One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 89 Prime Minister Hai

"The Fish-Man Island is different now from the past. The port is full of humans, and there are even merchant ships sent by the government."

Jinbei told Bright about the previous situation, "So when the Celestial Dragon's ship was discovered outside the gate, he could only be allowed in, so the news quickly spread to the ears of the Five Old Stars."

"Wulaoxing's original words are, don't take any chances. If the Tianlong people die on Fish-Man Island, then they will continue to die."

Bright didn't have any doubt about the authenticity of Wu Laoxing's words.

Although the Five Old Stars are politicians, and the art of politicians is compromise, there are always some things that cannot be compromised.

For example, the Celestial Dragons.

The Celestial Dragons are the nobles of the world and are the legal authority for the world government to rule the world. Even the Five Old Stars cannot go against the collective will of the Celestial Dragons.

The arrogant guy Rocks was killed because he attacked the Celestial Dragons.

"Are those old men really worried about what we will do?"

Brett slowly breathed a sigh of relief and raised the corners of his lips, "That's a really accurate guess."

"You're not really going to do anything, are you?"

Jinbei looked frightened, even he was a little frightened.

Brother Tiger didn't hurt the Celestial Dragons when he made a big fuss about Marie Joa.

"Hey, don't be impulsive, Brett, you will definitely be doomed!" Neptune also said quickly with a look of panic.

"Don't worry, I haven't gotten to that point yet."

Brett shook his head.

If given the chance, he would definitely not hesitate to kill the Celestial Dragon.

But now it seems there is no chance.

After all, this is not the situation in the original work where even if the Celestial Dragon is killed, no humans will know about it.

My goal is to get rid of the entire group of Tianlong people, because it would be too unwise for a single individual to affect the future just because of his temporary pleasure.

"I think this is a good thing!"

Princess Otohime came over with a smile, "As long as we can get the approval of the Celestial Dragons, moving to the sea will not be a dream!"

You haven’t given up yet, this old aunt.

Brett felt helpless towards Princess Otohime.

Although his body is extremely fragile, his willpower alone is the strongest in the world.

However, looking at it now, her thought may not be a bad thing.

Bright smiled and said, "Really? But you should have seen the attitude of the Celestial Dragons, Your Royal Highness."

\u0026quot;I could hear his heart,\u0026quot;

Princess Otohime said seriously, "Perhaps he did commit serious sins in the past, but I believe that no one has ever taught him how to be a good person!"

Maybe that's true.

But what's the point?

Can the enormity of his sins be wiped out?

It's hard for Brett to understand Otohime's thoughts. She is someone who believes that as long as you love me and I love you, there will be world peace.

But he had no intention of stopping Otohime.

"Then come on, Princess Otohime."

Bright smiled and said, "Maybe you can really influence him. In this case, it would be a good thing for someone among the world's nobles to speak for us."

"Hey, leave it to me!"

Princess Otohime waved her fist confidently, her fighting spirit high.

Neptune shook his head helplessly.

"How is this possible?" Jinbei sighed in a low voice, "That's a Celestial Dragon."

When he was in the Sun Pirates, he had heard too many stories from his companions about the sins of the Celestial Dragons.

That is simply the ethnic group that breeds the greatest evil in the world.

Brett was looking forward to it.

Because he knew that Princess Otohime had really done this.

In the original work, she did influence the muse Garud.

Since it's not easy to kill Muse Garud now, let's try to make him useful in the future.

It would be best if Princess Otohime could turn him into a Celestial Dragon full of thoughts of you love me and I love you. Isn't what she is best at infecting others with her thoughts?

In short, leave the Celestial Dragons to her.

Brett didn't want to deal with that kind of guy at all.

In short, what should be done now is——

"King Neptune, I need your permission for something."

Brett walked up to Neptune and motioned for him to lower his head.

"What's up?"

Neptune lowered his head curiously, and Bright leaned into his ear and told him what happened to the Neptunes before.

The Great Knight of the Sea's expression became solemn, "Such a thing actually happened! You did a great job Bright!"

It is simply unimaginable what will happen to Fish-Man Island next if the identity of White Star Sea King is known to the Five Old Stars.

"Then take Bai Xing there."

Neptune lowered his voice, "White Star is very afraid of strangers, so let Shark Star accompany you."

Brett nodded.

Neptune called Shark Star over again to give instructions, and Shark Star nodded solemnly.

"What? What happened?"

Princess Otohime approached curiously.


Neptune said quickly.

How could he say this to his wife, asking his son to take his six-year-old daughter and Brett to meet a group of deep-sea monsters?

"Brother Jinbei, I'll leave this to you first."

Bright said solemnly, "If that guy still wants to cause trouble, it doesn't matter if you give him some trouble."

"I know,"

Jinbei nodded, "If that's the case, I'll let him know that Fishman Island is determined to do whatever it takes for its dignity!"

Brett smiled brightly.

As expected of Brother Jinbei, he can always make people feel at ease.


He looked back at Shark Star.

Shark Star nodded.

The two left, Brett went to wait at the door, and Shark went to bring his sister over.

Without waiting too long, Shark Xing came over with Bai Xing.

The little girl held a shark doll in her hand, with an expectant smile on her face.

"Ah! It's Brother Bright!" Bai Xing saw Bright and happily waved the doll in his hand to say hello to Bright. Although they had not met a few times, the little girl still remembered Bright.

"Yo, little white star."

Brett also smiled and said hello.

Bai Xing held his brother's hand with his other hand and asked Shark Star happily, "Brother Bright, do you want to hang out with us too?"

Shark Star showed a difficult smile with a strong sense of guilt on his face, "Yes, yes."

He deceived his young sister and told her to take her out to play, which was a huge psychological burden for Shark, who has always been a serious character.


The little princess cheered, "Where are we going to play?"

"Take you to meet some big friends."

Brett said.

Don't keep the Neptunes waiting.

And speaking of which, what happened to that guy Alexander?

Ryugu City is located above the Fish-Man Island bubble, inside another smaller bubble.

This means that if you want to go from Dragon Palace City to the deep sea, you don't need to return to Fish-Man Island first.

Bright took the Shark Star brother and sister directly through the bubble and headed in the direction they came from.

"Leaving Fish-Man Island!"

The little princess held her brother's hand tightly, looking around a little scared and a little excited.

This was her first time leaving Fish-Man Island.

"Brother Bright, how far is it?"

Compared to his sister's happiness, Shark Xing was much more vigilant.

He has two brothers, but only one sister.

"Almost there."

Brett said.

After some distance.


Brett looked up.

"It seems, what's the sound?" The little princess blinked curiously, "It's saying hello to me!"


Shark Star said he heard nothing.

Brett stopped and said with a smile, "It's right here, they are already here."


Shark Star's Adam's apple rose and fell.

My father spoke vaguely, saying that he had followed Bright to meet some Neptunes, but it was not entirely clear what the situation was.

After all, the Neptune type——

"Neptune type!!!"

The next moment, Shark Star exclaimed in disbelief.

In the dim sea water, several extremely huge sea kings showed their true appearance.

Shark Star's mouth could hardly be closed.


too big.

I am as insignificant as an ant in front of them!

Shark Star subconsciously stood in front of his sister.

But immediately, he found that Xiao Baixing also opened his mouth in surprise, but he didn't mean to be afraid.

"They are saying hello to me, brother Shark Star!"

The little princess said happily, "Do you want to be friends with me?"

Yes, can you understand what Neptune is saying?

Shark Star was stunned.

Does your sister have extraordinary powers?

"I brought Princess Bai Xing here as promised."

Bright was suspended in the sea and said loudly, "Now you can confirm her safety."

"You fulfilled your agreement with us."

A sea king creature said, "Mlocculant Bright, please allow us to say thank you. If you hadn't stopped us in time, maybe we would have made a big mistake."

"Well, I accept it."

Brett smiled slightly.

Shark Star blinked in surprise, why, Brother Bright can also communicate with Neptunes?

"Is that the king? This is the first time I've seen it!"

A voice sounded, and Alexander swam over between the giant sea kings, "Hahahaha, I thought it would be even more powerful!"

Brett turned to look at him. The shell on his body was a little tattered, "The little princess is only six years old, still a child. But it's you who has been repaired badly?"

"Hahahaha, of course I fought back hard!"

The Warrior Shrimp laughed loudly, "But it was such a hearty battle! My partner, it's decided, I will work hard to grow even bigger in the future!"

He suffered a loss in size and strength.

Brett smiled.

Over there, the Neptunes circle the white star.

"Perhaps you haven't mastered your power yet, but if you encounter danger, please don't be stingy and just call me. No matter where you are in the sea, we will answer your call."

Bai Xing tilted her head in confusion, then she smiled and said, "Does everyone want to be friends with me?"

The Neptunes paused for a moment, then a female Neptune said, "We are all your most solid subordinates."


The little princess didn't understand this word very clearly. She blinked and then said happily, "In short, it means friends!"

"The king is still too young."

Bright heard the Neptunes talking among themselves.

"She needs someone to guide her to grow and become a king who can maturely use her great power."


"My King, what do you think of the fish-man named Bright?"

A Neptune type asked suddenly.

Why did you start calling yourself by your name?

Brett was a little surprised.

"Brother Brett?"

The little princess bit her finger, "Mom and dad say that Brother Bright is great. He is the person who will change Fish-Man Island and lead Fish-Man Island to a new era."

Forget it about Neptune, did that old aunt say the same?

Bright chuckled. Although the opinions were different, the goals were roughly the same.

"I understand, as Alexander said, the fishman Bright is a trustworthy person."

The Neptunes turned around and stared at Bright.

Brett looked a little confused, "Alexander, what did you say to them?"

"Of course I want them to know what a noble, upright, enthusiastic and brave warrior my partner is!" Alexander said matter-of-factly.

That's right, you guy can't say much else.

"Well, Brett the fishman, we have a request."

The voices of the Neptunes were solemn.

Bright probably guessed what they wanted to say, "Don't worry, that's what I originally thought. I will try to teach Bai Xing and let her learn how to use her power."

Shirahoshi controls one of the most important powers in the world.

Her education is the most important part of the development of Fish-Man Island.

The cowardly Starbright in the original was never meant to be seen.

"That's right! The king who can lead us must be a powerful warrior!" Alexander responded loudly.

That's right.

Bright hopes that Shirahoshi will be brave, strong, and decisive, and at the same time, he also hopes that she will have powerful force.

Otherwise, even if you can summon the Neptune type, it will be too dangerous if you are too weak.

"In that case, I'm begging you. The final war is not far away, so please be sure to let the king grow up enough to face all hardships before then."

The Neptunes said.

"In return," they then said, "we will notify more other Sea Kings to help him when they meet a fish-man named Bright who can communicate with us."

Brett was shocked.

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