After the call with Bright ended, the Five Old Stars were still a little confused.

The blond Wulaoxing asked in surprise, "Are there any ores at the bottom of the sea?"

Humans know too little about the deep sea. The only seabed area touched by humans is Fish-Man Island. However, I have never heard of any seabed minerals on Fish-Man Island in the past.

"Contact the Science Corps,"

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "I think we need a professional to give us some advice."

The so-called professional refers to Vegapunk. Although his main business is not geology and mineral resources, as the world's number one scientist, that man knows a little bit about everything.


The voice of Bega Punk came over the phone, "Isn't that natural? The so-called mineral deposits are all kinds of sediments. There are them on the sea surface, and of course they are also on the bottom of the sea."

“There are even many more reserves and types than at sea.”

The call is over.

"In other words, the fish people have begun to mine seabed mineral deposits?"

The bearded Wulaoxing said.

"Only they can mine it."

The bald Five Old Star was surprised, "Now Fish-Man Island is going to become very popular."

"We can find a way to capture Fish-Man Island." The blond Five Elder Star said in a surprising tone.

"It's impossible. Just like Neptune said, they only need to destroy the bubble on Fishman Island. Fishmen and mermaids can still survive in the sea, but humans will be finished."

The bald Five Old Star shook his head, "Instead of looking forward to Fish-Man Island, it's better to look forward to Vegapunk."

"Didn't he make a fish-man potion that can strengthen the human body before? He has already cultivated an elite team in the scientific force. So, can he go a step further and let humans possess certain characteristics of the fish-men?"

The five old stars were all slightly startled.

“Very feasible!”

The bearded Five Old Star nodded slightly, "But at least before he really completes it, we need to communicate more with Fish-Man Island."

The government has a big business, so the demand is even greater.

"Contact the Fish-Man Island side, and notify the navy by the way, so that they can calm down."

Bright's value to the world government is completely different.

Fishman Island, port.

"Go away and don't show up on Fish-Man Island again, or I'll kill you!"

A ship completed its routine inspection when leaving the Fishman Island. The fishmen said coldly to the crew of the ship when they disembarked.

Bastiyu didn't speak. He held a small box in his arms.

Behind him, the other crew members were holding three other boxes.

Inside the box were their companions.

As an assassin, I now have to surrender myself to the Navy Headquarters.

Bastiyu sighed softly as he watched the fish people leave.

I never thought that the action that I thought was a sure thing would turn out like this in the end.

If I can go back, the government must have sacrificed a lot.

Damn murlocs!

He gritted his teeth.

But in the end he didn't say anything.

Let’s send everyone back first.

The ship set sail, completed the final procedures at the gate, and then set sail towards the island called Marinefando above the sea.

At the same time, the Navy Headquarters.

"Are you kidding me?! Is Wulaoxing filled with shit in his head?"

The man named Sakaski was so angry that his body was almost melting, exuding the smell of sulfur, "Is this the end of the matter?"

"Did Haggar and Balian die in vain? That bastard fishman also received treatment close to that of the Shichibukai?"

"Calm down Sakaski."

General Sengoku, who was sitting on the sofa on one side, said calmly, "Didn't Brother Kong go to Marigioa already?"

Although he said this, the veins on the back of his hands had sprouted slightly, showing that he was not at peace inside either.

Not long after, the door of the office was pushed open, and the Marshal walked in. Both people in the room glanced at him.

His mohawk hair, which was originally standing upright, was now drooping.

Kong sighed, "Yumen Island has begun to excavate seabed mineral deposits, and the output is very large. Now the government has signed a large order with them. Now Fish-Man Island is an important partner of the government."

Sakaski clenched his fists.

"In order to avoid diplomatic disputes, the matter between Hager and Balian has been put on hold for the time being."


Warring States took a deep breath, "The temporary suspension means until they are disobedient, right?"

The marshal sighed again, "Anyway, Warring States, the rest is up to you."

There was a hint of apology on his face, "The five old stars are finally ready to give me a promotion. I'm so happy!"

"I see."

Sengoku nodded heavily.

Fishman Island, the training ground of the Forest of the Sea.

Bright stood on the edge of the training ground, watching Captain Jinbei, Aaron Sharkstar and other mermaid karate masters.

I feel relaxed now.

Although I have always said that I can choose Run if I have no choice, but if there is no other way, who would be willing to leave home?

This matter is over here.

There was no loss, but a large order was signed with the government.

Although the price is lower than what is sold to merchants, the profit is still considerable.

This will also simultaneously increase the status of Fishman Island under the World Government. If Neptune wants to attend the World Conference now, he should not receive a cold reception.

However, the government is still not a friend.

As long as the Celestial Dragons still exist, the so-called world government is nothing more than a tool for this ethnic group to rule the world.

But don’t worry, the government has only been around for about ten years.

Let's do this for the time being. Just increase our strength and develop Fish-Man Island.

Brett stretched.

Fishman Island Mining Company is hiring.

The first batch of miners recruited could no longer keep up with the sharply increasing order demand at this time.

This time, Bright didn't have to give speeches and ask for help. The residents of Fishman Street signed up enthusiastically.

After all, miners are highly paid, and most of the mining revenue is spent on them.

They were cows and horses in their previous lives, and Bright would never want his compatriots to be cows and horses as well.

In this way, Fishman Island Mining Company ushered in its first round of expansion.

The exploration work of mineral deposits has not stopped. The gold mine promised to Tezzolo and other minerals are to be developed. The first thing is financial resources.

There are more and more merchant ships coming to Fish-Man Island. Donald, who often visits Bright, said that it is because the news about Fish-Man Island's minerals has spread, and many businessmen want to get a share of the pie.

Brett was certainly happy to see the crowded port every day.

Is this what Charlie saw?

Tezzolo came several times later, bringing a lot of new technologies and equipment, and even many skilled workers and designers. Bright became more interested in finding gold mines.

At the same time, Bright felt that it was almost time to start building the first industrial facilities on Fishman Island.

Time passed slowly like this.

The location is close to the sea floor of the huge bubble of Fish-Man Island. I don't know when another huge bubble will cover it. Inside this bubble is a continuous building. Outside the bubble, fish-man soldiers are constantly patrolling.

At this time, at the front of these buildings, outside the gate was a scene of lights and colorful lights. King Neptune beamed and said loudly to a group of murlocs who came to watch the excitement,

"I announce that the Fish-Man Island Steelmaking Plant was established today!"

Bright stood behind Neptune, looking back at the brand new factory with an unconscious smile on his face.

From the search for the first seabed coal mine, to the decision to build Fishman Island's own steelmaking plant, to the formal start of construction, and then to the use of bubble technology to solve technical problems such as seabed smoke emissions, Bright watched it bit by bit. This factory was built.

These were the first industrial facilities on Fish-Man Island and were a solid foundation for the country's prosperity and development.

The current time is 1512 in the Haiyuan calendar, the second year after Bright returned to Fish-Man Island, and the second year after Fish-Man Island began to develop.

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