hovering in the sky right now!

This guy is a lunatic!

This is where Brett gets a headache.

This guy Barrett is a crazy guy.

At this time, wouldn't it be better to just talk to yourself honestly and delay the time?

Brett sighed and raised his right hand, invisible waves wrapping around his palm.


A slight sound like a balloon exploding.

However, the balloon did explode.

Giant Barrett's huge right arm inflated like a balloon and then exploded into pieces.


Inside the robot, blood was already flowing from Barrett's mouth.

The next moment, a hand penetrated from the inner wall of the robot in front of him, and then grabbed his head.

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