Only traces of green flames were slowly burning on the sea, gentle and full of vitality.

Not long after, it covered the sea surface with a radius of tens of meters. At this time, there was only a"boom" sound, and the green flames suddenly changed their gentle appearance and became extremely violent, burning on the sea surface!

"What is this? flame?"

"It's a bit like Marco's recovery green inflammation! But, why are you so violent?"

"Ace, you are a user with the Burning Fruit ability. Can you control this flame?"

"I tried it, but my ability was of no use at all. Instead, my flame was assimilated by him. However, this flame seemed to have no attack power."

"No way? Is your flame assimilated? This is too overbearing! And it has no attack power, which is inconsistent with the feeling of dominance!"

"Perhaps, it's just because this kind of flame can distinguish between ourselves and the enemy! Well, look over there."

A group of pirates looked in the direction of the finger. After seeing everything in front of them, they were instantly dumbfounded!


"What the hell is this flame!"

"Me, my energy is losing rapidly!"

"Me too, what a terrifying flame, what kind of ability is this?"

"Find a way quickly, you will die if you continue like this!"

"Marshal, please think of a solution quickly! We can't take it anymore!"

Compared to the curiosity of the pirates, the navy was wailing. The pirates said that the blue flame had no offensive power and was extremely gentle, but it became extremely terrifying when dealing with the navy! The navy was touched by the blue flame. It was found that this kind of flame was attached to their bodies like maggots attached to their bones. Although there was no burning sensation like normal flames, their physical strength was rapidly draining!

In other words, this flame did not burn like ordinary flames. The body is just burning physical strength, quickly consuming the physical strength of the person being contacted!

"Ice Age!"

Qingzhi couldn't bear to watch the navy being touched die from exhaustion, and wanted to extinguish the flames with the terrifying cold air!

The moment the move was released, the sea was quickly frozen, and the navy covered with cyan flames was also frozen. But what is frightening is that in the frozen state, this flame is still burning!

Qingzhi can only watch the navy's body entangled in the green flame gradually wither and turn into corpses!

"Everyone! Absolutely no one is allowed to touch this flame, everyone retreats!"

In a moment, the green flames broke through the ice and continued to rage around. Seeing this scene, Warring States shouted with red eyes.

"What a terrible flame! Marco, you really surprised me! Gu la la la la!"

White Beard is also a little surprised. The power of this flame is enough to surprise White Beard. After living for more than seventy years, White Beard has never had the impression of this kind of flame in his memory!

"The navy who was touched by the flames listened and covered the place where the flames were burning with armament-colored Haki!"

Suddenly, Garp's powerful voice rang out and spread directly throughout the entire battlefield!

"quick! Follow what Lieutenant General Garp said, Armed Color Haki can prevent this kind of flame burning physical strength!"

"Really useful! It’s really useful!"

For a moment, the voice of the survivors kept ringing. Obviously, Garp had tried this method himself, so he could provide a way to restrain this flame.

"Blah blah blah, Garp, your title of naval hero is not watery at all!"

"It’s really courageous to be willing to risk your life to try this method!"

Although he is an enemy, Whitebeard has to admit that Garp is a real hero and one of the few righteous marines in the navy.

"Hahahaha, Whitebeard, I didn’t think so much at the time. Besides, as old rivals for decades, don’t you understand me?"

"No matter how dangerous the situation is, when have I ever been afraid? A mere flame, nothing more!"

"As long as I can contribute to the development of the navy, what does it matter if I die?"

For Garp, he has devoted most of his life to the development of the navy. All he cares about is the future of the navy!

"Look, this flame is gathering quickly!"

In an exclamation, the green flames gathered together in an incredible way, and Marco's figure also walked out of the flames.

"Sure enough, it's you! Marco!"

Kizaru looked at Marco, who was standing in front of him unscathed, and felt a wave of panic in his heart!

Marco was the only one who was hit by his eight-foot magatama head-on and was unscathed!

"Kizaru, it's time to decide the winner. I find that there is no point in continuing. Although I am not very familiar with this new ability, I will try it on you!"

Marco looked at Kizaru, and in a flash, he came directly above Kizaru, folded his hands, facing the direction of Kizaru——

"Qingyan-burn out!!!"

A monstrous green flame enveloped Kizaru in an instant, and the astonishing momentum spread to the surroundings. The sky and the earth were eclipsed, and everything was silent!

Kizaru felt as if his consciousness had been hit by a sledgehammer, and his consciousness instantly changed. Kizaru's body was blurred, and his original evasive movements also slowed down!

In this stunned moment, the green flames directly covered Kizaru's body. By the time Kizaru reacted, it was already too late!

Kizaru, who was covered by the flames, instantly used his armed domineering force. Wrapping his whole body, the flames gradually began to disappear, and Kizaru finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just when everyone thought that Kizaru was fine, a smile appeared on Marco's lips.

"Kizaru, it's over!"

As soon as Marco finished speaking, Kizaru's expression instantly became extremely frightened, and the screams resounded directly throughout the battlefield!

(Please give me flowers, please give me rewards, all kinds of things, a thousand flowers and one more chapter, one chapter) Thousands of rewards will add another chapter, readers, please feel free to use flowers to smash ants!)

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