Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel has a deep understanding of Jonathan's resentment. Although his strength is not as strong as Jonathan's, it does not prevent him from complaining!

From Flying Squirrel's point of view, Fujitora is just a blind man. How strong can he be? No matter how strong he is, he is still a blind man and cannot make a difference!

Although there is domineering knowledge and color in this world, the requirements for eyes are not that important, but the premise is that your knowledge and color must be strong enough, otherwise? Go play with eggs!

The flying squirrel doesn't believe that Fujitora's knowledge is that strong, because knowledge is easy to learn but hard to master. It is easy to learn knowledge and color haki, but it is difficult to master knowledge and color!

Flying Squirrel has been practicing for decades. At the beginning, he saw that color Haki was the easiest to learn, while Armed Haki was more difficult. But now, Flying Squirrel's Armed Haki has gradually become better!

Although it is still not comparable to Garp, it is much stronger than ordinary people. Flying Squirrel can clearly feel that the progress of the Haki of the Hearing Color is much slower than the Haki of the Armed Color!

"In any case, the Navy has lost all face this time. Fujitora was just announced as a general, and now he is killed in the New World. This is a huge blow to the Navy!"

Jonathan squinted his eyes. There was no news from Fujitora for five days. Flying Squirrel simply didn't believe that Fujitora was still alive, otherwise he would have come back long ago!

Five days is enough to do a lot of things, maybe Fujitora It’s not impossible to be killed as soon as you arrive in the new world!

"I don’t know what the Warring States Marshal was thinking. Back then, both General Akainu and General Kizaru had terrifyingly terrifying strength, and they had countless meritorious deeds before they could be promoted to generals!"

"It's good now. This Fujitora didn't do anything and became a general. The most important thing is that he was killed as soon as he went to the new world. It is simply the biggest shame of the navy!"

Sometimes people's thoughts are very strange. After listening to Jonathan's complaints, the preconceived notions made the lieutenant generals gathered together to discuss the death penalty in their hearts! In fact, it doesn't matter whether Fujitora is dead or not. Accurate news came, but they had already determined that Fujitora was dead, and there was simply no way to save him!

"General Fujitora is back, General Fujitora is back!"

"General Fujitora went to the New World this time and captured a dozen big pirates with a bounty of over 100 million, and there was even one big pirate with a bounty of 1.2 billion beli!"

"Really? Great, it seems that General Fujitora is really strong!"

"That is, we misunderstood General Fujitora before. He is definitely capable of sitting in the position of general!"

Just as Jonathan and the others gathered around to complain, cheers of cheers reached their ears!

What? Fujitora is back? And he has caught so many big pirates?

Jonathan and the others quickly Turning his eyes towards the port, he saw a warship slowly sailing into the port. Fujitora, wearing a general's cape with the word"Justice" on it, stood majestically at the bow! Behind

Fujitora, pirates were tied up one by one. Lying on the deck, they were all familiar big pirates with a bounty of over 100 million!

They were saying just now that Fujitora had no merit, but now it’s better. It took Fujitora five days to go there and he caught so many big pirates. It is simply an unprecedented feat for the Navy!

"Look, the one lying at the front isn't Horik, the ghost sword with a reward of 1.2 billion beli?"

"hiss! It's true, this guy is a real great swordsman, and he has the power to fight even against Hawkeye!"

"I remember that once Horik destroyed more than a dozen warships of the Navy. At that time, the headquarters sent six lieutenant generals to hunt down and had an encounter with him at sea!"

"And this guy, under the siege of six lieutenant generals, not only retreated calmly, but also seriously injured two lieutenant generals!"

Suddenly, the attention of Jonathan and others shifted to a pirate with white hair, wearing red clothes and red trousers, and with gloomy eyes. For a moment, they took a breath of cold air!

This was a ghost with a terrible reputation. Dao-Horik!

Back then, our headquarters sent six lieutenant generals to arrest him, but they all failed, and two of them were seriously injured by him. It was simply terrifying!

"It seems that Fujitora is indeed much stronger than us!"

"He deserves the position of general!"

Taking a deep breath, Flying Squirrel stared at Horik on the warship deck. His fists were clenched and his nails were deeply embedded in his palms, but Flying Squirrel was unaware of it!

He was the original Six One of the famous lieutenant generals, and one of the two seriously injured lieutenant generals, so he knew very well how terrifying this man was!

In the eyes of Flying Squirrel, except for Akainu, no one could possibly take down this guy, even at that time Kizaru and Aokiji, who are both three generals, can't do it either!

But now Fujitora has directly captured this guy, and captured him alive. This is enough to prove that Fujitora's strength can definitely be on par with Akainu, or even stronger!

When he went there He was surrounded by controversy but returned with a great reputation; he was talking about Fujitora!

"Hey, flying squirrel, what's the matter with you?"

"Didn't they just catch a few pirates? What's so great!"

"Have we caught too few over the years?"

Jonathan looked at the flying squirrel who changed his face in an instant, with a look of displeasure on his face!

Aren't they just a few pirates? They have also caught a lot of pirates with a bounty of over 100 million, what's so strange about that?

"No, Jonathan, this is different!"

"Horik is a real great swordsman, and his strength has definitely reached the level of a general. The fact that Fujitora can catch him is enough to explain the problem!"

With Horik's strength, Fujitora can capture this guy alive, which means that Fujitora is definitely much stronger than Horik!

You must know that there is a big difference between killing and capturing alive. Being able to kill someone does not mean that you can Capture him alive!

"No, flying squirrel!"

"That's just a rumor, do you believe it?"

"Even if it is true, it only shows that the strength of the six lieutenant generals is very poor, but it does not show how strong this guy is!"

Jonathan knows that there is a strength gap between the lieutenant generals in this department, and some of the gaps are quite large, so the six lieutenant generals Horik encountered may be the weakest! To be honest, the strong ones Nathan's own strength is among the best among the lieutenant generals in the headquarters, otherwise the Warring States Period would not have sent him to the G-8 branch!

But as soon as Jonathan said this, the flying squirrel suddenly turned its head and said with an extremely cold expression Looking at him made Jonathan feel uncomfortable!

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jonathan looked at the flying squirrel with cold eyes and couldn't help but ask.

"Because I am one of those six lieutenant generals!"

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