“Eight Doors? Very strange move name. ”

Recalling the name of the move that Roya had said, Reilly thought for a moment, and half a day later he held out such a sentence.

Then Reilly looked at Mihawk as if asking something, but didn’t make a sound.

“Never heard of it, is this really the trick you used yesterday?”

Mihawk knew what Reilly wanted to ask himself, simply offered to speak, and then confirmed to Roya.

“Yes, this is a means by which I suddenly strengthened.”

“This is a trick to temporarily gain great power by unlocking the channels of stored power in the human body.”

There are a total of eight doors in the human body, successively opening the door, resting the door, the birth door, the wounded door, the Du door, the Jing Gate, the shock door, and the death door, and each time you open a strong door will liberate some of the power.

Opening to the sixth door allows people to exert 100% of the strength that the body can bear, which can enhance themselves at this time, and generally does not hurt the source.

But when the seventh shock door is opened, the potential of the human body will be fully stimulated, and some of the original forces that maintain the operation of life will also be stimulated, and if it is opened for a long time, it will cause no small side effects.

The eighth gate, the last one, once opened, there will be no turning back.

It is almost impossible to actively shut down until the power is released.

The eighth door is to burn your own physical functions and life force at the expense of exchanging your original strength several times, whether you open it for a second or longer, if there is no special means, it is almost a death or injury. ”

Luo Ya said a lot in one breath, telling Reilly all the advantages and disadvantages of the Eight Doors to his face.

“Dead or injured? Did you also open the eighth door? ”

Reilly was stunned, and then looked at Roa strangely and said.

“I am me, and I only have death and life in my life, and I have not been injured at all, can you?”

Luo Ya rolled his eyes, how this old man still did not understand.

Luo Ya’s words were very forceful, and even the two ship doctors could not stop frowning.

They think they can’t bring people back from the dead.

But this guy only has life and death in his life, so what do they have to do with these ship doctors.

Although both Kurokas and Kureeva had become Roya’s ship doctors, the great reason they were able to come here was because of Roya and Reilly.

Reilly won’t say it first.

Roya obviously didn’t need them, somewhat dissatisfied.

“Two ship doctor seniors.”

At this moment, Roya suddenly cried out to the two ship doctors.


Listening to Roya’s sudden shouting, the two ship doctors who were muttering in their hearts immediately raised their heads and looked at Roya.

“The Eight Doors of Hidden Armor is a trick to kill the enemy and injure oneself, and in the future, their training will be indispensable to their hands, and I am afraid that they will trouble you at that time.”

Roya smiled and said to the two.

Luo Ya did not forget that there were two top medical masters on his ship, and he spent so much effort to find them on his ship, but he did not let the other party eat white rice.

“It turns out that I am waiting for me here, and since you have said everything about the captain, then of course I have no problem, but I am also very interested in Captain Roya’s eight-door armor.”

Hearing that she also had something to do, Kurewa’s face also eased up a lot, and while agreeing to Roya’s request, she was also a little curious about Roya’s move that could stimulate her potential.


Luo Ya did not hesitate and directly agreed to the other party’s request.

In his view, the Eight Doors Hidden Armor is a kind of move, and it is more like a state.

The Eight-Gate Armor Array needed strength and momentum to flush out the acupuncture points in the body.

However, there are many acupuncture points in the human body, only a few of them are effective, and once the point is wrong, it is definitely more miserable than the end of directly opening the eight doors.

Moreover, although the location of the eight acupuncture points is fixed, people in this world cannot accurately observe the acupuncture points from the inside.

Even if Roya wanted to teach the Eight Doors to Reilly, he planned to fill Reilly’s body with a spirit and then determine his specific internal acupuncture points.

If others also want to learn the Eight Arts, they also need to do the same.

But if there was someone he couldn’t trust, Luo Ya would certainly not teach the Eight Doors of Hidden Armor.

Even if it is taught, then Roya’s spirit will be scattered all over the other party’s body, and it will be possible to leave some hands and feet.

You know, others using the Eight Doors of Armor need to be guided by Luo Ya’s Lingzi.

And if someone betrays him, Luo Ya can completely change the position of the Lingzi’s guidance and directly let the other party explode on the spot when using the Eight Doors Hidden Armor.

Roya was careful, and it was also very informative that Roya would categorically not allow anyone to use the abilities he had imparted against him in turn against himself.

Hearing Kureva’s request was actually agreed by Roya, Mihawk immediately came over.

“What about me?” Mihawk asked impatiently, he had been following Roya for a long time.

“Greedy and chewy is not rotten, this trick is not suitable for you, if you learn the Eight Arts, you have to give up the sword way, are you willing to do it?”

Roya did not intend to teach the Eight Doors to Mihawk, and told Mihawk very bluntly.

Listening to Roya’s words, not only Mihawk, but Bista and several other captains who liked to use swords and swords immediately retreated to the side, and it was obvious that they were reluctant to give up their lifelong pursuits.

Bista was reluctant to learn his kendo, but Marco and Joz and the others came together excitedly.

“Let me teach one first, and you’ll talk about it later.”

Roja waved his hand at Marko and smiled.

Reilly next to him looked at the smile on Roya’s face, very distraught, he felt as if he had been sold by this boy again, _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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