
It wasn't until Kaido died that the belated voice of the Warring States Period was heard!

But it was too late, Kaido had turned into pieces of flesh and blood, floating in the air!

"Gu la la la la! Warring States Period, you are here late!"

As soon as Whitebeard heard this voice, he knew who it was without turning around.

Besides Warring States, who would stop on his own?

"Whitebeard, you......You actually killed Kaido?"

"You bastard, do you know what will happen?"

"The whole world will become turbulent because of your actions. Do you know how many people will die?"

Angrily questioned Whitebeard, and there was endless anger in Warring States' tone.

He hurriedly hurried slowly in order to stop Whitebeard and stop the world that was about to go berserk. Otherwise, I don't know how many lives would be lost in this sea!

But he still It's late, Kaido is dead, it's too late now, the world will surely fall into a dark period of chaos, and there will be countless casualties!

"During the Warring States Period, what would the world look like? What does it have to do with me?"

"What's the point of living as worried and exhausted as you?"

"I might as well change my profession and become a navy!"

"You must know that pirates are free, heroic, unrestrained, and can do what they want!"

To be honest, life in the Warring States Period was really uncomfortable. I had to worry about this and pay attention to that. I was busy all day long, and the pressure was endless.

Whitebeard couldn't stand this kind of life. Besides, he wants to complete the world mission and go to the wider world to improve himself, how could he be indecisive?

"Whitebeard, you really went too far this time!"

"If you kill two Yonko at once, then the pirates all over the world will go crazy, and the pirates in the new world will fight fiercely for the hard-won positions of the two Yonko!"

"The balance between the various forces in the sea will also be broken. At that time, all kinds of monsters will jump out to cause trouble, and the sea will fall into an unprecedented dark period of judgment!"

"At that time, even the world government will not be able to quell the chaos in a short time, and even the rule of the world government itself will be shaken, and killings and wars will occur one after another!"

"Countless countries will be destroyed, countless regimes will be subverted, and you will be the sinner of the entire world!"

A calm and wise voice came into Whitebeard's ears.

This voice's analysis was correct. There has never been a shortage of careerists in this world, but there has never been a suitable opportunity to show up. This time Whitebeard once Killing Kaido and Charlotte Lingling will give them an excellent opportunity to enter the world stage!

When their accumulation over the years explodes, even the world government will not be able to withstand such a terrifying turmoil. It is possible that his own right to rule will be threatened!

But this is what Whitebeard wants. In order to complete the world mission, he must do this.

In this way, it will not only help him overthrow the world government, but also bring down those guys hiding in the dark. Find them all and kill two birds with one stone!

"Crane, your analysis is absolutely right."

"It’s just that my purpose is to disrupt the world!"

That's right, the voice that came into Whitebeard's ears just now was that of the crane.

In the entire navy, except for the crane, even the Warring States Period cannot analyze it so thoroughly. Compared with the intelligence, the Warring States Period is really inferior to the crane!

"Crane, why are you here?"

"Garp, if you don't scare the pirates who come to watch the battle, why do you come to my place?"

Sengoku asked in a deep voice as he looked at Garp and He who were slowly approaching on a warship.

"Haha, Warring States Period, it’s enough for you to keep Qing Pheasant. There’s no need to include our two old comrades in arms, right?"

"We two have old bones, and we won’t live long!"

Garp looked at Warring States and said with a smile.

"What's the meaning? What's left of Green Pheasant?"

"Isn't Aoki Pheasant on a mission in Upside Down Mountain?"

Zhenguo asked in a puzzled tone.

"Ha ha ha ha! Warring States Period, you are still pretending to me!"

"We have been comrades for many years, and I know exactly what color underwear you like. Do you think you can hide it from me?"

"Leave the future of the navy to Aokiji! That guy is very good, I am very optimistic about him!"

"As for us two old guys, we will sacrifice for the world with you."

Why do the pirates who come to watch the battle in the new world need themselves and He to take action in person? The lieutenant general of the headquarters is enough to deal with it!

Sengoku came alone to face Whitebeard Undoubtedly, he just wanted to die with Whitebeard, and he left himself and others to act alone because he didn't want to implicate himself and He!

But how could Garp just watch Sengoku die while he survived? Even He couldn't do it!

So, the two of them They are coming, even though they know that they cannot die together with Whitebeard, they are still coming!

"Alas, you still found out!"

Zhan Guo smiled bitterly, but he didn't expect to hide it!

"Warring States, before you make a decision, I want to remind you!"

"Even if we want to die together with Whitebeard, it is absolutely impossible. His strength is at least three times higher than mine!"

Garp looked at Warring States seriously and said

"I understand, I thought I could stop Whitebeard from killing Charlotte Lingling, but I didn’t expect that I couldn’t stop Whitebeard from even killing the two emperors!"

Ever since Whitebeard easily killed Charlotte Lingling, Sengoku knew that even if they died together, they couldn't do it!

Especially the speed shown by Whitebeard when chasing Kaido simply made Sengoku despair!

"Now that Whitebeard has killed Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, there is no need for us to make fearless sacrifices!"

"Let's go back to the G-8 branch!"

The purpose of Sengoku at the beginning was to prevent Whitebeard from destroying the balance between the four emperors. Now that it has been destroyed, there is no point in Sengoku staying here. It is better to go back and think about how to deal with the following chaotic era!

"I'm afraid you can't leave today! Warring States!"

Just when Warring States was about to leave with Garp and others, Whitebeard's voice sounded faintly.

"Whitebeard, what do you mean? You have already killed Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, do you still want to kill us?"

Warring States suddenly turned his head, glared at Whitebeard, and asked loudly

"That’s exactly what I meant! Warring States!"

"Do you think I just want to kill Charlotte Lingling?"

"My goal is not the four bullshit emperors at all, but this world!"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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