One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 96 Success, accident

"We finally meet, Mr. Umit."

Brett slightly unbuttoned two buttons to make his neck, which was strangled somewhat uncomfortable, feel a little more comfortable.

He looked down at the astonished King of Sea with a smile and said hello casually.

The Ocean King stared at Brett's face in disbelief. Although this face was not familiar, it was certainly not unknown!

This man is——

"Oh!! Mr. Tezzolo, who has caused quite a stir in the New World in recent times, and his business has been getting bigger and bigger!"

Before the Sea Transport King could say anything, Morgans had already excitedly jumped on the table, "I've wanted to meet you for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet you under such circumstances!"

"As for the other one——"

Birdman's eyes were on Bright, "Hahahaha, then it won't be unfamiliar. I gave you your nickname. You are a high-ranking figure from Fishman Island and the director of the Exit-Entry Administration. Disaster of the Deep, Mr. Bright!”

"Hello, Mr. Morgans."

Tezzolo nodded gracefully and said, "If you don't mind, we can talk about cooperation later."

"Hahahaha, okay."

Morgans nodded happily.

"Yeah, it's true,"

The beautiful woman Stussy also spoke, and said in a very pretentious manner, "It is not what a gentleman should do to attend a banquet without being invited."

Brett glanced sideways at this woman. She really knew how to put on an act. Could it be said that her acting skills were at the level of a CP0 agent?

"If I have disturbed you, please allow me to apologize."

Bright said calmly, "But now I have to have a good chat with Mr. Umit first."

"What a polite boy."

Stussy smiled, "Big sister, I really can't refuse a child like you."

"Umit, what do you think?"

King Haiyun's face became extremely gloomy, and he stood up.

"It's you two bastards who are doing this, right?"

Now that I think about it, it’s completely wrong.

How did those two bastards Tezzolo and Brett know they were going to party here?

The only possibility is that the two assholes who started the party are up to something.

"how could be?"

Stussy said innocently, "We are friends, how could I do such a thing?"

"Hahahaha, that's right,"

Morgans simply lay down on the table, shaking his paws and laughing loudly, "I specially invited you here just for the big news. How could it be harmful to you?"

Two bastards! !

Umit gritted his teeth.

He was a little confused, why would these two guys do such a thing?

Not to mention such unreliable bullshit as friendship, the key point is that the benefits he can bring to these two guys are much more than the two young boys in front of him!

"Okay, Mr. Umit, let's settle the score between us now."

Brett said calmly, "To be honest, I didn't intend to have any conflict with you, but why do you have to be aggressive?"

"Stop saying stupid things!"

The Shipping King said angrily, "The competition in business is more fierce than the fight between pirates! How can I survive when you enter the deep-sea logistics industry!"

Brett sighed, in the end it was still a chain of suspicion.

"Why are you talking nonsense? Just kill this guy."

Tezzolo's right fist suddenly became gleaming with gold and had completely turned into a golden structure.

Although the Jinjin Fruit cannot create gold out of thin air, it can turn the esper himself into gold.

"We have to send people to take over his property later. There are still a lot of troubles!"

Brett nodded.


What’s the point of nonsense now?


It’s really arrogant!

"Do you think you're done with me?"

The Sea Transport King sneered, "You little brats, let me teach you a lesson. My industry was built bit by bit on a bloody battlefield!"

He ripped off the captain's coat that he was wearing, and his arms became completely black.

Umit, who can be called the underground giant of the new world, certainly possesses equally powerful power.

"Why are you still standing there! Kill these two guys for me!!"

Behind the scenes, the bodyguards brought by King Haiyun have also swarmed up.

"Oh oh oh oh!! It's starting!!"

Morgans stood up and took out his phone at some point, "Isn't the big news coming?"

Stussy sat lazily on the chair, and even took out the nail polish to paint her fingernails. She was still complaining in a low voice,

"Men are always like this. They get into fights when they disagree. Can't we just sit down and have a good chat?"

Morgans couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at this woman.

What you said is really human.

"I'll take care of the guys in the back."

Tezzolo turned his back, "Is it okay to leave Umit to you to deal with?"


Brett nodded.

"Then come on!"

Tezoro laughed and ejected, "Golden Fist!!"

"Go to hell, you brat!!"

Umit seized the opportunity of Bright being alone and pounced on him like lightning.

He knew that his current situation was not good, and that these two bastards, Morgans and Stusy, were up to no good.

These two brats are equally strong.

We must take advantage of the two big bastards to watch the show and the other brat being entangled by his subordinates. Thunder strikes to get rid of the brat Brett first! !

The bulging muscles stretched the already slim-fitting clothes tightly around her body.

Wumit stepped hard and made a circle of cracks on the hard floor. The powerful force was transmitted from the thigh upwards. After twisting the spine, the power of the trunk was integrated into it, and finally it was all concentrated on the right fist.

The dark right fist blasted out like a cannonball, making the air explode like thunder!

Wumit's eyes were firmly locked on Bright, who was still motionless at this time.

Die, boy!

Do you think it’s so great to have solved a few new pirates who have never even seen the New World?

If I weren't afraid of Jinbei, I would have killed you long ago!

Brett heard the contempt in the Sea King's heart.

Ah, really.

Bright didn't even bother to hide. He just added a layer of domineering energy to his chest and let Umit's fist hit his chest.


Severe pain came, and Umit was pushed back a few steps by the reaction force in disbelief.

How is this going?

What's going on with this guy?

Is his body made of Hailou Stone?

"It's my turn, Takeru."

The liquid mixed with thunder and water seeped out of Bright's right fist wrapped in jet-black domineering energy, and the next moment, the fist hit Umit's chest.

Bright's extreme speed did not allow the Ocean King to react at all.


Astonishing fluctuations entangled the lightning and burst out from Wumit's back, directly penetrating upwards, blasting a huge hole deep into the top floor of the hotel.


As for Mr. Shipping King, he screamed and flew out with his chest dented, knocking a hole out of the ceiling, and then fell down again, hitting the floor heavily.

"Hey, hahaha, instant kill!"

Morgans was so excited that he almost danced, "With this level of strength, Disaster of the Deep Sea is truly worthy of its name!"

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

It's so weak that I can't even see it.

The evaluation is that it is not as good as the unknown vice admiral who was killed last year.

That's the level of an ordinary lieutenant general.

That's right, although it is known as the underground giant of the new world and its industry must be amazing, it may not necessarily have that much strength.

After all, the God of Fortune who is as famous as the King of Shipping in the original work was killed by Stussy with a flying finger gun.

"Hey, Brett, don't rush to kill this guy, we still need him to help us take over his property."

Tezzolo had almost finished taking care of the bodyguards over there, and in his busy schedule, he turned back and warned him.

"I know."

Brett strolled over to the fallen King of Oceans.


This man who looked proud just now could only lie on the ground and let the blood flow uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth.

"Now you understand, I did mean it when I said I didn't mean to be right with you."

Brett said.

After all, you are so weak.


The King of Sea Transport opened his mouth weakly, "Asshole, bastard..."

It's just the wail of a defeated dog.


But it was at this time that Bright turned his head and looked in the direction they came in.


The elevator stopped at this floor, and then the elevator doors opened.

A man came out.

"I heard that you were gathering here. I originally wanted to come over and say hello to my mother's friends, but now it seems that this place is more lively than I thought."

The man's voice was filled with an interesting smile.

Brett turned around.

Ah, something unexpected happened.

Or is it not an accident?

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