"Blah blah blah, Akainu boy, who gave you the courage to sneak up on me?"

"I hate people who pull tricks behind my back the most, so prepare to face my wrath!"

Akainu's face froze, and his face turned from white to red, from red to purple, from purple to green, and it was cloudy and sunny in an instant.


Whitebeard shouted angrily, and in the thick fog, a blazing sword rushed out instantly, slashing directly at Akainu's chest, opening a terrifying wound that was as deep as the bone!

The next second , blood gushed out like a fountain!

Akainu's figure flew out upside down, blood spilled in the sky, and hit the deck of a warship directly.

"Damn it, Whitebeard!!!"

Akainu roared with a ferocious expression.

The fog dissipated, and Garp and Whitebeard's figures stood in the air. The two men were covered with armed domineering energy. They were completely black, without any trace of burns.

Also In other words, Akainu's terrifying meteor volcano cannot cause harm to the two of them at all!

"Impossible, unscathed, this is impossible!"

"This is my strongest move!"

"I do not believe!"

Akainu looked at the two people who were unscathed, and obviously couldn't accept it, and screamed.

Garp's sharp eyes were fixed directly on Akainu.

"Sakaski, I really want to kill you!"

Garp's figure flashed directly next to Akainu, and the black iron fist hit Akainu's ferocious face!

Garp's angry punch directly knocked Akainu's figure backwards and flew thousands of meters away. He fell hard into the sea.

As we all know, once a Devil Fruit user falls into the sea, he has no other choice but to wait for death or to be rescued by others. At this moment, Akainu felt the terror of death! He was completely powerless. He could only feel that his body was sinking continuously in the sea, a strong sense of suffocation surrounded his nerves, and the cold seawater penetrated directly into the bone marrow.

As a rock berry fruit user, Akainu had never experienced the feeling of coldness. , now, he experienced it.

Despair, deep despair!

"Help people quickly!"

Sengoku shouted urgently. Kizaru has died in the battle. If Akainu falls again or dies in Garp's hands, the World Government will definitely be angry with Garp.

By then, the navy will directly lose two generals and a navy. Hero, let alone suppressing the sea, if you are not destroyed by a certain Yonko pirate group, it will be a high price.

"Garp, I will give you an explanation about Akainu, but you have to control your emotions. The Navy cannot afford to lose another general!"

Sengoku was afraid that Garp would be emotional, so he quickly explained, but he had decided to teach Akainu a profound lesson. This sneak attack problem must be corrected. It's so shameful that the most powerful navy actually relied on sneak attacks to defeat the enemy. Enemies, this is nothing, the most important thing is that they don’t even spare their own people, how shameless!

"During the Warring States Period, I was just venting my anger. I can still distinguish the seriousness of things!"

Garp snorted coldly. Although the punch just now was not fatal, it was enough to keep Akainu lying there for ten days and a half. The most important thing is that the face cannot be saved!

After some hurried salvage , , Akainu was finally rescued, and he coughed out a few mouthfuls of sea water. When Akainu saw Garp standing aside, his expression changed drastically!

"Lieutenant General Garp, I was just impatient for a moment. I hope you have more knowledge and don't agree with me!"

Akainu apologized hurriedly. Although he had no objection to Garp in the past, he always didn't care in his heart. It was normal for an old man from the old era not to take him to heart.

But after the punch just now, his thoughts were completely changed. Change.

Originally, he thought that no matter how powerful Garp was, he was no weaker than him as a general. Now he realized that Garp and his strength were not at the same level at all. The feeling of death just now was still vivid in his mind. Akainu can only surrender

"It's okay, that little power is not enough to tickle me, so I don't take it to heart."

Hearing this, Akainu's face changed again, and he was extremely depressed.

Whitebeard on the other side looked at the rescued Akainu, and his heart boiled with murderous intent. He just thought about what had just appeared within the scope of his domineering power. Blackbeard, forcibly suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and prepared to chase Blackbeard.

Whether it was Bai Chen in the previous life or Whitebeard now, there is no doubt that he was extremely disgusted with guys like Blackbeard who stabbed the back.

In Whitebeard's eyes, Although Akainu is hateful, his stance is different. It is natural for the navy to kill pirates. There is nothing wrong with it. If you are beaten, just give it back.

In contrast, betraying your companions to obtain profits is intolerable to Whitebeard..only


Just when Whitebeard was about to end the war and lead the Whitebeard Pirates to pursue Blackbeard, an electronic sound sounded in his head.——

"Ding dong!"

"The host triggers the main quest!"

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