"No good, Marshal!"

"Forehead......Lieutenant General Garp is here too!"

At this time, a messenger ran in in a panic, saying something in a panic. When he saw Garp sitting on the sofa, his words were obviously stagnant.

Looking at the unusual behavior of the messenger , Action, Warring States frowned, I'm afraid something bad has happened.

"Just say whatever you have to say, there is no need to be taboo about anything."

Seeing the hesitant look on the messenger's face, Warring States said something to him.

The messenger was visibly relieved after receiving the order from Warring States, and he opened his mouth and said:"Report to Marshal Warring States, Straw Hat Boy - Meng Qi-D-Luffy has been captured by the World Government and will be publicly executed tomorrow at the Holy Land Marie Joa!"


After hearing this, Garp, who was sitting on the sofa beside him, couldn't help it. He stood up suddenly, and the momentum radiated from his body overturned the coffee table in front of him!

Luffy is Garp's biological son. Sun Tzu, now that he is directly captured by the World Government and will be executed tomorrow, how can Garp be able to endure it?

"Calm down Cap, don't panic!"

Seeing that Garp was about to go berserk, Sengoku suddenly appeared next to Garp and pressed his trembling shoulders with both hands.


Garp took a few deep breaths before calming down his irritable and restless mood, and looked at the messenger with blood-red eyes.

"Is the news true?"

The messenger was shocked by Garp's current state, and said tremblingly:"Report to Lieutenant General Garp, the news is absolutely true, we have confirmed it again and again!"

Listening to the words of the messenger, Warring States waved his hand to ask the messenger to retreat, and then patted Garp on the shoulder.

"Calm down, as long as Luffy is not dead, we still have a chance. Anger will only destroy your sanity. What we need to do most now is to formulate a rescue plan!"

Sengoku is really afraid that Garp will kill the World Government single-handedly. With Garp's character, such a thing can definitely be done!

"Warring States, what do you think I should do now?"

Garp's voice obviously had a trace of vibrato. How similar was this scene to the scene when Ace was about to be executed?

Similarly, Garp also felt the feeling of powerlessness for the second time. This feeling It's really scary. Even though I'm very strong, I still can't change anything.

"Garp, what you need now is to calm down. Don’t forget that the World Government is not that easy to deal with!"

"Of course, I’m not saying to just let it go, but we need to make a detailed plan before that!"

Sengoku is really afraid that Garp will lose his mind. Once a stubborn guy like Garp decides on something, he will never change it no matter what.

If the World Government is easy to deal with, Sengoku will not So nervous, but the problem is that the world government is difficult to deal with!

"Don't worry, Garp, I think it's time to start the real showdown!"

"Gu la la la la! I also want to see what trump cards the world government has prepared to deal with us after such a long time!"

Whitebeard suddenly stretched out his hand and patted Garp on the shoulder. The World Government has not taken any action for so long, but now it suddenly takes action. There must be something to rely on.

This means that this war has come, and it wants to avoid that. It's impossible.

Besides, Luffy is not only Garp's grandson, but also Ace's younger brother. Whitebeard has no reason not to take action!

In the final analysis, Luffy is just a fuse, and it doesn't matter whether he can be saved or not. , the important thing is that the final battle between Whitebeard and the World Government is about to begin!

You must know that during this period, some countries have begun to move closer to him one after another, and the World Government can allow other things, But this is the only thing that the world government will never tolerate!

"Whitebeard, don't be impulsive. Why aren't you calmer than Garp?"

When he heard what Whitebeard said, Sengoku's expression changed suddenly. Now that the war is about to begin, Sengoku is not completely sure that he can defeat the World Government, so it is difficult for Sengoku to accept this decision!

"Warring States, I know what you are thinking, but there is no need to worry. Nothing in this world is completely certain, and there are many possibilities for everything!"

"I know what you are pursuing is complete certainty, but have you ever thought about how long it will take you to reach this point?"

"Give you five years? ten years? Even if it takes fifty years, you can't beat your chest and swear that you are 100% sure!"

"Besides, this time it was not us who took the initiative, but the world government declared war on us. Do we have any choice?"

"So the current situation is that you have to fight whether you fight or not. There is no other way. Is it possible that you still want to lead the fight but you can’t succeed?"

To Sengoku, Whitebeard was just preaching. Not to mention when Sengoku would be able to achieve the absolute certainty they expected, the World Government alone would not be able to give them that long!

If possible, Whitebeard would also want it. We start the war when we have full confidence, but is this possible?

The answer is obviously no. The Five Old Stars are not idiots, not to mention that there is a Custer behind them!


Just at this moment, a touch of blue The figure fell from the sky, directly broke through the wall of Sengoku's office and rushed in!

Sengoku and Garp immediately assumed fighting postures, staring at the blue figure with solemn expressions. This momentum was very strong, Sengoku He and Garp didn’t dare to be careless at all!

"Dad, no good, something big happened!"

But the next moment, when this figure completely appeared, both Warring States and Garp were shocked. It was Marco!

But Whitebeard's expression became solemn in an instant. Marco entered in this way. There was no doubt that something big had happened in Sengoku's office, leaving Marco with no time to care about anything else!

"What happened, Marco!"

Whitebeard thought of this and asked Marco in a deep voice.

"Dad, after Ace learned the news that Straw Hat Boy was captured by the World Government, he ignored my obstruction and went to the Holy Land - Mariejoia alone, saying that he wanted to rescue Straw Hat Boy!"

Marco said to Whitebeard anxiously.

Ace is their brother, how could Marco be calm? This is a certain death situation!

The World Government is not an easy place to break into!

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