One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 49: 'Bloody Feast' Incident

"This is the Holy Land Mary Joa, this is the safest place in the world, why! Why are you lowly pariah here!"

The Tianlong person who spoke first, even when death was approaching, still did not forget that everyone other than the Tianlong people were inferior pariahs, and even if the blade was already on his neck, it would not change in the slightest.

Because that kind of superiority over race has been deeply rooted in the bones.

Therefore, Simon's eyes became more and more scarlet.

When you really want to kill someone, your eyes will feel hot.

"An elder said that even at the end of the sea, there is no absolutely safe place."

Simon cut off the Tianlong man who was still arrogant before his death with a single knife, and the blood rushed out. Under the terrified gaze of the other Tianlong people, he said lightly: "I deeply agree."

The deadly long sword started to slaughter, no matter the old, weak, women and children, they all became the souls of the dead under the sword.

When eight hundred years have passed, today's Tianlong people have no other obvious advantages except the superiority in their bones.

There are still words of contempt in the fear, and in the cry, the gaze projected by the eyes is still contempt.

During the beheading with the sword, Simon even wondered whether it was not only the bloodline that was passed down, but also the extraordinary things that stepped on the world.

However, it didn't matter. When the voice gradually fell silent, when the long knife in his hand was missing several small slits, the gilded floor was filled with a blood-colored river, and the dead body was floating on the river.

The Tianlong people in the main hall have all died.

Simon raised the knife in his hand indifferently, looked at the small openings on the blade, and was silent for a while, backhanded the murderous knife and inserted it into the Tianlong Ren who was at his feet. Coincidentally, he was hit by the knife The corpse of the Tianlong person inserted is actually Charl Ross, the Tianlong person who was punched by Luffy from the Chambord Islands.

There are so many things going on in the world every moment that there are coincidences, just like now.


The pavilion of the Temple Street is long, and a team of fully armed, ten-person patrol patrols silently here. The leader is a middle-aged man with a stiff expression. At that time, the middle-aged man's nose twitched slightly, and when he smelled the faint smell of blood, his expression changed in vain.

That direction is the direction of the main hall of the temple, and there, all the Tianlong people gathered!

"Number 9 asks for support, the rest follow me, hurry up!"

The middle-aged man gave the order in a hurry and ran towards the main hall of the temple.

Before coming to the temple, the middle-aged man saw several corpses lying on the ground at a glance, and immediately, the panic in his eyes became a little more intense.

Only when I saw it with my own eyes did I really believe that someone planned to kill all the Tianlong people, and it was possible that they succeeded.

No, no matter how much middle-aged people don't want to believe it, and no matter how subconsciously deny it, the strong smell of blood coming from the open door shows the fact that they don't want to believe it.

"Captain, this is..."

The few team members standing behind the middle-aged man were full of disbelief.

The middle-aged man's body trembled slightly, but he didn't dare to take a step or go to the main hall to confirm the situation. It is foreseeable that if the guess is true, they who are on the patrol mission may not be able to escape the crime.

"Captain, the people there are still breathing."

One of the team members who was closest to the man in black who was going to report to the man in black, when he heard the groaning, looked towards the man in black lying in a pool of blood, when he saw the man in black. When Yiren's eyes opened slightly, a little light overflowed, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

Hearing the words, the middle-aged man immediately walked to the man in black, squatted down and shouted impatiently, "Tell me, who is it?"

The man in black twitched his lips for a few times, and his slightly closed eyelids suddenly opened at this moment, revealing that he was reluctant to give up his life. When the middle-aged man saw this, he understood that the guard had already returned to the light, and restrained himself from wanting to shake the black clothes with his hands. People's thoughts, loudly said again: "This is your job, even if you are about to die, you must have value!"

"One... one person... red... red eyes... black..."

The light in his eyes became brighter. After saying these words intermittently, the man in black cocked his neck, and the breath of life disappeared from his body at this moment.

"One person, red eye, black?"

The middle-aged man stood up and murmured the words left by the man in black, feeling inexplicable surprise. If there is such information, then the death penalty can be avoided.


In 1502 of the Haiyuan calendar, the biggest crime in history occurred. The holy land at the top of the red earth continent, Mary Joa, is known as the safest place in the world, and right here, all the Tianlong people are called The 'red-eyed' people were slaughtered, and the weapon used turned out to be a navy's most common standard long sword.

The event named 'Bloody Banquet' spread all over the world for a while, and everyone was shocked by the news.

Isle of White Earth, Baldigo.

In a building made of white clay, dozens of celebrities were discussing emotionally around a newspaper on the table.

"The Tianlong people were killed like this?"

"I'm very happy, this kind of garbage should have such an end."

"I can't believe it now, is this true?"

"Since the government can't stop the spread of this it must be true."

Around the topic of Tianlong people, more than a dozen people are discussing fiercely.

One of the teenagers with goggles on his forehead just silently looked at the newspaper on the table and said lightly, "Are you red-eyed? Who could be the one who could do such a thing?"

"Hey, Sabo, shouldn't you be happy to see this kind of news? The Tianlong people are the most noble nobles in the world, and they just perished like this." A man in a plush hat wrapped his arms around the plain-looking Sabo's neck. up, laughed.

"Long, who do you think would do such a thing?"

Sabo ignored the commotion of his companions, and turned his head to look in the direction of the windowsill, where a man stood.

"Since the clue of red eye is left, the answer will come to the surface one day."

Staring at the barren and white world, Long said lightly: "I can't help but feel a little curious about such a person, which leads to a question, who is such a person, so I can't wait to start wondering' Who the **** is Red Eye?"

"However, Sabo, the answer we are looking for is not guaranteed to be found by taking a step. Sometimes the answer will emerge naturally, so don't worry."

"The person who does that kind of thing will definitely appear in front of the world again."

"Indeed." Sabo nodded, and remained silent without refuting.

Hearing Long's words, everyone surrounding the newspaper couldn't help but be surprised.

"Long, you are actually interested in an unknown person. It's really not like you." The man in the plush hat said in surprise: "You are a person who implements the truth."

The corner of Long's mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't answer.

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