As soon as he thought of this, Budek’s face was full of anger, his only goal to live now was to kill the vice admiral and avenge his wife and daughter.

“Even if I say it, you can’t do it.

After a few seconds, Budek looked at Chen Fan.

Looking at Budek’s eyes, Chen Fan felt a little hopeful, so he continued:

“What if? You say it, as long as I have the opportunity, I will definitely help you do it. ”

There must always be hope for people to live,” Budek pondered, as if he had figured out something, and after a few seconds

, “Well, as long as you can help me kill Vice Admiral Henri David in the future, I will teach you the Navy Six Style.”

“Yes, I promise you, as long as I can get out, I will definitely help you kill this person.”

Chen Fan heard that Budek finally made a request, and naturally quickly agreed.

“Well, although I know, this is very unlikely.

However, you are right, staying here is also boring, and maybe there is hope.

Budek thought for a moment and agreed.

“The six styles of the navy refer to guns, iron blocks, shaving, moon steps, lan feet, and paper painting.

I suggest you start with the monthly step.

Budek said to Chen Fan.


Chen Fan was also glad in his heart that this guy Budek was not an old stubborn.

“The training method of Yuebu is to continuously step on the air with your feet, and when you can step on the air eight times a second, then you can initially succeed in cultivating

Yuebu…” Budek patiently explained to Chen Fan the cultivation method and cultivation method of Yuebu like a famous teacher.

After all, when he was a rear admiral before, he had taught cadets in the training camp, and he was naturally familiar with these light vehicles.

Chen Fan was also listening very seriously, and he was extremely eager to become stronger.

The pirates in the surrounding cells were smiling.

“These two guys are really crazy, one really started teaching and the other really started practicing.

“yes, this Budek guy too, is it too boring?

“The guy next to you on Hayden Road is also a fool, and sure enough, these navies are even stupider than us pirates.”

Can’t escape anyway, that Budek is also a fool, he won’t really think that kid has a chance to avenge him.” ”


The pirates are constantly taunting.

In this regard, Budek and Chen Fan did not care.

More than ten minutes later, after Chen Fan knew the principle of the moon step, he began to try it in the cell.

In the following days, Chen Fan added monthly step training in addition to the basic physical training in the past, and the daily days were more fulfilling.

Every time he felt extremely tired after training, he went to eat some food to replenish his energy.

Now he is able to eat two servings of these high-protein foods before he feels a sense of fullness.

“Tread… Trample. Chen

Fan was in the small space of the cell, constantly trying, how to step on the air? At the

beginning, he could only take three steps a second, and no matter how he could not increase.

Budek looked at this scene and did not say anything, after all, this was already an excellent level at the beginning.

Those naval cadets could only take a maximum of two steps at first.


Time passes slowly.

The days go by.

During this period, Chen Fan trained tirelessly, while Budek patiently taught, correcting Chen Fan’s mistakes step by step.

And as time passed, Budek sighed in his heart that Chen Fan’s training intensity was great and his progress was fast.

In his heart, he had already given Chen Fan the title of a demon, and he even felt sorry for Chen Fan.

With his talent and hard work, if he were not advancing the city, he would definitely be able to break through to the new world.

In the first few days of Chen Fan’s training, those pirates kept mocking, but they found that Chen Fan didn’t care at all and ignored them.

After two or three days, they didn’t find it interesting and didn’t continue to ridicule.

But they still thought in their hearts that Chen Fan was wasting time like this, he had to advance into the city all his life, so what was the use of training hard?


After 15 days.

“Bang… Bang. The

sound of stepping into the air sounded.

Chen Fan took eight consecutive steps in mid-air.

Looking at Chen Fan, who had successfully cultivated in just 15 days, Budek’s face was full of surprise, he had never encountered a successful cultivation of Moon Step so quickly.

He couldn’t help but think of the three monsters of the Navy, the three of Sakaski.

He remembered that Sakaski, the fastest cultivator among the three, also took 20 days to successfully cultivate the Moon Step.

Chen Fan was five days faster than that monster of Sakaski.


Taking a breath, Chen Fan’s face showed an excited expression, after these 15 days of long-term high-intensity training, he finally successfully cultivated the six styles of the navy, one of which was successful.

Fortunately, he can supplement food to cause heat flow in the body, relieve fatigue and recover from injuries, otherwise it would not have been possible to refine it so quickly.

Looking at Budek’s surprised expression, Chen Fan knew that his training speed must be very fast.

After being surprised for several seconds, Budek came back to his senses, thought for a while, and said

, “Chen Fan boy, since your talent is so high, then I will teach you the next five styles.”

Afterwards, Budek began to explain to Chen Fan the cultivation methods and methods of the remaining five styles.

1. Shaving: Instant acceleration sprint, extremely fast…………

2. Arashi Leg: Like a sword, cut out an attack similar to sword qi………………

3. Iron: Disperse the body’s energy, cover the surface of the body, and make the body as hard as iron……………………

4. Finger gun: concentrate the body’s energy on the fingers, so that the fingers are like bullets, even steel can penetrate………………

5. Paper painting: mobilize the body, control the body as easily as drawing on paper………………”

After Chen Fan listened to Budek’s story, he already understood a rough idea.

In fact, the cultivation principle of this naval six-style is not very difficult, the most important thing is to have the physical fitness to complete these movements, which is the most difficult part.

Just as Chen Fan was about to continue training, the door of the sixth layer opened again, and a faint light shone in, bringing everyone a long-lost light.

A big man with injuries all over his body and an extremely weak appearance was sent in by four jailers.

Moreover, it happened to be sent to the cell where Chen Fan was.

As soon as he entered, the four jailers restrained him with chains made of special substances and special handcuffs.

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