Big Bear has temporarily joined Noah's team. When Noah treats Bonnie's green leaf jade scale disease, Big Bear will become Noah's partner.

Parahuman-type meat ball fruit has a kind of ability.

Big Bear can surround people with air bubbles in the shape of bear paws, and then slap them away. With the impact of slapping away, the people surrounded by bubbles will be sent to the place predetermined by Big Bear in advance.

And the distance can be very far.

The Kingdom of Solbei is in the South China Sea.

Rogue Town is in the East China Sea.

So the way for Noah and Big Bear to go to the Kingdom of Solbei in the South China Sea is to use the devil fruit ability of Big Bear's parahuman-type meat ball fruit.

Noah and Big Bear can set off at any time, but before setting off, Noah must first send Nami and Kaya to a safe place.

After all, Nami and Kaya's combat power is very weak.

Both of them are in the stage of just going to sea, and it is normal to be weak. They need Noah's protection. When their power becomes stronger, Noah can let them get involved in real battles.

Noah never regarded them as vases.

When the Dragon Star Ship left Rogue Town, the information about Noah had reached the Navy Headquarters.

How could such news not attract the attention of the Navy Headquarters if the Buggy Pirates and the Dragon Pirates were destroyed by one person?

Moreover, such a thing happened in the East China Sea.

The East China Sea has become the "most peaceful" and "weakest" sea area under the deliberate suppression of the World Government and the Navy.

However, Noah is not a pirate, but destroyed the Buggy Pirates and the Dragon Pirates as a bounty hunter.

It is for this reason that the Navy Headquarters treats Noah very well.

The highest authority in the Navy Headquarters Intelligence Department is Vice Admiral Tsuru.

Noah's affairs finally fell into Tsuru's hands.

Vice Admiral Tsuru is the ability user of the Wash Wash Fruit, and she believes in "pure justice".

After reading the information about Noah, Tsuru thought that Noah was a good person.

This intelligence about Noah is composed of two pieces of intelligence, one from Colonel Mouse and the other from the Navy branch in Rogue Town.

In the intelligence, Colonel Mouse praised Noah so much that he almost boasted that Noah was the embodiment of justice.

However, Colonel Mouse also described in the intelligence that he cooperated with Noah to take down the Dragon Pirates.

The reason why Colonel Mouse did this was because he was afraid of Noah, but he also had his own selfish motives.

In another piece of intelligence from the Navy branch in Rogue Town, the Marines' evaluation of Noah was only mediocre.

No matter which piece of intelligence, Noah was not defined as a pirate or an enemy of the World Government.


He put down the intelligence in his hand, walked to the window, and looked in the direction of the East China Sea.

"Garp is about to reach the East China Sea, let him go and see that kid!"

He has made a decision.

A newcomer who masters the power of fire is worthy of He's attention, but He wants to develop Noah into the Navy camp.

The situation on the sea is becoming more and more serious, and the navy needs to absorb more forces.

Since the decision has been made, Crane will contact Garp directly.

Not far from Rogue Town, near the seaside of Upside Down Mountain, Noah found a hidden place where the sea and the forest are connected.

The Dragon Star Ship is anchored here.

With the ability of the devil fruit of Big Bear, it only takes half a day at most to send Noah and himself to the Kingdom of Solbe in the South China Sea. It only takes a few minutes to treat Bonnie, and it will be solved in one day with a round trip.

Under the shade of the tree, Big Bear held a map recording the places he had passed.

Then Big Bear directly activated the fruit ability of the Parahuman Meatball Devil Fruit and surrounded himself and Noah with air bubbles in his palm.

Big Bear first slapped Noah away, and then slapped himself away.

The two turned into two white bloods, one in front and one behind, flying at high speed in the air.

Noah didn't feel any discomfort in the bubble, which surprised Noah at the ability of the fruit.

Before leaving, Noah had taken out the horse charm from Kaya.


Half a day later.

South China Sea, Solbe Kingdom, capital.

Two white meteors fell from the sky.

The figures of Noah and the bear appeared in the same place one after another.

Some time ago, a major event broke out in the Solbe Kingdom, which was called the "One-Man Revolution".

After the "One-Man Revolution" incident, the king who did not give up tried to take back the Solbe Kingdom with the help of the navy, but they failed, and the bear defended the country.

However, how could the bear stop the trend of the navy and the world government?

From then on, the bear became a wanted criminal, and was forced out by the world government and the navy.Kingdom of Solby.

Before Big Bear left, he gave Bonnie to relatives and friends to take care of and lived in the church.

The place where Noah and Big Bear appeared was near this church.

As the two walked towards the church, Noah could clearly feel Big Bear's nervousness.

Noah knew what Big Bear was nervous about and what he was worried about. He was worried that Noah could not cure Bonnie's sapphire scales.

The news of Big Bear's return began to spread when Big Bear and Noah arrived at the door of the church.

The door of the church was pushed open.

In front of Noah appeared a little girl with long straight pink hair and a golden semicircle face stud under her right eye.

The most noticeable thing is that the little girl has a gem on her face.

In the eyes of outsiders, the gem is dazzling, adding to the nobleness and mystery of the girl.

But in the eyes of Big Bear and Bonnie, the gem is a death warrant.

A doctor once said that Bonnie with sapphire scales would not live to be 10 years old.

It is now 1517 in the Haiyuan calendar, and Bonnie is now seven years old.

A seven-year-old girl has to start counting down for her life.

Noah looked at Bonnie, and couldn't help but think of Kaya in his mind. The two of them are really similar in some ways.

"Father ^3^!"

Bonnie saw Big Bear and immediately rushed to him.

Big Bear held Bonnie in his arms with a loving face.

Although Big Bear knew Bonnie's adoptive father, from the moment Big Bear saw Bonnie, Big Bear regarded Bonnie as his own daughter. For his daughter Bonnie, Big Bear could do anything.

Such a warm scene, Noah couldn't bear to destroy it, so Noah just stood quietly beside Big Bear.

At this time, Bonnie finally realized that there was an outsider, Noah.

Big Bear put Bonnie down, squatted down, and touched Bonnie's head.

"First treat the Jade Scale Disease, and other things will be discussed after the treatment is completed."

Noah did not hesitate, and took the horse charm out of his body while speaking.

Noah has the control over the charm. Noah can integrate the charm into other people's bodies and let them gain the power of the charm.

He can also deprive the charm from other people's bodies at any time.

Noah's magical method made Big Bear more confident that Noah could treat Bonnie.

Do not doubt people when you employ them, and do not employ them when you doubt them.

Big Bear, with his powerful observation Haki perception ability, has never felt a trace of malice in Noah.

So Big Bear believes in Noah.

The horse charm flew from Noah's hand to Bonnie. Bonnie wanted to block it with her hand, but she couldn't, and the charm directly merged into Bonnie's body.

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