One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 584 Dynamite Rock!

The interior of Pluto flying in the sky.

Mr. Zefa looked at the back of the woman who got into the mirror, and his face was already blooming with astonishing brilliance.

"Very good!!"

Dorag couldn't help but jump up excitedly, "In this case, there is no way that thing can resist it no matter what!"


His old father, Mr. Karp, the commander-in-chief of the new navy, also nodded with a smile on his face, "That was a super explosion from within!"

"Perhaps we don't have to do anything next to see that thing disappear into ashes!"

"No, just in case, we need to attack with all our strength next!"

Dolag refuted his old father's words, "If it is really wiped out, it would be better. If not, it would at least have a huge impact on him, and that's when our attack will take effect!"


The communication was immediately connected to Shanks and Hades.

Now all we have to do is wait for Tezoro and the others to take action.

In the mirror world, a group of people gathered around and looked at the things that Bree was moving in while panting.

"Is this the legendary dynamite rock?"

Sabo leaned down in surprise and looked at it carefully, "I have heard the name a long time ago, but this is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes!"

"The legendary stone has power comparable to ancient weapons!"

Katakuri was also surprised, "Did you actually take out so many at once?"


At this time, five glass jars were placed on the ground in the center of the crowd.

Inside the glass jar was a strange green liquid, and soaked in the liquid were strange stones that looked like bread.

The stone is called dynamite rock.

It is a stone that explodes violently when it comes into contact with air.

As for how violent this violent explosion was, people on the sea described it as having power comparable to ancient weapons.

In other words, if such a small stone exploded, it would be as powerful as Pluto's bombardment.

At this time, there are five such stones in total!

Let's put it this way, if all the rocks here explode, then only the special natural type like Kizaru will be able to survive.


Akainu snorted softly, "I just took out a small part, there are more in stock, that guy Brett!"

Brett had robbed all the explosive rocks kept by the Navy, and the number was quite exaggerated.

Now I only took out five!

"No matter what, as long as these stones explode inside that thing, everything will be over, right?"

Green Bull couldn't help but laugh, "We can win this war and completely rewrite the history of this world, right!"


Tezoro nodded solemnly.

And those disgusting Tianlong people are also on that ship, ah, then just send them all to heaven in one go.

Don't blame me for being cruel. Who told you to be right up there?

Tezoro suppressed his smile to prevent himself from losing his composure too much.

Also feeling the same as him was the Pirate Empress.

This woman, who also had a deep hatred for the Tianlong people, had the same happy face at this time.

Let’s all die, damn the Celestial Dragons! This world doesn't need scumbags like you!

Brett, the agreement between us is indeed about to be reached.

"Anyway, let's take action!"

Everyone immediately started to take action, and a group of people escorted the five explosives to the mirror where Katakuri and others came in before.

Because the ship itself is movable, the mirror's position has moved accordingly.

But it doesn't matter, it's not that difficult to find such a huge mirror in this relatively empty wilderness.

"Is this the inside of that thing?"

Tezuolo stood in front of this huge mirror and asked uncertainly.

Of course he knew that Katakuri, who had always been reliable, could not lead him astray.

But this matter was really important. Their actions at this time would almost determine the direction of the entire world, so he really couldn't help but hesitate.

Katakuri didn't care, he just nodded slightly, "It's right behind here."

Tezoro took a deep breath, and then let it out in a long breath, "Then, throw it in."

"give it to me."

Katakuri said so.

The awakening of Nuo Nuo Fruit is activated.

The five glass jars, along with the liquid and stones inside, all turned into rice cakes.

Then the glass jar was drained out and thrown aside, leaving only this ball of rice cake turned from liquid and stone.

Everyone gathered here couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Should Katakuri be said to be a bold artist?

If they were not careful, everyone here would be blown up to the sky.

But fortunately, Katakuri is not just brave, he is indeed more skilled.

The stones that have been turned into rice cakes no longer have the explosive properties. They are just rice cakes at this time and can even be eaten into the stomach.



Katakuri called his favorite sister's name.

"Understood, Katakuri-nii!"

Bree stood in front of the mirror and pressed her hand on the mirror.

The originally smooth mirror instantly rippled.

The two spaces that were originally isolated were now connected again.

Katakuri threw the ball of rice cake on the ground into the mirror.

Then Bree quickly let go of her hand.

Now the mirror world was completely isolated from the outside world again. No matter how violent the explosion happened outside, it would not affect them in the slightest.

Back in time, inside this huge floating ship, the five old stars were anxiously waiting for news from the Knights of God.

As long as they act smoothly, then this war will be considered a sure win.

But time passed by, and the tattered ship floating in the air below still showed no signs of being hindered.

"Have you not found it yet?"

The bearded Wulaoxing couldn't help but feel a little anxious, "The efficiency of this action is too low!"

He couldn't help but be anxious. The actions of the Knights of God were related to the continuation of the Celestial Dragon race!

"Could something go wrong?"

The five old stars holding the sword were very worried.

"Wait! The mirror reacts!"

The bald Wulaoxing suddenly shouted.

The old men immediately turned to look at the monitoring screen, and then saw that the mirror on the screen was indeed rippled.

"No, there's no reaction there, why is the mirror channel opened -"

The bearded Wulaoxing stood up.

Before his voice dissipated, a white thing flew out of the mirror.

"That is--"

When the old men were wondering, they saw the white thing beginning to deform.

The white stuff turned into a puddle of liquid and a few stones.

The old men saw clearly what the stone looked like.

So their expressions quickly became distorted.

But there was no time to tell what they were talking about, as white light had already penetrated from the screen.

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