One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 6 Chapter 99: future?

Punksahad's base is very large, and Simon has walked or broken through steel gates before finding his way to R2.

It was after passing through the rooms full of high-tech atmosphere that Simon slowly realized that the existence of this base cannot be ignored, just as important as the Fuergo Island that was discovered by accident at the beginning, and it is also the one of the four emperors. One is slowly exploring and researching the relics of lunar technology.

If it was not discovered at the beginning, perhaps the large-scale thermal weapon developed by cracking the moon man technology is the four emperors Kaido rather than the navy.

Whether it is the relics of the moon people, or the base of the island of ice and fire, they will become the power of people with a heart. That's why the Five Old Stars issued an order to obliterate Caesar, and Simon did not resist such an order, and this result was exactly what he wanted to see.

In a world full of fighting and strife, chemical weapons are also not so bright.

It is because this world is like this, the so-called era of pirates...

After entering the R2 floor, Simon silently looked at the steel wall exuding an icy aura, and the thoughts in his mind were slowly turning.

Are weapons innocent... are powers innocent...

Is it sinful if the possessor drives it maliciously?

As long as it is enough to hurt people, it is a sin, including the weapon behind it that has consumed countless blood and despair for countless years, and it is also a sword of sin.

Now, this sword has accompanied me to the present, and I have also used this sword to kill an unknown number of people.

Involuntarily, Simon felt a bit of anguish in his heart, and sighed slowly, but he didn't think about it anymore.

After walking through a few rooms, Simon unexpectedly met two people.

Robin and Sauron.

After seeing Simon, Robin and Zoro were also slightly surprised, but Zoro smiled when he was surprised.

The corners of his mouth curled up, his eyes full of fighting intent, Zoro sneered and pulled out the three sabres around his waist, looked at Simon silently, the light in his eyes said everything.

With his sharp-edged aura, even the space seemed to be cut into faint and almost invisible seams by the fighting intent in his eyes.

Robin's more charming and mature face is dignified. In all honesty, plus Sauron, she is not worried that Simon will attack them. However, in such an environment, if the combat power is lost, then the result will be not optimistic.

"Sauron, avoid and avoid." Robin said slightly heavy.

The scar on Zoro's left eye was slightly raised, and he refused: "I have waited for this day for two years. If I avoided this battle, I would never make another inch in the past."

Robin pursed his lower lip lightly and nodded silently.

If this battle cannot be avoided, then two-on-one is the best choice, but Robin also knows that she cannot intervene in this battle.

Simon stood a few hundred meters away from Sauron, looking at Sauron who was full of fighting spirit, he only felt that Sauron at the moment was like a scabbard knife, with a sharp edge!

Just like Zoro did not shy away from fighting in response to the current situation, Simon also refused to come, but Simon still couldn't draw his sword.

"I don't draw my sword." Simon said lightly.

When Sauron heard the words, his fighting spirit suddenly stagnated, and turned to fierce anger.

"Are you looking down on me?"

Simon shook his head and looked at Zoro who looked angry, "I have no obligation to explain to you, and it's not that I look down on you, but I don't think it will be difficult to defeat you even if you don't draw a sword."

After the sword confrontation, Sauron also had a general understanding of what kind of person Simon was. Immediately, he snorted coldly, suppressed his anger and asked, "Why don't you draw the sword?"

The current Sauron only cares about why Simon doesn't draw his sword. If he doesn't draw his sword, what's the point?

Simon raised his head slightly, but did not answer for a while.

Why not draw the sword?

Very simple reason, but not so easy to answer.

Robin, who was standing beside Sauron, glanced thoughtfully at the epee behind Simon. Unlike before, the epee was wrapped in white cloth. What was the reason for the white cloth, but only For not drawing a sword?

Robin is very smart, and can be said to be the smartest person in the Straw Hat gang, but within a few breaths, she vaguely guessed the reason why Simon didn't draw his sword.

And it was just a guess, but Robin said it anyway.

"After drawing the sword, your eyes will turn red, no, maybe they will become scarlet." Robin stared at Simon.

Zoro frowned and turned to look at Robin.

Hearing Robin's words, Simon was surprised, and also glanced at Robin, neither nodded nor shook his head.

This sentence, Simon also thinks that there is no need to respond.

His non-response should have become the default, so Robin's eyes brightened slightly and continued: "The red-eyed person is you, and the red-eyed demon is also you."

At this time, Simon suddenly took a step forward, a step that exceeded 100 meters.

While Simon took that step, Zoro stood beside Robin for the first time, staring at Simon vigilantly.

"So what is it, what is it not?"

Simon's sight seemed to penetrate through Sauron and cast on Robin. Although he was looking at Sauron, the latter did not feel that Simon was looking at him at all.

When Robin, who was protected by Zoro behind him, heard such an answer, he was undoubtedly more certain of Simon's identity, and at the same time, he felt incredible.

The red-eyed person is the red-eyed demon, and this person is the unwilling and angry boy on that day full of war.

How unpredictable things are in the world, and fate may have long drawn thousands of threads...

One of them was quietly tied together on the top of the palace that day.

Before he met Luffy and his group, Robin had always tried his best to survive. After fleeing for so long, the only scene that touched Robin's cold heart was Simon, who was still a teenager on the top of the palace.

The expression of unwillingness and anger has been buried in the memory because of his own shot at that time.

Sighing secretly, Robin replied seriously: "If it is, you will have no place to live in the future. If it is not, then the future will be unpredictable."

Simon's expression was flat, and when he heard such words, he couldn't help showing a hint of ridicule.

No place to such a big world?

Simon thought it was funny and wanted to refute, but after the refutation, he also admitted his identity in disguise, so Simon didn't refute, just didn't look at Robin again, this time his eyes were really on Zoro, and he said in a cold tone: "Get out of the way, or die."

The corners of Zoro's eyes twitched slightly, and his forehead burst out at a crossroads. Simon's words full of contempt made his heart burst into anger.

It was difficult to suppress his inner Zoro stared at Simon coldly, but calmly returned the three knives to their sheaths.

If it were at a different time and place, Sauron would have attacked Simon without hesitation, forcing him to draw his sword, breaking the ridiculous and meaningless words of not drawing his sword.

"Before getting back that sword, be prepared to be cut by me." Zoro said coldly.

Simon smiled coldly and didn't worry about Sauron's sudden attack, so he strolled past Sauron and Robin.

Robin knew that Simon didn't take his words to heart, and was struggling to continue his advice.

When Simon walked to the next door, Zoro, who was standing beside her, suddenly turned around and said lightly, "If you want to say something, just say it."

Suddenly, Robin unexpectedly glanced at Zoro who turned around, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Turn around and pretend you don't see it? You should cover your ears.

"Snold Simon, do you understand the surname you carry?"

Just as Simon opened the door, Robin turned and shouted at Simon.

Coincidentally, Simon just borrowed this surname, and also learned the origin of the surname from Wu Lao Xing, but his real name was Wang Li, and there were only a few people who knew this name.

Ignoring Robin, Simon continued to take steps, and Robin didn't care whether Simon listened to her, because the thing to do was very simple, just say it if you wanted to.

You don't have to listen, but I'll do what I have to say. This is a line drawn by fate that is not easy to break and is not strong.

"If you really have no place to stay in the future, please remember my words. There is only one place for you to stay. This place is not the government, not the navy, or pirates!"

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