One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 75: look flat

Three days of dull days passed.

Since Vegapunk came to Fuergo and entered the tower, there was no sound at all, and Simon didn't want to interfere and understand too much about this, so he expressed his request to leave to Kizaru.

The tea room was still full of the scent of tea, but there were only two people in the small space.

There was a bit of sadness between Huang Yuan's eyebrows and his index finger habitually hooked his forehead. After hearing Simon's request, he felt that even the tea had no taste. He sighed and glanced at the empty tea cup in front of him, but he couldn't think of it. Filling the teacup with hot tea, after a moment of silence, Kizaru looked at Simon with a calm expression, and said slowly, "I want you to stay, both public and private."

In terms of the current situation, Fuergo Island is calm, but Kizaru doesn't think Kaido will stop there. Maybe there is no action on the surface, but secretly he is definitely preparing to take the island. However, Kizaru knows the situation in the new world, so he is not too worried. If Kaido wants to capture Fuergo, he must pay a lot of money. Such a result will only make him in the new world. The power has shrunk greatly. This is an irrational behavior, so Huang Yuan is not worried. Moreover, the recent news is good news for him, but it may also turn into bad news.

The pirate supernovas attacked Kaido. Of course, Kaido had no time to prepare for the capture of Fuergo Island, but Kiabou was worried that Kaido would not be able to capture Fuergo at the same time. 'Everything is announced, and then it's not good news.

After all, the forces of the navy have not fully penetrated into the new world. If it caused the gathering of the four emperors, then it would not be a pleasant thing to find this lunar relic island.

It is precisely because of the unknown direction of the situation that Kizaru wants Simon to stay. Even if Simon keeps the elite navy on the Oath, he does not want to change this idea.

Compared to Kizaru who was not in the mood to drink tea, Simon had no concerns about this. He held up the teacup and took a sip of hot tea in the eyes of Kizaru, and then said, "I want to go to the underground world for a trip. ."

Huang Yuan raised his brows slightly, and said a little surprised: "That's not a good place for you."

"I know, but there's a reason to go."

Simon nodded lightly. For him who has provoked many enemies, the underground world is indeed not a good place, but because of this, Simon wants to go.

If you want to become stronger, you have to face the difficulties and enter the underground world, which will surely attract Duflamingo's attention. By then, there may be a lot of battles.


The sorrow between Huang Yuan's brows and eyes deepened. After hearing Simon's words, he felt that the hope of keeping Simon's place was even slimmer. After a pause, he reluctantly compromised: "There's no other way. , when are you going to leave?"

Seeing Kizaru agree, Simon showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Tomorrow."

Huang Yuan said in surprise: "In such a hurry?"

Putting down the teacup, Simon smiled bitterly: "Actually, I haven't explained to my subordinates about leaving. If I leave tomorrow, I think Beharie will explain it to me."

"What an irresponsible boss."

Kizaru looked at Simon speechlessly, and asked, "Your subordinates are indeed the elites among the elites, and even I am a little jealous, why don't you join me under your command after you leave?"

"Don't think about it, Uncle Yellow Monkey." Simon said flatly, "I won't hand over the leadership, and I'll be back this time."

A smile appeared on Kizaru's wretched old face, and said, "Ah~ that's a pity, then who will lead the entire staff of the oath?"

"Bahari." Simon said lightly.

"Oh?" Kizaru said in surprise: "I don't really care who is in command, but the Beharie military rank you mentioned seems to be too low."

"By the way, when it comes to military rank..." Kizaru looked stunned, as if remembering something, looked at Simon and said, "The capture of Fuergo Island this time is a big credit, maybe it will make you promoted For the general."

Simon smiled flatly when he heard the words, did not speak, tilted his head slightly, looked at the tea set on the metal table, his eyes were a little blurred.

General... This can be said to be a dream position. It used to be so out of reach. When it seems that it is not far away at this moment, Simon is not fully mentally prepared to take this position.

Just sitting on the position of the general, even if the dream is complete? Even if you fulfill your best friend's last wish?

A long time ago, it was like this, but now, it is not like this.

At the very least...not yet qualified to be a general.

Simon's lacklustre performance disappointed Kizaru. At the moment, there are still two vacancies for the admiral of the naval headquarters. He knew that Akainu had always wanted to assign Simon the position of one of the admirals, but because there was no clear merit, this matter was also It can only settle down, but the merits of discovering the relics of the Moon Man this time can be said to be full of weight. It is still not enough to be promoted as a general, but it can also be used to determine a position.

So Huang Yuan thought of this, and wanted to make fun of Simon, but he didn't expect the results to be as good as he imagined, and it could even be said that it didn't work at all.

"Uncle Yellow Monkey, it's up to you to arrange the temporary command of the Oath. I believe that no matter who they are commanding, they will grow." After awakening from his meditation, Simon said slowly.

Huang Yuan couldn't deny a slight smile, nodded in response, picked up the teapot and filled his cup with hot tea, he kept his eyes on the steaming teacup, and suddenly said quite seriously: "Don't die. already."

Simon, who was about to leave, heard a soft smile on his face.

Simon can't remember how many times such a sentence has been confessed in his life, but for the answer to this sentence, he has always only had one syllable and one action.


Simon nodded heavily.


Early in the morning the next day, Simon stepped on the air and headed in an unknown direction against the dense fog. In this regard, except for Yuna and Behari, the Oath did not know that their boss had already left. this island.

After Simon left, it wasn't until noon that Beharie confirmed Simon's real departure. He walked to the beach, stared at the sea and the sky for a long time, and sighed softly in vain.

At this moment, he felt a little uncomfortable, but also a little worried.

"Don't deny it, we've all been underestimated by you."

On the quiet beach, in addition to the sound of the waves crashing against the sand and rocks, there was an unpleasant murmur.

At noon, it's time to switch defenses.

With his hands in his trousers belt, Kizaru appeared out of thin air between the two sides of the defense.

All the staff of the Oath and all the subordinates under the control of the ghost spider were startled by the appearance of Kiabou.

"General Yellow Monkey, are you...?"

The indifferent expression of the ghost spider instantly turned into a slightly respectful, full of doubts.


Huang Yuan smiled lightly, waved his hand towards the ghost spider, and said, "I'll take over the matter of changing the defense, and you all go to rest."


Despite the doubts, the ghost spider didn't think much about it, and left without the slightest pause with his subordinates.

After the ghost spider led the team away, Huang Yuan looked at all the staff of the Oath, touched his head, and was a little worried about how to start. After thinking for a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said: "From today onwards, I will temporarily lead you all. The direct supervisor, ah~ that's it."

Silence, a piece of silence.

Kizaru's speech shocked them, but good discipline made them suppress their Looking at each other, they were full of doubts and incomprehensions, but Beharie and Yuna were the only ones Looks much normal.

Kizaru glanced at Behari, and didn't want to explain more about it. He also thought that Behari would explain it, so he left this group of doubtful and puzzled subordinates, and turned into natural energy and left.

After Kizaru left, Behari walked to the place where Kizaru stood before.

Tyre didn't have any scruples at this time, and immediately came out and asked, "Beharie, do you know something?"

"Well." Beharie nodded, and then said: "The apt and easy-to-understand statement is that we were all looked down upon by Simon."

Suddenly, a question mark appeared on everyone's head, and they didn't understand this sentence.

Beharie sighed, raised his head slightly, his expression was a little angry, and shouted loudly: "Don't you understand? That **** Simon thinks that we are not worthy of the Oath, so today he left alone, wanting to become stronger, Strong enough to protect us!"

"Are we three-year-olds? Do we need his protection?"

"So we were all looked down upon, by that bastard!"

After a big call, Beharie closed his mouth. At this moment, he believed that he didn't need to explain Simon's departure any more.

Tyre and the others all opened their mouths slightly, unable to immediately convert what Beharie said into information and stuff them into their minds. For a time, they all felt a sense of being abandoned, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped.

"You've been underestimated, then you can become stronger and make Lieutenant General Simon impress?"

In the depressed atmosphere, Ren's lazy voice came over.

Immediately, everyone who was depressed was suddenly enlightened.

The corner of Beharie's mouth twitched, and he said lightly, "That's right..."

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