One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 5 Chapter 6: return trip

After the huge tsunami once a year passed, the destroyed houses and streets were repaired under the tight hands and feet of the citizens.

The prosperous water capital falls into a short rest, when you come, you have no time to watch, and when you go, you don't want to watch.

Walking on the street, Simon silently watched the people who were holding tools making loud noises. The picture was like watching a lantern. .

Taking a deep look at the waterway, the unique means of transportation in the water capital, and the small bridge connecting the streets, Simon no longer had any nostalgia, and strode towards the warship.

"Colonel Simon!"

When the navy who stayed on the warship saw Simon coming back, he could not help subconsciously exhale Simon's military rank at this time.

Simon nodded lightly, then walked back to his room.

Wave after wave, the huge hull floated slightly, and Simon, who felt a little tired, fell asleep in the cradle-like shaking.


At the beginning of the lanterns, the prosperity of the night fascinated the eyes of people who were intoxicated in the world.

Lush green trees are neatly planted on the side of the street, and shops with gorgeous appearances sit on both sides of the street. People walking in twos and threes are walking on the sidewalk. on people who come and go.

"This is?"

A young beggar looked at the crowd around him with a confused look. The camouflage lights outside the shop showed colorful halos on his slightly dirty face.

The people who passed by were frowning at the little beggar standing in the center of the street, with disgust on their faces. What's more, they waved their palms between their noses, as if to dispel the smell that didn't exist. .

"Am I back?"

Looking at the familiar street, the little beggar muttered to himself in a low voice, the confusion on his face gradually subsided, and turned to a look that seemed to be crying instead of laughing. The stones were blocked, and it was boring.

Everything is so familiar, like a deep-rooted memory, the body accompanied by this memory, subconsciously took a step, stepped on the road that has been traveled countless times, and the young body walked forward unconsciously.

The noisy sound gradually sounded... The crowd appeared one by one, and it was the bustling and lively street again.

The little beggar raised his dirty face, and his dark eyes reflected strange passers-by.

In a trance, a familiar figure loomed in the crowd.

The little beggar opened his eyes wide, trying hard to see the blurry figure.

Familiar, but incomprehensible.

Wanting to see the figure clearly, the thin calf couldn't help but run, and the little beggar looked anxious and ran towards the looming figure.

Near, it was a child of his own age, and that child had a big smile on his face.

"Is that smiling at me?"

The little beggar slowly stopped running, the figure turned into a phantom under the illumination of the lanterns, and disappeared into the crowd. The little beggar suddenly felt lost, as if he had lost something important.

The crowd is still in such a hurry, stepping on the way home, there is always a familiar figure flashing in the field of vision, and there is a sense of disappointment that cannot be found in the light.

Young or old, female or male, laughing or crying...

Small steps make a series of footprints. From time to time, there will always be a familiar figure, and they will disappear one after another. The sense of loss in the little beggar's heart is getting deeper and deeper, as if going on like this, he will lose more and more. more.

Not wanting to go any further, the little beggar stopped.

In an instant, the prosperity was gone, the noisy crowd disappeared without a trace, the street was transformed into a field in vain, the grass on the wilderness moved with the wind, and a bright moon was in the sky.

The little beggar raised his head slightly and quietly looked at the bright moon in the sky.

The silver light that was not dazzling suddenly became powerful, and instantly drowned the little beggar.


Simon, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and an old face suddenly filled his eyes.

"Old man!"

Simon was shocked in vain, and subconsciously pushed Garp away, who was only a few meters away from him.

"Really ruthless."

Pushed away by Simon's face, Karp rubbed the non-existent pain on his face.

The corner of Simon's mouth twitched, his eyes turned to the door that was opened, and then he stared at Karp closely, quite gloomy.

As if unaware of Simon's gaze, Garp touched his chin and said, "What dream did you just do, talking to yourself."

"It's up to you!" Simon raised his brows and said coldly, "This is my room."

"Stinky boy." Karp slapped Simon on the head unceremoniously, and said loudly, "Don't forget that this ship is old."

In the water capital, Garp's original intention was to see how his grandson was, and by the way, he let Kirby see Luffy and left after a while. After receiving an explanation from the Naval Headquarters, it was time to return.

At this time, the port of Marin Vando was already in front of him. Karp didn't expect that Simon was still sleeping, so he opened the door violently. He wanted to wake up Simon with the fist of love, but when he saw Simon talking in his sleep, Karp turned his face curiously. One piece, that is the one Simon just woke up and Then what are you doing in my room? "Simon got up and got out of bed.

Karp had a strange look on his face when he heard the words, but he didn't speak, which made Simon feel uncomfortable.

Did I say something in my sleep?

Simon frowned, thinking to himself.

Karp picked his nostrils and said, "It's been Marin Vatican."

Simon was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect that after this sleep, the warship had already returned to Marin Fando.

"What about the Straw Hats?" Simon asked.

"Escaped." Karp said indifferently.

"Old man, as Vice Admiral, will you let Luffy go all the time?" Simon asked instead after getting the expected answer.

"Who knows." Karp said carelessly.

"This is a very irresponsible answer." There was a trace of anger on Simon's face, and he said solemnly: "I need to know what you think, old man."

Karp could hear the seriousness in Simon's tone.

Glancing at Simon silently, Karp sighed and said, "I'm also a grandfather anyway, no matter what, I can't do anything to my family."

"Judiciary Island and his party, compared to the government that has already paid attention to Luffy and them, and the government is not an existence that you can drive, if one day, under the last resort, Luffy needs to pass you to escape, what will you do? ?"

As if he didn't want Karp to answer perfunctorily, Simon added a sentence at the end.

"I need the most honest answers."

Faced with Simon's sudden question, Karp fell silent.

For a long time, Garp's faint voice echoed in the narrow room.

"I don't know either. Maybe it will be a very happy decision. At that time, the body will respond by itself."

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