"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations to the host, for defeating the Blackbeard Pirates, the host will be rewarded with six armed-color Haki skill cards, ten Knowledge-color Haki skill cards, and three Haki advancement cards!"

"It is detected that the host has changed the A-level plot. Since the Blackbeard Pirates play a vital role in the development of this world, the host will be rewarded with 50,000 points!"

The voice of the system sounded in Whitebeard's mind at the right time.

"The system is also an A-level plot. Why did it only reward me 5,000 points last time, but 50,000 points this time?"

Although Whitebeard is very happy, he is still a little confused. It is also an A-level plot, so the gap should not be so big!

"Ding dong!"

"Host, please see clearly. The plot rewards this time are only points and no other rewards. Moreover, they are combined with the 'plot destroyer' achievement rewards. Otherwise, I have to remind myself every time and it will annoy myself!"


This system has its own personality!

Whitebeard is speechless. How can I refute this reason? I can only accept it! Who let me be the system!......

The next day, the faint morning sun rose, and the light golden light fell on the sea, making the waves sparkling.

Shampoo Islands!

Moby Dick appeared near the Shampoo Islands

"Dad, what are we doing here?"

Marco looked at the Chambord Islands in front of him and asked Whitebeard doubtfully.

The Chambord Islands are too chaotic, with various forces complicated, especially the Celestial Dragons who often come and go. In Marco's eyes, it is really not a good place!

Although Marco is not afraid of the Draco, but those moths are very troublesome. Once a conflict occurs, even the World Government will be alerted. Marco believes that it is not the time for a head-on conflict with the World Government.

"Marco, what do you think of your current strength?"

"Do you think other than you and Hawkeye, the other captains are capable of being on their own?"

Whitebeard looked at Marco and asked.

In the original book, except for Marco, the strength of the captains under Whitebeard is really terrible.

At least in the current Whitebeard's view, this strength is not enough to stand alone. Yes, Ace, for example, can only use fruit abilities, not even Haki!

So Whitebeard decided that the captains under his command must at least be proficient in using Armed Color and Knowledge Color Haki. As for Overlord Color, that depends. Fate!

As for the fact that a strong person with overlord-colored domineering energy cannot be inferior to others, Whitebeard doesn't care at all. He doesn't want to be inferior to me? Let's talk about it if you can beat me!

"Dad, what do you mean?...Want to train us?"

"But why come to Shampoo Islands? Dad, can't you just teach us when we return to the New World?"

Marco still doesn't understand, what does improving his strength have to do with coming to the Shampoo Islands?

If he wants to teach himself and others, can't he just go back to the New World?

"Gu la la la la! Teaching people is not my strong point! Marco!"

"Besides, there is a guy on this island whose teaching ability is much better than mine, and he is also the purpose of our trip!"

Whitebeard laughed and explained to Marco.

"Dad, what do you mean?...Pluto Rayleigh?"

Marco finally understood.

Pluto Rayleigh's teaching level is definitely not bad. You must know that he taught the current red-haired Shanks.

"Ace, the main reason why I came to him this time is for you."

"Your identity is too sensitive, so your strength must be improved!"

"If you had known how to use domineering back then, that bastard Teach wouldn't have been able to catch you easily!"

Whitebeard's eyes fell on Ace not far away.

Ace's talent is undoubtedly very strong, at least he will never lose to Luffy!

As a man with overlord color, as long as he is trained properly, he is at least a general. Super combat power!

In the original work, Rayleigh taught Luffy how to skillfully use three-color Haki within two years just because Luffy's behavior was somewhat similar to Roger's. Now Ace, the real Roger's son, appears. , Rayleigh can teach Ace at least within two years!

"I understand, Dad"

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard to improve my strength and won't worry you anymore!"

Ace said firmly.

"Okay, you stay here, I landed on the island alone, and I haven’t seen the old guy for a long time."

Whitebeard said, jumped up, and the tall figure appeared in the port of the Chambord Islands!

In an instant, countless exclamations sounded!

The entire port was boiling!

"This is, Whitebeard?"

"White Beard, the Four Emperors, has landed in the Shampoo Islands!"

"This is Whitebeard! Why would such a big shot appear here?"

"Run away! Whitebeard, this vicious pirate, destroyed the Navy Headquarters. Who knows if he will destroy the Chambord Islands!"

"my God! Is this Whitebeard? What a strong momentum! And this height is too exaggerated! Although I have seen the Giants before, Whitebeard's height is nothing compared to the Giants, but with this momentum, the Giants are not at the same level in comparison!"

Countless frightened voices reached Whitebeard's ears. Whitebeard didn't care at all and walked towards Area 13 with huge steps.

If I remember correctly, Aunt Shao's bar is in Area 13.

All the way. As they walked forward, there were some unbelievable exclamations in Whitebeard's ears, which made Whitebeard very irritated and he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

No matter who it is, I'm afraid they don't like to be pointed at, right? Even though it's all about themselves. He was in awe, but White Beard still couldn't stand the feeling of being watched.

White Beard, who accelerated his pace, was very fast, and soon he came to the door of a bar called 'Aunt Shao's Rip-off BAR'.

Just looking at this At a bar, Whitebeard was embarrassed.

The door of this bar is so small, do you have to crawl in?

For other people, this bar is quite spacious, but for Whitebeard, it is too small!

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