One Piece: The Long Road

Vol 7 Chapter 1: last lesson

In the year 1502 of the Haiyuan calendar, the largest criminal incident in history, the **** feast incident, undoubtedly caused a huge wave when it was exposed to everyone in the world.

And the person who committed this incident is wanted by the government with the code of conduct that would rather kill the wrong than let go. However, two years later, no one still knows who Red Eye is. Even if he appears in the new world as a red eye demon again, no one knows the true identity of Red Eye.

And in the very meaningful year of 1504 of the Haiyuan Calendar, the true identity of Red Eye flew to any corner of the world through newspapers, like snowflakes.

Suddenly, the world boiled and was shocked.

Some people were astonished.

Someone laughed loudly at the Navy.

Someone clamored to kill Simon.

Some people are inexplicably excited.

But it is undeniable that everyone was shocked and unbelievable by the news in the newspaper.

Killing the red eyes of all the Heavenly Dragons in Holy Land Mary Joa turned out to be a new naval general, Snod Simon, who was known as a naval supernova as soon as he debuted.

In the face of this news, the navy, including Marshal Sakaski, was also shaken by this news, especially the navy was caught off guard. All over the world, it was too late for the Navy to want to block the news that could be seen as a taint.

For a time, all eyes in the world were focused on Simon, but the protagonist who was the news center did not show a trace.

No one knows where Simon has gone, but no one is worried either, because it won't be long before Simon will appear under all the eyes of the world.

Marlene Vandeau.

This island was originally the naval headquarters, but when the main naval force moved to the New World, the strategic significance of this island became less important.

The retired Sengoku and Karp are the potential young juniors who stayed on this island to train the navy.

In these short two years, there have been quite a few elite navies taught by the two of them, and several of them have become major generals and are on their way to the position of lieutenant general.

At this moment, there are a hundred naked teenagers standing on the ground of the base. The sun is pouring down. The bronze-colored muscles of these hundred teenagers are covered in sweat. steam.

The entire school field is like a high-enclosed oven, but the bodies of these hundred teenagers did not move, and even the expressions were like ten thousand years of ice, and there was no change in the slightest.

However, doubts appeared in the eyes of those 100 teenagers.

An hour has passed, but Instructor Karp has not yet appeared. Although I don't know the reason, these 100 teenagers can only wait honestly in the hot sun.

Karp Residence.

Clap, bang!

A harsh sound of smashing furniture came from Garp's room incessantly.

Outside the room, Sengoku was standing in the corridor helplessly. He didn't expect Karp to behave like this after knowing the news, like a **** off child.


The paper door was slammed open, and when it hit the door, it became pulpy, indicating that the person who opened the door was in an extremely violent emotional state.

"The news spread so quickly and unpredictably, it must be those old guys who are secretly pushing the wind and helping the waves."

Garp walked out the door, the anger on the old face was like a volcano erupting, fierce and ferocious.

"Kapp, calm me down."

Seeing the murderous aura that appeared from time to time in Garp's anger, Sengoku was slightly startled, and quickly stretched out his hand to hold Garp, who looked like an angry lion.

"How can I calm down!" Garp roared: "The government has all released the disc, and Simon is listed as the most wanted criminal, a wanted order with higher priority than dragon! In less than half a day! Determine a navy The general is red-eyed so hastily and quickly determined, Warring States, I can't calm down!"

Warring States sighed, how could he not know that all this was the help of the Five Old Stars, but this kind of thing was already expected, even you should have been mentally prepared...

"Kapp, what do you want to do?" Sengoku's arms suddenly became blue veins, suppressing Garp, who was about to move.

Karp roared angrily: "I really want to kill the Five Old Stars, but I also know that this idea is naive, so I can only go to Simon, that kid is not a dragon, he is alone!"

"So what if you found it? What can you change?"

Sengoku also roared loudly, pressing Garp down the corridor with all his strength, "Calm me down, at least Simon is safe now, no matter what you want to do, you have to wait for the next news, don't forget us current status."

"Do you think I don't want to calm down? But my body is out of control!"

Karp lay down in the corridor and knocked his head on the floor several times, "I have to teach that kid one last lesson, this is my duty as a master!"

"Cap, you..."

Warring States' eyes were shocked, and the strength of his arms slowly Karp was no longer struggling at this moment, and just lay quietly in the corridor.

"are you serious?"

In the corridor, the trembling voice of the Warring States period echoed...

The Great Waterway White Earth Island, where the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army is located.

The identity of the red-eyed man was exposed, and the Revolutionary Army was one of the first to receive it.

For this news, including Long, was shocked by this news.

Inside the tufang, a cadre scoffed, "The usual style, this rotten government."

"It will be a matter of time before the identity of the red eye is exposed. Losing the influence of the Tianlong people in the past two years, the Five Old Stars can be said to have full control of the government."

"It's getting harder and harder to deal with..."

Around the topic of red eye, more than a dozen cadres in the tufang were talking about it. Today's gathering was called by Long, and the purpose was to decide which country the next target of Shangquan would be. discuss.

Long stood on the balcony staring at the barren white land, holding a stack of documents in his hand, all of which were related to Simon.

At this moment, a young man wearing goggles came out of the room and came to the dragon's side.

"Obviously it was for the business power's next target country, but it turned out to be all red-eye discussions." Sabo said angrily.

"What's the harm, this person may become our help in the future."

Long smiled faintly, but what he thought in his heart was to absorb Simon into the revolutionary army, but after seeing the stack of documents, he put an end to this idea.

Sabo put his hands on the dirt fence and was silent...

Dragon was thinking about all about Simon, the funny kid he once met in Rogue Town.

"Oh it's you…"

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