"As expected of Cyborg Kong, his response was indeed very fast!"

"But, do you think you can defend yourself against my attack in this way?"

"Gu la la la la! impossible!"

Ganggu Kong's adaptability is indeed very strong, but there is a saying that one force can defeat all means. No matter how gorgeous your skills are, in the face of absolute power, you can only accept your fate!


The sound of broken bones sounded, Although Cyborg Kong tried every means to defend himself, he still couldn't avoid being injured!

Cyborg Kong's shoulder collapsed instantly, and his entire right arm was twisted in a weird posture!


"My shoulder blade is broken! Damn it!"

Severe pain swept through Cyborg Kong's mind in an instant, making Cyborg Kong scream violently!

After all, the pain of broken shoulder blades is not something anyone can endure!

What's more, Cyborg Kong doesn't know how long it will take Having never fought before, the sudden severe pain was unbearable, and even his face was distorted! The terrifying power swept through Ganggu Kong's body and was transmitted to the sea.

In an instant, the sea stirred up Terrifying waves!

Thunder Island

"Senior Rayleigh, let’s start practicing now!"

"After all, the faster the strength improves, the better, and we don’t want to disappoint dad!"

Marco stood on the bow of the Moby Dick and said to Rayleigh.

Marco could no longer suppress his desire to improve his strength. As long as he is a man, he will aspire to be powerful!

"Although I don’t want to rush things, but looking at the way you are gearing up, it’s obvious that you can’t wait any longer."

"In this case, then..."

In the middle of his words, Lei Li suddenly paused and his eyes changed instantly!

"This is?"

The domineering power of seeing and hearing was fully activated in an instant, and Rayli tried his best to feel it.

The next moment, Rayleigh's face became extremely solemn.

"Hold on to the boat, the waves are coming!"

Rayleigh, who had already felt the battle between Whitebeard and Cyborg Kong, shouted!

The waves caused by Whitebeard's terrifying blow were roaring towards the Thunder Island!

If no response is made in time, Moby Dick may be affected. A certain degree of destruction!

After all, although the Moby Dick is strong, no ship on the sea is afraid of waves. As long as it is overturned by waves, no matter how big the ship is or how strong it is, there will only be one result - destruction!

"Waves? Where did the waves come from?"

"yes! The sea is very calm! Even if the sea conditions of the Great Channel are ever-changing, they won't be so extreme, right?"

The doubtful voices of the captains came. They have been sailing on the sea for a long time, and they have never seen such a strange sea change!

"No time to explain! Marco, hurry!"

How can Leili have time to explain so much? After all, no one here has as much domineering power as him!

By the time they sense it, it will be too late!

"Follow Senior Rayleigh's orders and stabilize the ship!"

Marco saw that Rayleigh's face was serious and he didn't look like he was joking. He felt something was wrong and shouted loudly!

The captains did not dare to neglect and quickly began to stabilize the hull and adjust the angle.

The next moment, dozens of meters high The waves roared in and slapped the Moby-Dick hard!


The entire Moby-Dick shook violently, and the deck also shook slightly!

"Hold on! Don't be overturned!"

"Joz, go to the stern and help me balance myself!"

At this moment, the powerful Diamond Jozi directly became the key figure in preventing the waves from overturning the Moby Dick!

Jozi lived up to expectations and used his amazing arm strength to control the violently shaking hull, but the consequences were now directly Collapsed on the deck!

If Rayleigh hadn't reminded him in time, I'm afraid the Moby Dick would have been overturned by the waves at this time!

Even though the waves were only tens of meters high, its impact was absolutely terrifying!

Just imagine, Waves of hundreds of meters high can destroy islands, and waves of tens of meters can overturn the Moby-Dick with ease!

"This, what's going on? Where did the waves come from? Isn't this too sudden? There was no sign at all, how strange it was!"

"yes! I have been sailing on the sea for a long time, but this is the first time I have encountered such a strange thing!"

"Why do I feel that this wave does not appear to be naturally formed?"

"I also have this feeling. The formation of waves usually has signs. Even if it is sudden, there will be a process, and it will not hit suddenly like this time!"

After the waves passed, puzzled voices sounded one after another.

These captains were all used to seeing strong winds and waves. They had been sailing on the sea for a long time, so they naturally had some experience, and finally discovered that this wave was not simple.!

"Rayleigh-senpai, thanks to you this time, otherwise we would have become the sinners of the Whitebeard Pirates this time!"

"However, does Senior Rayleigh know how this wave is generated?"

The Moby Dick has been following Whitebeard for many years. If it is destroyed here, it is indeed not a trivial matter. What Marco said makes sense. Even if Whitebeard doesn't blame them afterwards, he himself will die of guilt! It's just Marco I’m curious as to how this wave is generated?

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