"What are your two names?"

Whitebeard waited for a while and couldn't bear it anymore.

These two guys didn't dare to speak. If you don't speak, how can I communicate with you? If you don't communicate, why should I keep you here?

"Oh, Mr. Whitebeard, my name is Creske, sea sergeant, and I am a navigator!"

"White, Mr. Whitebeard, my name is Kramer, and I am a helmsman!"

The voices of the two marines trembled at the same time.

I stuttered for a long time before I said one sentence, and I asked about your two names. Who asked about your military ranks and occupations?

Whitebeard is simply It's going crazy, it feels even more tiring than a big battle!

"Call me Captain!"

"It's easier this way. Also, stop shaking and straighten your tongue when speaking. You can't even stumble over a sentence, what does it look like!"

Whitebeard covered his forehead with his hands and said speechlessly.

Mr. Whitebeard, what is this name? I just want to ask a question. You two are shaking like chaff. Can you be more courageous?

"Yes, Captain!"

When Kresk and Clamanr heard this, they straightened their bodies like a conditioned reflex, stood upright in front of White Beard, and answered loudly and forcefully. The strangest thing was that they even saluted White Beard. A military salute!

Oh my god, can you be more normal?

I am a pirate, a pirate, or a big pirate at the level of the Yonko, not a navy. What are you doing to salute me? And such a saucy operation?

"Well, just keep it like this and treat me like a Marine!"

Although Whitebeard was speechless, he had to admit that the weirdness was a little weird, but this is the only way it's normal, so just keep it like this!

"Yes, sir!"

Kreisk and Clamanr responded loudly, and gave Whitebeard a military salute.

Oh my God, you two are really sincere!

You just said, treat me like a navy, and you two will Stop shaking? Saluting me is nothing, what do you mean by calling me"sir"?

Weird, really weird!

"Sir, where is our next destination?"

Kreisk and Clamanr instantly entered their respective roles and asked Whitebeard for instructions.

"Fishman Island!"

Whitebeard replied feebly.

Sir, sir, as long as these two guys don't shake, it's no problem to call them marshals!


Another navy standard military salute was given to Whitebeard, and the two quickly launched the warship.

"Well, I have to say that the navy's military salute is quite nice. Do you want to do the same on your own ship in the future?"

Whitebeard suddenly felt that the military salute was quite nice. I wonder if it was the influence of these two guys on him.

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations to the host, for killing Cyborg Kong, the commander-in-chief of the World Government's army, the host will be rewarded with 10,000 points!"

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations to the host, for defeating the Four Emperors - Kaido of the Beasts, the host will be rewarded with fifteen thousand points!"

Just when Whitebeard was thinking wildly, the voice of the system sounded in Whitebeard's mind!

Whitebeard's face was filled with joy.

Yes, why did I forget? You can earn points by killing people. The more powerful you kill, the more points you will earn. That's a lot!

Just for Cyborg Kong, he was rewarded with 10,000 points. Kaido was even more terrifying. He was given 15,000 points just for defeating him.

Whitebeard suddenly had the idea of ​​chasing Kaido!

But soon, This idea was cut off by Whitebeard.

Killing Kaido now would be a momentary pleasure, which would not do any good for his long-term development. The points would come sooner or later, and it would be the same if he killed him early or later!

Suddenly, Whitebeard remembered something. He asked the system:"System, why is ZERO not included in your calculation?" Is there something wrong with you? After all, that guy is a super general-level strongman, so he is worth thousands of points, right? Could it be that you deducted my points?"

At the end, Whitebeard's voice became gloomy.

"Ding dong!"

"Please don't speculate maliciously on this system. This system doesn't look down on those points. Besides, this system doesn't need points. It's just a prop set up to encourage the host."

"As for why there is no point reward for ZERO, that’s because points will be awarded only if the host kills characters who have appeared in the plot or are instrumental to the development of the plot. ZERO is just a small character hiding in the dark, so there are no points. award!"

The system's voice echoed in Whitebeard's mind.

Damn, it turns out that's the case. I thought the system had deducted my points!

Also, after all, ZERO is also a super general-level strongman, but in the mouth of the system, Having become a small character hiding in the darkness, Whitebeard can only say that it is indeed a system, it is awesome!

"Ding dong!"

"Please correct your position. The so-called general level and the four emperor level are very strong in this world, but they are not even considered as hair in the world!"

"The host will be a being that controls all the worlds in the future. Remember not to think like a frog in a well!"

"Among the levels of strength in the world, the so-called Four Emperors level is just a mortal level!"

Listening to the words of the system, what else can Whitebeard say besides being awesome? After all, the system is telling the truth. Those ordinary strong men in the more advanced fairy world and fantasy world can easily crush him to death. Bar?

"Ding dong!"

"The host is wrong again. The skills generated by the host after using the domineering advanced card are the unique talents of the host after owning the system. Whether it is the true spirit of the tyrant, the immortal hegemonic body, or the unparalleled divine control, they are all extremely powerful skills. , a talent that can almost rival the strongest geniuses in the world!"

"So as long as the host works hard,Even the saints in the prehistoric world cannot crush the host. To take the simplest example, as long as the host's own strength reaches the level of a saint, even if the skill of Indestructible Hegemony is not upgraded, it can instantly increase the host's strength. One hundred times, reaching the half-step level of Heavenly Dao!"

"Because the host’s innate skills have no level restrictions! Moreover, this assumption is only based on the fact that talents and skills are not upgraded!"

"Once the host's talent skills are upgraded, even if the strength is increased two hundred times or three hundred times, it is no problem!"

"Of course, if the host is content with the status quo, no matter how powerful the innate skills are, the host will not reach this point and will remain an ant for the rest of his life!"

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