One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 5 Chapter 43: sword skills

"Humph, PX-4, the target is changed to Snod Simon, and the A-level order is executed."

Zhan Taomaru sneered and issued endless orders. The pacifists are powerful. As the captain of the Science Department, Zhan Taomaru knows better than Punk. After all, Punk is just a scientist who designs and creates pacifism. In the latter case, there is no actual observation of specific combat power, and only some defense and attack data can be obtained. It is not like Zhan Taomaru who not only has high-end knowledge, but also has good strength, and can judge how powerful a pacifist is.

Thinking that Simon would be at a disadvantage in the face of pacifists, Zhan Taomaru couldn't help feeling relieved.

"The goal of the A-level command is to never die, but you don't know, let PX-3 teach you a lesson if you usually get stunned."

The smile on the corner of Zhan Taomaru's mouth grew stronger and stronger, and finally he couldn't help laughing.

Zhan Taomaru's voice was so loud that even Luffy and the others heard it.

"That's great, they've had an internal strife, so hurry up and escape now."

Usopp looked at PX-5 slowly walking towards him in fear, and trembled.

Sanji leaped into the air and kicked PX-5 to the ground with his toes in the heat, buying a short time for his partner.

Landing from mid-air, Sanji glanced at his slightly trembling thigh, frowned, then raised his eyes to Simon who was confronting one of the pacifists, and said solemnly: "It's not that simple, but it's a good opportunity. "

Luffy's chest was stained red with blood, and his body was covered in dust. On the other hand, the rest of the people were more or less injured. On the contrary, Franky suffered the least injury, because Chopper decided that Zoro could no longer be violent. Therefore, Luffy and the others focused on protecting Franky who was carrying Zoro, which made Franky the least injured.

"It doesn't matter, just run away."

Disregarding the blood gushing from his chest, Luffy used his jet machine gun again to hit the PX-4 with the electric light in his chest, and then turned around to follow his escaping partner.

Seeing that Zhan Taomaru accidentally leaked his inner words, Simon twitched at the corner of his mouth, and Zhan Taomaru remained the same.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Rayleigh's forehead not far away.

Huang Yuan said with a rare wry smile: "I saw a smile."

Riley's mouth trembled slightly, shaking his head speechlessly.


After laughing for a while, Zhan Taomaru realized that he had accidentally said it, and was immediately taken aback for a moment.

"That... I lied to you."

Zhan Taomaru said to Simon seriously.

A cold wind blows...

Simon felt a little cold, and looked at Zhan Taomaru seriously, pulled out his heavy sword from behind, and said, "I'm serious, I'll never die, so it's okay to destroy the pacifists, right?"

As soon as Zhan Taomaru heard it, he wanted to say that the cost of the pacifist was the same as the largest warship in the Navy at this stage, and it would be okay to destroy it, but on second thought, Zhan Taomaru didn't believe that Simon would destroy the pacifist. Fix the situation.

Thinking of this, Zhan Taomaru sneered: "Hmph, it depends on whether you have the ability."

"That's fine."

Simon smiled flatly. Since Zhan Taomaru had given the order to never die, Simon could only put Kizaru's words behind him. Although Simon knew that Zhan Taomaru would issue an order to terminate the A-level at a critical moment, but in order to return to the Navy Headquarters Let Zhan Taomaru put an end to the idea of ​​continuing to entangle, Simon can only kill the pacifist neatly.

When the words fell, Simon raised his head and looked directly at the PX-3 that was condensing the laser light ball in his mouth. His eyes moved slightly, his arms were bent backwards and shrank with lightning, and the tip of his sword pointed directly at the pacifist's open mouth.

"Piercing stones!"

The indifferent voice changed from a low to a roar, and the arms bent backward like a missile, suddenly pushed forward for half a meter, from the extremely quiet to the extremely dynamic, there was a phantom for a few seconds, and the black sword tip shot out a line. An extremely thin black light, as thin as a pinpoint, instantly penetrated the ball of light condensed in the mouth of the pacifist at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

The black light of the needle point sank into the increasingly bright yellow light ball, without causing any waves, but the yellow laser light ball suddenly shrank, and the next second, it exploded without warning.

The explosion caused a wave of air, and thick black smoke came out of PX-3's head, and its body suddenly fell to the ground.

Zhan Taomaru was so horrified by this scene that his mouth opened wide. He didn't know that Simon's sword skills were so sharp, and he was immediately speechless.

In the stalemate, Rayleigh and Kizaru, who were paying attention to Simon, were slightly shocked when they saw the needle light that was faster than the speed of light.

That kind of speed, I am afraid it is domineering and domineering, and the body can't react.

Luffy and his group were escaping, and when they heard the explosion, they turned their heads and looked, and they couldn't believe it when they saw the pacifist who fell in front of Simon.

The whole of them could not destroy a pacifist, but Simon knocked down a pacifist in seconds.

How exactly this was done, Luffy and the others, who were caring for escape, did not know, but Zoro, who was carried by Franky, could see it clearly.

That needle-pointing sword glow, which is as fast as breaking through space, how to avoid it?

Zoro's eyes are dignified...


Zhan Taomaru stared blankly at Simon.

"Piercing stone, from the meaning of dripping water through stone, does not seek to break the face with a point, just to penetrate everything with a point."

When Simon explained, he slowly retracted his arms that stretched to the limit, and then spit out a breath of suffocation, his chest rose slightly, and he was panting. The subcortical muscle tissue that was stretched and strained slowly recovered.

Even if he has the ability to restore the sky against the sky, Simon still needs a few seconds to reply. It can be said that this trick is not perfect. In battle, these few seconds can decide everything.

"I didn't ask you that!"

Listening to Simon's own explanation Zhan Taomaru's forehead burst into several intersections, as if to hide the shock in his heart, like an angry lion.


At this time, after the black smoke dissipated, the head of the PX-3 who was knocked down by Simon turned out to be intact, but the electric light kept flashing. Like the blazing sun.

Originally thought that PX-3's entire head would be scrapped, but he didn't expect it to look as if nothing was wrong. Immediately, the shock in Zhan Taomaru slowly disappeared, and he turned to look at Simon mockingly.

PX-3 stood up again, and there was an electronic sound full of noise in its mouth.

"Target, Snod Simon, never die... never die..."

Simon frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that under the piercing stone, the PX-3 didn't seem to be seriously injured.

A pacifist is a robot, unlike a human, who will die immediately if a small hole is pierced in the brain, but the explosion caused from the inside still does not cause any damage to the appearance of the pacifist, which shows the degree of defense.

However, through the stone can not cause too much threat to the PX-3, but Simon also has a face-based attack.

Simon persuaded: "Zhan Taomaru, you should cancel the order."

Looking at the yellow light emerging from the palm of the pacifist, Zhan Taomaru thought that Simon was afraid, so he sneered.

Simon shook his head, his eyes became serious in vain, and his even breathing was even less obvious.

A laser beam was launched from the palm of the pacifist and shot towards Simon, but hit an afterimage.

At this moment, Simon was in mid-air, like an eagle in the sky, staring sharply at PX-3 looking up.

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