"So are you going to Fish-Man Island to do business?"

Jinbei stood on the deck of a ship, looking at the businessmen in front of him who were nodding and bowing, and rubbed his forehead helplessly.

This is really an unfortunate misunderstanding.

"I have made an agreement with Mr. Director, and I dare not break the contract."

Donald was quite humble.

Jinbei glanced at him in surprise, "You came with the pirates? Aren't you afraid? Fishman Island will fail in this war."

"How can it be!"

Donald said righteously and sternly, "How can a mere pirate defeat Fish-Man Island in the deep sea? It's just a fly shaking a tree."

"The strongest place in the deep sea is the Fish-Man Island. This is everyone's consensus, but those idiots are so stupid that they have forgotten this common sense!"

"And I think that although this war will definitely be won, there will inevitably be some damage in the process. I am bringing some supplies here, which can at least help."

Jinbei was speechless.

This guy is a real talent.

If you want to take advantage of the opportunity to make war fortune, you still say it in a high-sounding way.

However, such a guy is indeed what Fish-Man Island needs.

Bright said that at this stage, any indestructible and strong alliance is like trying to find a moon in the water.

It is enough to tie up some businessmen with benefits.

And this guy who wants money rather than his life has great potential.

"But Mr. Jinbei," not all of the businessmen are as bold as Donald. One businessman asked cautiously, "If you come to our side, won't there be any problems on the frontal battlefield?"

"What could be the problem?"

Jinbei said matter-of-factly, "Although it took some time, if we go back now, we should be able to catch up with the final touches."

"Let's go, I'll take you to Fish-Man Island."

Tezzolo, who was among the merchants, looked at Jinbei. This guy really didn't seem worried at all.

Normally, when facing the current situation, shouldn't the coach be on the frontal battlefield?

But Jinbei showed up here?

Did Jinbei not take those pirates to heart at all, or was there some mysterious guy who made Jinbei feel reassured?

But there is no need to worry, the answer will be revealed soon.

At the entrance to the large cave on the seabed, a fierce battle was underway.

Bright's sea current hit him over his shoulder and instantly smashed the formation of the pirates. In addition to the directly damaged ships, the undercurrent caused by this also caused the ships to constantly collide with each other. Many unlucky sailors The ship's coating was directly damaged, and the next second it was crushed by sea water.

With just one blow, the pirates who were so aggressive just now were instantly stunned.

"Then, what is that?"

Is that the power of fishmen?

How could it be so exaggerated?

There was no extra time for them to panic, the fish people had already pounced on them.

Just by casually paddling the water with their limbs, they gained the speed of moving forward in the water like a torpedo. The fishmen quickly passed by the pirates, moving forward without any pause.

But of course, having actually come into contact, it was impossible not to do something.

"Scared hahaha! Go to hell! You lowly humans!!"

Aaron laughed wildly. His speed was extremely fast among the fish people. The serrated knife in his hand slashed at will at high speed, directly cutting many pirates along the way, and the blood spread instantly.

Although Aaron is fast, there are guys much faster than him.

"The next step is for me to show off my skills!"

There was a bright sword light blooming into a flower in the sea, and Haozou of the Eight Sword Style showed his true skills. With the speed of the mermaid and his swordsmanship, this guy directly turned into a killing machine in the deep sea.

Many pirates even felt a black shadow passing by quickly, and they already had wounds on their bodies.

And more pirates found that the bubbles on their bodies had burst.

The pirates finally realized the desperate situation they faced.

"Too fast! These guys are so fast!"

"The guns and cannons are useless at all. We can't touch them at all!"

"Damn it! Get back on defense! Their goal is to destroy our ships!"

In just an instant, the pirates were already in chaos.

However, before they had time, in just a short time, the fishmen had already passed the pirates and came directly to the side of the pirate fleet.

And behind the pirates who were hurriedly preparing for the replay——


The nine huge sea beasts roared and rushed into the pirate queue waving their claws.

They waved their sharp claws, and the pirates who were hit were immediately shattered to pieces. Those who were lucky enough not to be hit had a hard time. The currents caused by the sea beasts made it impossible for them to swim smoothly, let alone fight back, without crashing into friendly forces. Bubbles are already a blessing.

The chaos is even more intense.

While the pirates were in chaos, the fish people did not stop taking action.

"Scared hahaha! This is the fear of the deep sea!"

A sharp serrated knife slashed across the side of the giant bubble.

With a soft popping sound, the bubbles that isolated the seawater from the ship burst instantly, and then the seawater surged in.


The pirates who were still on the boat could only howl.

Scenes like this are happening everywhere. Facing the attacks of the murlocs, the fragile coating bubbles can't resist them at all, and the pirate ships are being destroyed one after another.

There were wailings and screams everywhere.


Radley's eyes widened. It was obviously very cold in the deep sea, but sweat could not be restrained from flowing down his forehead.

Coating cannot create air, it can only store air.

If there is no boat——

What a joke!

What a joke!

Is this the power of Fish-Man Island?

"Don't make fun of me!!"

With his body already covered with coating, he ejected from the deck and rushed directly into the deep sea. He pulled out the huge sword from behind.

"Let me die!"

Holding the sword with both hands tightly, he slashed with all his strength, and a sharp crescent-shaped slash broke through the water!

Being able to deliver flying slashes is a power at the level of a swordsman!

Bright looked calmly at the sharp slashes coming towards him.

The bounty can exceed 200 million. This guy's strength is certainly not too weak. At least it should be similar to Sauron from two years ago in the original work.


Brett raised his right hand.

The crescent-shaped slash twisted and hit the iron wall that could not be broken through no matter what.


Radley's eyes were blank.

He watched with his own eyes as his slash was torn in half and then helplessly dissipated.

Bright's right hand was wrapped with invisible waves. Although it had not yet reached the hardening stage, its defensive power had also been greatly improved.

He grasped some sea water with his right hand, and then flicked it.

"Hit the water."

A sharp stream of water shot out and passed through Radley's side.

He turned around in horror, and then saw a hole appearing on the huge bubble protecting his pirate ship, and even the pirate ship inside was penetrated.




Veins popped out on Radley's forehead.

But nothing can be changed.

"I'll kill you!"

The furious pirate roared, he unleashed the greatest strength in his life, and his speed was even close to that of a fishman.

The trajectory drawn by the huge sword almost illuminated the deep sea, and the sword slashed down.

But Bright just turned sideways casually, just in time to avoid Radley's desperate attack.

Although his hand was not as hot as a bright red fire, to Bright, it was indeed screaming loudly, shouting that it would attack from somewhere.

Although I can't predict the future like Katakuri, I shouldn't lose much in the skill of 'identifying the location by listening to sounds', right?

Unable to withdraw Radley's long knife, Brett casually reached out and grabbed his wrist.


A look of fear came over Radley's face.

What kind of monster is this guy!

Why, such a powerful self is as weak as a child in front of him!

"Radley! Lower your head!"

There was a sudden voice behind him.

It's Oriel!

That guy and the whole ship were swept in by the current, and he's still alive?

Without time to think too much, Radley lowered his head.

Maybe that guy's moves will work! He is a capable person!

"Go to hell! Fishman!!"

A red shadow shot over.

Brett casually tilted his head to avoid it.

Not far behind Radley, a man named Aurel was panting. Several red shadows shot out from his back and surrounded Bright from all directions.

Brett knew the identity of these shadows.

Oriel is a superhuman blood fruit user. He can produce blood at will in his body and control it.

By manipulating blood, you can achieve body-strengthening moves like Straw Hat's second gear, but the main method of combat is to release blood to attack.

Once his blood invades another person's body, he can directly kill the opponent.

But this opponent is completely meaningless to Bright.

The electric light suddenly jumped on Bright's body, and he avoided the oncoming blood with just a few easy twists. There was a sound coming from every blood stream, and it was really difficult to be hit.

Then in the next moment, Bright turned into a blue light that penetrated the sea water, and arrived in front of Oriel's eyes in just the blink of an eye.

Radley was a little confused.

Did that guy let himself go just like that?

Then he heard a snap.

He lowered his head and his bubble burst, "Oh, damn."

"How can it be!!"

How could it be so fast! !

Aurel gritted his teeth, and the blood in his body began to riot, causing his body to swell. Blood seeped out of his body, wrapping a bright red outer armor around his body.

He pumped his fist vigorously, "Fuck me—"


Brett grabbed his fist and squeezed it casually, making a crunching sound. Then he raised his fist and said, "This is how you swing your fist."

Aurel even laughed blankly at this time, "Are you kidding..."

Bright punched, and the electricity exploded with astonishing power. The aftermath of the wave of his arm caused the surrounding seawater to burst into a vacuum.

His fist dug into Oriel's chest.

The armor of blood shattered, the bones of the chest collapsed, and the back was exploded by the strong force, and blood and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Oriel's eyes lost their luster.

The last thing he saw was the murlocs rushing towards the remaining pirates.

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