One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 76 Redemption and Killing

Why is this man here?

Brett was very shocked.

But immediately, he felt that there seemed to be no problem with this man appearing here.

Rayleigh had a habit of selling himself as a slave when he had no money, and then being bought and brought home to be exploited for free.

I can only say that I happened to meet him again this time.

"Oh, you actually know me? Hahahaha, really, it seems that we old men are not completely out of date yet."

The old man, who even looked a little elegant in appearance and looked more like a scholar than a pirate, laughed and took out a small wine bottle from the chest pocket of his clothes, opened the lid and took a sip of wine.

"I'm afraid your stories will continue to be passed down on this sea until the day when the age of pirates ends."

Brett smiled, "Besides, Mr. Reilly, we have met before."

"Eh? Really?"

The Pirate King rubbed his chin with his left and right hands suspiciously and looked at Bright carefully, "But I don't have much impression of you, little brother."

"That was already sixteen years ago."

Bright reminded, "At that time, you come to Fish-Man Island to ask Charlie for divination."

Reilly recalled it for a moment, and then said in surprise, "You are the little boy next to the little fortune teller, right?"

Charlie was three years old and Brett was two.

"My name is Brett."

Brett introduces himself.

"You've grown so big."

Reilly sighed, "But Brother Bright, I've heard of your name. The news that two supernovae crashed on the seabed last year caused an uproar in the Shampoo Islands. It's amazing."

"you flatter me."

Brett means it sincerely.

The little things he did were nothing compared to the adventures this man had experienced in his life.

"I just felt an amazing aura."

Riley looked at Brett with admiring eyes, "That's you, right?"

But before Brett could answer, he waved his hand and said, "But now is not the time to chat. Let's deal with the things here first."

He walked over and casually clicked on the four large fish tanks with his right hand.

The next moment, a circular hole was opened in each of the fish tanks, water gushed out, and four sleeping little mermaids also fell out.

Brett subconsciously went to pick them up, and then his eyes flashed.

When he opened his broad arms to catch the four little mermaids, he discovered that the collars around the children's necks had disappeared.

Reilly threw the collar away.

Four collars exploded in the air, filling the air with smoke.

It was so fast that I couldn't react with my eyes alone.

And, is that the armed color of internal destruction?

Power and hardening are not on the same level at all.

Brett had to marvel at the power of the legends.

"If the goal is accomplished, do you want to have a chat, brother?"

Riley smiled.

Brett did not agree immediately. He turned around and looked at the slaves who had not yet lost consciousness who were looking at them with longing expressions, and then at the slaves who had passed out around him.

"Wait a moment,"

Brett carefully placed the children on the chairs on the side of the backstage, "I'm going to look for the keys."

Rayleigh was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "That's it."

I somewhat understand what Brother Tiger was thinking back then.

It is because I have felt that kind of despair that I don’t want to see anyone in the world suffer such torture again.

what is this?


Brett wasn't sure.

Maybe he heard something he didn’t want to hear again.

He went to find the key from the unconscious guard, and then opened the bonds on all the slaves.

"Really, thank you very much!"

A tall man, as strong as an iron tower, cried bitterly and even knelt down in front of Bright, "My family is still waiting for me to go back. Without you, I really don't know what to do."

Not only him, but others were also filled with tears of excitement and gratitude at this time.

There must be good and bad among these people, but at least for this moment, they are all surviving.

"Then go back to where you should be."

Bright said, "Wake up the unconscious person and get out of here."


People who had suffered misfortune but were lucky enough to escape woke up those who were still unaware of their good fortune, and then hurried away amidst a lot of gratitude.

What happened to them next?

Do you really embrace freedom, or do you suffer bad luck again?

Brett didn't know and didn't care.

"It's amazing."

Lei Li, who was watching the whole process, smiled and said, "Most people don't have such a big heart."

"I just happened to see it."

Brett said casually, and he hugged the four little girls again, "Anyway, let's get out of here first."

Reilly nodded happily, "By the way, for safety reasons, let's make a disguise first. If it's too blatant, the navy will come."

He found a cloak from the corner and put it on himself, hiding his face under the hood.

Then the two turned around and walked out of the human trafficking center, ignoring the still unconscious bidders.

"Director Bright! The prisoner has been found. He is a famous slave trader in the Chambord Islands! He is currently drinking and having fun in a tavern——"

As soon as he walked out, Donald, who was waiting outside, couldn't wait to come over. He opened his mouth and spat out output. Then, he noticed Reilly walking beside Bright.

Donald's voice softened, but his eyes and mouth became larger. The hood was not enchanted, and Rayleigh's appearance could be seen clearly from a close distance, "He-he-is-is-"

He opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.

I met the big shot! ! !

"Thank you very much this time, Mr. Donald, but please step aside for now."

Brett turned around and faced the human trafficking center. He hugged the child with his left hand and left his right hand free.

Bright, who is eighteen years old this year, is over four meters tall. He can be called a giant man in front of ordinary people and can hold four children with one hand.

He clenched his right fist.

Dark domineering energy wrapped around his right arm, and the arc began to jump.

"A nasty place,"

There was liquid seeping out of Bright's right hand and wrapping it. It was a mixture of thunder and water! The electric light is as bright as flowing platinum!

At the same time, the ability to store energy given to Bright by the bloodline of Didom's giant lanternfish also began to activate, and the stored energy began to be converted into power.


"Electricity Propulsion - Mystery - Takese Tsuki!"

Then Bret punched.

He punched the ground, and the ground instantly shattered.

Not only that, the water and thunder turned into waves and spread out instantly.

The entire ground shook, then shattered and collapsed.

As if the underground had become a hollow, the collapse started from Bright and spread forward.

The rather small human trafficking center began to collapse. The walls and roof were shattered by the shock, and then fell into the large hole that opened. In the end, only ruins were left.

After more than half a year of practice, I have finally mastered the technique of turning water into waves and shooting it out, and I can even mix it with electric current.


Donald was stunned.

This kind of strength is too exaggerated! !

The terrain was changed in an instant.

"Oh! Not bad? Is it an improved move from Fishman Karate?"

Reilly rubbed his chin and said appreciatively, "That guy Neptune is far inferior to you."

After completely destroying this human trafficking center, Bright breathed a sigh of relief, and the depression he had just felt was now gone.

But it's not over yet.

"Mr. Reilly, can you please take care of them first?"

Brett handed the little mermaid in his arms to Rayleigh. Someone had to take care of them, otherwise it would be difficult to do anything next.

"Oh, do you still want to take care of those guys?"

Riley nodded, "But I can't take care of four children by myself,"

He glanced sideways at Donald, "Boy, come and help."

"Huh? Oh, oh!"

Donald was stunned for a moment, then nodded excitedly and took the two children from Brett's hands.

Riley took two more, "Come here quickly, Brother Brett. I haven't taken care of a child in many years."

"It shouldn't take long."

Brett looked at Donald, "So, Mr. Donald, where is the bar you mentioned?"

Donald quickly told Bright the address, and then said, "I have a friend who is watching over there. Just go over there. He knows you and will point you to the prisoner."

"As for what happens next,"

Donald glanced at Reilly carefully, "We'll make peace later when we come to my company headquarters. My friend knows where it is."


Bright nodded and looked at Reilly, "Mr. Reilly, I'm sorry to trouble you this time."

"Hahaha, just go ahead and do it. Who can stop a young man from moving forward bravely?" Reilly laughed.

Then, Bright was wrapped in lightning and shot out again.

"That - that -"

Donald suddenly felt uneasy and looked at Riley cautiously.

"Boy," Reilly said directly, completely ignoring Donald's anxiety, "Do you have any wine there?"


Donald shouted quickly.

"Hahahaha, then lead the way."

The Shampoo Islands are divided into seventy-nine regions based on the supporting mangroves.

Among them, area 21 is Bar Street and Civilian Street, which is a popular entertainment area.

And in a certain bar on this street, a group of people were bragging about their great achievements yesterday.

"Hahahaha, who would have thought that you could pick up four mermaids just by going fishing?"

The drunken man stood on the table and raised his glass and shouted loudly, "He stupidly popped his head out of the water and shouted towards the Chambord Islands."

"The intelligence of fishmen and mermaids is indeed flawed, right? They just pretended to be good people and told them to take them to the island to play, and then let them get into the fish tank obediently!"

He laughed triumphantly and accidentally slipped and fell down on the table. "At first, I cried loudly, but after a few more blows with the whip, I became calm. It's a pity that it's so embarrassing that I can't even mention it." Interesting little devil!"

"Hahahaha, but I still made a lot of money when I sold it to the auction house today!"

"Good luck guy!" Others in the tavern were extremely jealous.

With four mermaids, even if it wasn't auctioned, this guy would have made at least one to two hundred million beli.

Why can't they meet the mermaid?

At this time, the door of the tavern was ripped open, and a man squeezed in through the door.

He grinned, "Ah, I found you."

Let me make it clear that I really didn’t save the manuscript. The seven chapters on the shelves were written four chapters the night before and three chapters the next morning. In fact, they were not finished by twelve o’clock, so they were updated than they should have been. The VIP chapter is a little late.

In fact, when I write it in advance, I post it regularly. If I write it now, I will post it immediately. You will know it by looking at the previous updates...

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