Brett was kicked out of the hotel by an angry Tezolo.

But he did understand the guy's feelings.

His heart was exposed all the time, and his defense was broken by the verbal abuse. He had already mustered up the courage to look forward to it, but he didn't give him a good answer.

When Hisashi Mitsui said, "Coach, I want to play basketball," if Coach Anzai had answered him like that, maybe he would have gone back to being a gangster in anger.

But Bright was not joking. Although there was indeed no detailed and precise plan, Bright felt that if it could develop smoothly like this, it might not be difficult to overthrow the world government.

After all, Bright has read the comics. Even if he does nothing, the World Government will only last ten years.

Just as he and Tezzolo said, there are always many like-minded people in this world.

As for getting stronger, you can become stronger, and Fish-Man Island can also become stronger as it continues to develop.

Of course, this alone may not be enough to deal with the world government. We must rely more on ancient weapons.

The King of the Sea is on Fish-Man Island, already in his hands.

Pluto is in the country of Wano, and Kaido probably stayed there just because of it. He can't get it yet, but there should be a chance in the future. Even now, Pluto's drawings are in the Water City——


Brett suddenly remembered something.

He tried hard to remember.

The current time is the year 1512 of the Hainan calendar, eight years before the Straw Hat boy went to sea.

That is to say——

He hurried back and knocked on Tezzolo's door again.

"What else?"

Tezzolo's attitude was very bad, not at all as gentle and polite as before.

It is still in the defense breaking stage.

"Tezolo, do me a favor and look up a shipbuilder named Tom in the Water City." Bright said seriously.

If I remember correctly, the builder of the sea train, the legendary shipbuilder of the Water City who inherited Pluto's design, the fishman Tom was killed by Spandam this year.

It's not yet the middle of the year, so could he not have been killed?

"Tom? Oh, I've heard of him."

Tezoro nodded, "The legendary shipwright of the Water City seems to be a fish-man. I see. Do you want to dig him back to the Fish-Man Island?"


Bright nodded with a calm face, "The industry on Fish-Man Island has just started, so I thought we could try to recall our outstanding compatriots outside."

"Really? Then why don't you try to recall the fishman on Whitebeard's ship?" Tezoro said sarcastically, "Oh yes, Kaido seems to have another one, even Charlotte Lingling. There are also a few mermaid daughters here."

"We'll talk about that later."

Brett chuckled, "Anyway, help me find out about Master Tom first."

"Give me two days."

Tezzolo said casually, "Then, can I rest?"

"Please feel free to do so."

Brett shrugged and turned away.

I hope Master Tom is okay.

If he can really be brought back to Fish-Man Island, Fish-Man Island will receive a huge boost!

Although Master Tom is a shipwright, Pluto is also a ship!

Not only did he build a steamship like the Sea Train that could speed on the sea, he also inherited Pluto's design and was an out-and-out weapons master!

Even if you are a teacher, you can cover many subjects, right?

Brett's heart was filled with anticipation.

Just wait for news from Tezzolo.

With anticipation, Brett went home to sleep.

Early the next morning, he went to the training ground radiant and talked to Jinbei about yesterday's events in detail.

"Eh? Have you awakened your Overlord Color? You actually have such a talent?"

Jinbei was very shocked, but he was even more shocked, "And, you said Pluto Rayleigh? Did you meet that man in the Shampoo Islands?"

"Both things surprised me."

Brett smiled and said, "But the Overlord color is not of use at all now, so I asked Rayleigh to guide me."

"Hahahaha, this is a good thing!"

Jinbe laughed loudly and said, "Pluto Rayleigh, that man is one of the legends of the past era! Bright, learn from him!"

Brett nodded.

In fact, he was thinking about whether he could learn how to use advanced weapon colors from Rayleigh, so that he could teach it to Jinbe.

If he could learn the weapon color of internal destruction, with Jinbei's physical skills and domineering quality, how would his strength improve?

It shouldn't be a problem to fight a monster like Shinkatakuri, right?

"By the way, I received a contact from the government last night," Jinbei said, "conveying the opinions of the Five Old Stars to me. I was scolded bloody, saying that your actions yesterday led to the death of a large number of dignitaries from the participating countries. It caused a huge disaster."

Bright sneered in response, "It would be best if all those guys died. So, what conditions does the government have?"

He doesn't believe that the government will wipe his ass for free.

The relationship between the World Government and the Shichibukai is a kind of game. The Shichibukai is trying every means not to be controlled by the government, and the government is also working hard to seize the Shichibukai's handle.

"It is said that there will be something that we need to take action in the future." Jinbei said, "I haven't said what it is specifically yet."


Brett nodded.

It's probably some dirty work that the government can't do itself.

After having breakfast with Brother Jinbei, Bright went to the Mermaid Cafe.

"Brother Brett, I heard from Sally that you saved them yesterday!"

Little Nana came forward with a smile, "Sally said you are a great hero! I also want to be a hero like Brother Brett!"

That child is called Sally?

Brett smiled and said, "You have to work hard then."


Two streams of hot air came out of the little girl's nostrils, and she waved her fist, "Sally said that she can become stronger by studying in school in the future. I will work hard!!"

Brett thought it was right when he heard it.

Why can’t fish body art and haki training be added to children’s curriculum?

Both culture and style are blooming.

Brett rubbed little Nana's head and said, "You have done me a big favor, brother. I will reward you with two extracurricular tutoring sessions in the future."

"But it's really thrilling. Fortunately, Brett is here."

Nana’s mother was also worried. Although it was not Nana who was kidnapped, she was indeed Nana’s good friend. “When can that school be opened?”

"It still takes some time to prepare."

Brett said, "Just wait."

Miss Miriam looked at her daughter who was cheering and waving her little fists solemnly, and sighed.

Brett smiled and understood his mother's mentality.

He walked to the counter and looked down at Charlie.

The girl was wearing a black silk shirt. The relatively close-fitting clothes well outlined her beautiful figure. Her overly pale skin and cold expression gave her delicate facial features a thrilling coldness.

She felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by Brett, so Charlie raised her head with a slight frown, "What are you looking at?"

Brett smiled softly, "Charlie, do me a favor."

"Do you want divination again?"

Charlie shook her head slightly, then took out her crystal ball from the cabinet, "Actually, should I charge you?"

"You can pay for it with coffee. I can make you as much as you want." Bright said with a smile.

Charlie rolled her eyes cutely, "What do you want to divine? How long does it take to learn how to make good coffee?"

"Let me have something to look forward to. Help me divine Tom the fishman."

Brett said seriously.

The Tezzolo guy still needs some time, and Brett is a little afraid that it will be too late. After all, he only remembers that Master Tom died this year, and the specific time is not mentioned in the comics.

Let's let Charlie do some divination first.

"Is that Tom? I think I've heard of him."

Charlie nodded, already spreading his hands, placing them on the crystal ball.

This is the great thing about Xia Li. She only needs a name to perform divination.

Brett was filled with anticipation.

"I saw……"

Charlie raised her head, "You guys are talking somewhere."

Brett breathed a sigh of relief.

That means catching up, right?

Great, this is really good news!

Next, all we need is Tezzolo’s detailed information.

"Charlie, I love you so much!"

Brett left the Mermaid Cafe happily.

Charlie looked at his back for a moment, then her cheeks gradually turned rosy.

"Oh~ I love you so much?"

The mermaid ladies immediately came closer.

"What are you doing standing still? Start working."

Charlie lowered his head and coughed lightly.

Brett was in a good mood today. After finishing his official duties, he originally wanted to go and discuss with Alexander.

But then I thought about it and decided to go take lessons with Rayleigh.

Overlord color, a little impatient.

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