"Thief hahahaha! Dad, do you really want my life that much?"

"After all, it has been a relationship for decades. You are so cruel to break it off right away!"

When Blackbeard saw Hawkeye step aside and stop taking action, instead of relaxing at all, Blackbeard became extremely solemn.

Because he knew that once Whitebeard made a move, he would definitely not show mercy!

"Teach, I will never forgive you for being such a bastard!"

"Because of you, you violated my inner taboo!"

No matter what Blackbeard says, Whitebeard will never take it seriously.

He has not forgotten that in the original book, Whitebeard was merciful in the end because of Blackbeard's"Dad", otherwise Blackbeard would have died long ago!

He is not the same as before. Whitebeard, his desire to kill Blackbeard is much stronger than Whitebeard in the original work!

"Thief hahahaha, Whitebeard, you don’t understand what I want!"

"I just did what a pirate should do. Is this wrong?"

"If you want my life, come on! Thief hahahaha!"

Seeing that Whitebeard didn't relent at all, Blackbeard stopped playing the emotional card, and his title changed from dad to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard's figure swayed, and he appeared in front of Blackbeard in an instant, covered with weapons. The lustful fist blasted out fiercely!

The terrifying fist wind struck instantly, and the space shook!

Blackbeard was directly blown away by this domineering punch, knocking down several houses one after another and smashing them to the ground!

"Teach, go make amends to Sachi!"

With one move of Whitebeard's naginata, terrifying power instantly condensed. This was a sure-kill blow!

"Don't even think about hurting the captain!"

At the critical moment, San Juan Wolf's silly voice sounded.

Then, a big hand that covered the sky slammed directly at Whitebeard!

The terrifying wind pressure was directly pressed out on the ground A half-meter-long dent!


"be careful! Dad!"

Several worried voices sounded at the same time.

"The speed is too slow! Big guy!"

"Do you want to stop me just because you have the power? Don't be too fanciful!"

Whitebeard didn't care at all about this shocking blow.

Whitebeard's figure flashed, showing terrifying speed, and appeared above the head of San Juan the Wolf in an instant!

"Please calm down for me!"

Whitebeard's fist carried a white halo, and it hit the head of San Juan Wolf with great speed!

San Juan Wolf has extremely terrifying power due to its huge body. Even Whitebeard, without him, Before using the body enhancement card, he couldn't compete with him!

But his weaknesses are also obvious. His size limits his speed. Faced with Whitebeard's terrifying punch, he can't dodge at all. He can't even react and can only force it. Carry it!


The moment the fist hit, the terrifying concussive power exploded!

I saw the fat meat on San Juan Wolf's body trembled violently, and the blood vessels on the skin surface bulged like earthworms, and the eyeballs It bulged out directly.

After a moment, San Juan-the Wolf became bleeding from all his orifices, his pupils turned white, and his face was extremely terrifying!

Seeing this, Whitebeard retracted his fist, jumped up, and jumped over the head of the San Juan-the Wolf Arrived above the ground

"Get out of my presence!"

Whitebeard shouted in a deep voice. He raised the naginata in his hand high above his head and slashed out a kilometer-long blade. He violently charged towards the San Juan Wolf!

In an instant, blood rained all over the sky. The sword directly took San Juan Wolf's body off the ground and landed on the sea more than ten meters away.

A terrifying knife mark extended from San Juan Wolf's head to his abdomen, almost killing him. The body was penetrated!

Bright red blood kept pouring out from the wound, quickly dyeing the sea surface red!

"Teach, no one can save you now, prepare to die!"

Whitebeard ignored the San Juan Wolf who landed on the sea and said to Blackbeard.

It can be said that San Juan Wolf is the only crew member who is loyal to Blackbeard. He has never taken action. But when he attacked Blackbeard, he took action!

Unfortunately, he followed the wrong captain

"Hugh, don't even think about hurting the captain."

"If I want to stop you, I won’t even think of hurting the captain!"

But the next moment, when he heard this somewhat wooden voice, Whitebeard suddenly turned his head!

He saw the bloody San Juan Wolf standing up with difficulty and walking towards him slowly.

He actually still Want to protect Blackbeard!

"What a tenacious vitality, and he is still alive after being injured to this extent!"

Marco looked at this scene dumbfounded.

As a person with the ability of the Phoenix Fruit, it is not surprising that such a thing happened to him, but San Juan Wolf is not a person with abilities!

Whitebeard's knife just now can directly Splitting a small island in half, but not splitting San Juan Wolf into two, is enough to show that his body is as hard as a rock.

But Whitebeard never thought that he would still be alive. See Come on, his vitality is also extremely powerful!

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