"Rayleigh, danger has always existed the moment we chose to become pirates."

"As long as you don't have strength, you are in danger no matter where you are!"

"Having been a pirate for so long, don’t you even understand this?"

As long as you choose the path of pirates, you will face countless dangers, from the navy, from pirates, and even your own companions.

After all, this is a world of the jungle, not you. Avoid danger, and danger will avoid you

"Whitebeard, I know what you said makes sense, but you still have to avoid the dangers that can be avoided!"

Rayleigh said anxiously.

If something really happened to Ace, how could he be worthy of Roger?

Rayleigh understood the truth, but when it comes to people he cares about, not everyone can make up his mind.

"Rayleigh, I understand your concerns, but the chick will eventually spread its wings and fly high. Can you protect Ace for the rest of his life?"

"Even if you can, what if you die?"

"How many years can you live? ten years? Twenty years? One day you will die, what will Ace do then?"

"I won’t tell you any big reasons, just let Ace make his own choice!"

After all, Rayleigh disagreed because he cared too much about Ace's comfort, but Whitebeard can't wait!

The world mission has a time limit, and he can't afford it.

"Ace, if you want to practice, I know a place that is definitely a holy land for practice. However, opportunities often come with danger. That place is very dangerous. Once you go there, you may lose your life!"

"So, Ace, tell me your choice, go or not!"

Whitebeard looked at Ace. If Ace chooses not to go, he won't force it.

Because Whitebeard knows that forcing a person to do something he doesn't like will not result in the end!

"Dad, do you think I will be afraid of danger?"

"Since there is such a place, you must definitely visit it!"

To be honest, Ace doesn't want to experience the deep feeling of powerlessness like this time again!

If he has enough power, then he will not be afraid of anything, just like Whitebeard

"Gu la la la la, okay, Ace, you didn't disappoint me!"

Whitebeard laughed.

For Ace, Whitebeard values ​​​​very much, because Ace's talent is definitely not weak!

Of course, the most important point is that Ace is absolutely loyal to him!

After some preparation, Mo The Bidick finally left the Chambord Islands.

The main thing was that Rayleigh needed to pack some necessary things. He might not be back for a while to teach Ace and others how to practice this time, so he had to bring some daily necessities with him. The other thing was to say goodbye. Yes, after all, the relationship between Shaoyao and Lei Li is very ambiguous.......

"Warring States, are you kidding me?"

"Two of the three generals were lost, and only more than 10,000 of the 100,000 naval elites survived. The most important thing is that the navy headquarters was sunk by Whitebeard. Are you, the marshal of the navy, a pig?"

"Since its establishment, when has the Navy suffered such a major loss?"

"In this sea, when has a general-level powerhouse fallen? And he is also the fastest Kizaru among the three generals!"

In the World Government Office Building, in the office of Commander-in-Chief Cyborg Kong, Cyborg was losing his temper with a livid face, roaring and swearing at Warring States. The navy suffered such heavy losses this time, not only in front of the world He lost face, and even he was scolded by the five old stars. Someone has to take the blame in the end, right?

As the marshal of the navy, Warring States is the best candidate to take the blame!

"Commander Kong, I admit that it was my mistake this time."

"It was my failure to estimate Whitebeard’s true strength that caused such a huge loss, and I was exploited by Blackbeard, which almost led to a big mistake!"

"But what puzzles me the most is that Whitebeard's strength seems to be stronger than at his peak, otherwise the navy would not have suffered such a big blow anyway!"

Sengoku lowered his head and defended himself softly.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what Sengoku said. If the original plot is followed, Whitebeard was eventually buried in the Navy Headquarters.

It's a pity that Whitebeard is no longer the original Whitebeard.!

"You mean it's all Whitebeard's fault? Don't you have any responsibility?"

"Are you and Garp eating shit? Even the old immortal Whitebeard can't deal with it!"

Cyborg Kong became even more angry when he heard this.

What does it mean that Whitebeard is too strong?

Are you, Sengoku, weak?

Sengoku's frivolous statement that the enemy is too strong is like shirking responsibility? How is it possible!

"I'm afraid your position as marshal will end here. Before the new marshal is elected, you should do your part well. The navy can't suffer any more losses. Do you understand?"

Cyborg Kong rubbed his temples. After such a big thing happened, it's incredible that Warring States just lost his position. As for the navy marshal, don't even think about continuing to be the leader!

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