Bright stayed in the Water City for the time being.

Master Tom was determined to wait until the sea train was officially put into operation before leaving, and Brett could not force him.

This is what it takes to be a good shipwright.

Brett couldn't force him, so he had no choice but to stay and wait.

Master Tom is very busy. Although the sea train has been completed and the track laying has been completed, he still takes the trouble to check the sea train and the track every day.

As an excellent shipbuilder, he would never allow any flaws in his work. As he said, he wanted the ship he was proud of to go out to sea with a bang.

It was impossible for Brett to follow Master Tom the whole time. He did not reveal his intentions. He rented a hotel in the Water City these days, just like all tourists who come to the Water City, and drove Blue's boat every day. Touring the streets and alleys of the Water City.

But after the initial novelty wore off, he felt that this city was actually like this.

A city of water?

Is it possible that it can still be compared with Fish-Man Island?

However, there is still something that can attract him in the Water City, and that is the ancient buildings that have sunk under the sea around the island.

The buildings that sank into the sea due to factors such as rising sea levels and island subsidence exist quietly under the sea. Although they are severely corroded, the past style can still be vaguely seen.

While walking among these buildings, Bright was thinking, was this where the shipwrights created Hades eight hundred years ago?

Why was it made, and what kind of power did it possess? Why was it that with such superb technology, only the design drawings in the hands of Master Tom remained?

History is always full of mysteries.

At noon on the fourth day after arriving in the Water City, when Bright was dining in the restaurant, Master Tom also came and sat at the table behind Bright.

"What happened?"

Brett lowered his voice while eating.

This is their agreement. Brett will eat at a fixed restaurant every day. If Tom encounters anything, he will come here to find him.

"Government agents came to see me last night."

Master Tom whispered while ordering the dishes.

Brett frowned.

"I never thought they were targeting that thing."

Master Tom sighed, "In this case, I can no longer leave. Brother Bright, please take my two disciples and Coco Luo Henggang away later."

Now that the government knows that he has the blueprint for Pluto, there is no place for him in this entire world.

"I said, don't worry, Mr. Tom, I will take all of you out safely."

Brett said calmly.

"Bright, you have no idea how important that thing is to the government—"

Brett interrupted, "It's related to Hades, right?"

Master Tom was stunned for a moment.

"Eight hundred years ago, the shipwrights of the Water City built the most powerful warship named Pluto, known as Hades."

Bright said calmly, "The only thing that the government can never forget about this island is probably the things related to it."

"..." Tom was silent for a moment, "Indeed."

"Just go ahead and do what you want, Master Tom. It'll be alright."

Brett said calmly.

"Okay, I understand, I leave everything to you, Brett!"

Tom laughed softly, "Let me, as the shipwright of the Water City, ring the bell one last time!"

Brett smiled softly.

Let me see, how did that fellow Spandam frame Mr. Tom?

Today is the day when the sea train officially runs, and it is also the day when Tom, the fishman who once committed a serious crime, will be judged.

Judiciary Island sent a judicial ship and brought the justice who gave Tom the final trial.

The promise made fourteen years ago is finally fulfilled today.

Under the watchful eyes of the people of the Water City, the Justice, accompanied by Master Tom, boarded the sea train. Then, the whistle sounded, and with the roaring sound, the sea train set sail.

It flew the justice on the paved road until it had traveled all the roads before returning to the Judiciary Island.

When he was escorted off the sea train by the navy, the white-haired justice had a smile on his face, "That's amazing, Tom the Fishman! You have really made what we thought was a fantasy become a reality!" "

"Hahaha, this is my proudest boat!"

Master Tom doesn't know what modesty is.

He was proud of his children.

"Then let's invite Tom the fishman and the people who want to watch the trial to board the justice ship!"

A temporary court was set up on the judicial ship to conduct trials, and then came the final trial.

Master Tom took two excited disciples and calmly boarded the judicial ship.

Many people followed happily, and everyone realized that the Sea Train was something that would change the entire Water City.

And Tom, the fishman who created the Sea Train, is undoubtedly the hero of the entire Water City.

Everyone was waiting for the moment when this man would be acquitted.

However, while people were busy boarding the ship, in a corner, a man with pale hair and a thin figure laughed sideways, "Not guilty? What a joke! When the government wants to make you guilty, you How can you be innocent!"

He excitedly turned his head to look at the side of the island, where the sea was still empty.

Follow the man's line of sight to the sea on the other side. Although you can't see anything from the direction of the station, if you go around a section of the coast, you can see that several huge warships have gathered together.

At this time, these warships were speeding forward, preparing to go around this coast and towards the direction of the judicial ship, and the cold muzzles were ready to fire.

However, at this time, a huge and slender monster wandered past under the sea.

As he wandered by, his astonishing aura spread everywhere.

The people who were originally controlling the ships on each fleet ship rolled their eyes and passed out one by one.

Then, the monster finally leaned out of the sea, and the fiery red dragon opened its mouth, "Thank me, Franky, you don't have to regret it for the rest of your life."

"Hot breath."

The government, or Spandam's method of framing Master Tom was very nonsense. When the justice ship arrived, they had agents steal a battleship built by Frankie to attack the justice ship, and then put the blame on Master Tom.

Although it is obvious that there is something wrong with the brain to carry out an attack at this time when he is about to be absolved of guilt, but who made the world government the world government?

But this time, these warships had no chance to fire.

They will all sink quietly into the sea.

On the judicial ship, the people had already taken their seats in the temporary court, and Tom, the defendant, and the judge, the judge, had also taken their seats.

"Tom the fishman once committed a great crime."

The white-haired justice declared loudly, "But fourteen years ago, he showed us his idea, a sea train that can connect the sea!"

"We were shocked by his vision and finally agreed to his request. If he can make this vision come true, then we will pardon his crimes!"

"And now, fourteen years later, the sea train that can gallop across Qinghai and connect various islands has truly appeared before my eyes!"

There were excited smiles on everyone's faces, and everyone thought that Master Tom's crimes would be forgiven.

Except for a man on the coast who was looking at the sea with a panicked expression.

"What's going on! Damn it, what's going on? Why hasn't the battleship come yet!"

He turned around angrily, "What's going on with those bastards!"

"Hug, sorry sir!" His subordinates also looked panicked, "Suddenly we can't contact that side!"


Man, Spandam, the commander of CP5, gritted his teeth. This was a job that his father had finally won for him!

"I'll contact the higher authorities right away!! Even if the operation fails, Tom will never be let off the hook!"

The chief judge on the judicial ship paused for a moment, preparing to make the final judgment.

Then this is the time.

A navy man holding a phone suddenly ran over in a hurry.

"Sir, contact me from above!!"

The judge was stunned for a moment, and then said apologetically, "Sorry everyone, I'll take a call first."

With that said, he followed the navy and left the court temporarily, leaving only a group of confused people.

"Damn it! What are you doing? Can't you declare Mr. Tom innocent first?"

Katie Fram punched the armrest of the auditorium seat with a look of displeasure.

"Be quiet, Franky, we can't wait long." Espagu advised.

But for some reason, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

In the dock, Tom pursed his lips and said nothing.

Soon, the judge came back in a hurry, his face turned a little pale.

He looked at Tom, then at the people watching the trial, and twitched at the corner of his mouth.


"I declare,"

He picked up the Judgment Hammer and said, "The fishman Tom is guilty. We will commend him for his achievements in making the sea train, but the crime of making ships for the Pirate King cannot be eliminated."


The hammer struck.

There was silence.

Then, there was an uproar.

"Why! Haven't we already fulfilled our agreement?"

"Does the government want to default on the contract?"

The people were angry.

The navy officers in the court quickly raised their weapons to prevent a riot.

"Are you kidding me? Bastard!!"

In the audience, Kati Fram burst into flames instantly. His face turned red, his veins popped out, and he looked as ferocious as a demon.

"Mr. Tom has completed the agreement!!"

"Shut up, Franky!"

Although Tom was fat, he was not slow. He grabbed Frame and said loudly, "If this is my fate, then I will accept it calmly!"

He knocked out Fram with one punch, and then threw him towards Espagu.

"Aspago, take care of him, don't worry, I'll be fine!"

"But, Mr. Tom -" Espagu bit his lip with his teeth, and blood instantly stained his chin red.

"Hahahaha, a man must face everything with a loud voice!"

Mr. Tom laughed.

"Hey, judge, what's next?"

The justice's face was pale. He turned his head and did not dare to look at Tom.

"The prisoner, Tom, will be immediately escorted to Justice Island for execution."

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