In the past two days, something related to Noah happened in the East China Sea.

Garp came to Rogue Town, but unfortunately he did not find Noah in Rogue Town, and there was no news of Noah in the Navy Branch of Rogue Town.

So Garp stayed in Rogue Town for only one day and went on vacation.

As for what Crane told Garp to test Noah, Garp chose to forget it temporarily.

Garp did not take Noah seriously. Compared with his vacation, Noah was not important at all.

Garp came to Rogue Town to inquire about Noah's news, which was considered to have completed what Crane told him.

Noah didn't know that he and Vice Admiral Garp had passed by.


East China Sea, Rogue Town, this is Noah's next destination.

This is Noah's second trip to Rogue Town, which means that Noah will soon enter the Grand Line.

As for the Superman-type Slippery Fruit and Superman-type Split Fruit in the "East China Sea Devil Fruit Hunting Plan", Noah can only wait for them to appear before returning to the East China Sea.

There are more and more powerful devil fruits in the Grand Line.

The devil fruits in Noah's memory include Crocodile's Natural-type Sand-Sand Fruit and Gekko Moria's Superman-type Shadow-Shadow Fruit.

The Dragon Star Ship's sailing speed is not fast, and the marines at the port immediately noticed the "Black Dragon Flag" symbolizing the Dragon Star Ship.

When Noah was on the Dragon Star Ship, he saw several marines waiting for him. Judging from the marines' posture, they were not hostile, so Noah didn't care.

Now Noah is a person of concern to the Navy. Although the Navy will not monitor Noah all the time, the Navy will know the approximate location of Noah.

Rogue Town is a peaceful and quiet town, and the danger is not great.

Although Kaya has just mastered the power of fire, the power of natural elements is very strong. Noah can rest assured to let Nami, Kaya and Bonnie go out to Rogue Town to purchase supplies. They can also walk more and see more of the outside world.

Especially Bonnie and Kaya, their experiences are very similar. They have been trapped in a small place all the time. They both want to see the outside world more.

Noah wants to leave Daxiong to guard the ship and go to Rogue Town by himself, so that he can also protect Nami and the other three in secret.

Just after Noah told Daxiong about his idea, Daxiong stopped him.

"Palace Master, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army, Long, wants to see you."

"I am a member of the Revolutionary Army, but I must also be a member of the Temple of War."

Daxiong's words were apologetic.

"Revolutionary Army, Long wants to see me!" Noah was a little surprised.

Daxiong is a matter of the Revolutionary Army. Noah knew it when he saw Daxiong.

But he and the Revolutionary Army have no friendship at all. Why would he want to come to see him specially?

The fact that Big Bear is telling me this now only shows one thing, that is, Long should appear in front of me soon.

And it is very likely that Long is in Rogue Town.

"Then I will guard the ship, and you go and watch the three of them. If there is any danger, you can take action when there is a life-and-death crisis."

Noah said to Big Bear.

"Okay." Big Bear turned and left.

Even though Big Bear no longer has the powerful superhuman meat ball fruit, his strength is still strong.

Even in terms of physique and two-color domineering, Noah is not as good as Big Bear.

Now there is only Noah on the Dragon Star Ship.

Noah will wait for Long to arrive here.


Long, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army came to see Noah, and according to Big Bear's words, Long will appear in front of him soon.

All this also mentioned that Noah went to the Kingdom of Solbei to treat Bonnie.

There is a doctor in the Kingdom of Solbei who has been taking care of Bonnie. This doctor's medical skills are from the Revolutionary Army, and he is the best doctor in the Revolutionary Army.

When Noah was treating Bonnie and the doctor examined Bonnie, he reported Bonnie's situation to Long, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army.

Of course, all this was also tacitly approved by Big Bear.

A disease that even the most skilled doctor in the Revolutionary Army could not treat, and Bonnie was very special after the treatment.

Plus some things that Big Bear reported to Long.

Of course, Big Bear only reported some things that could be reported, and some secrets involving Noah, which Big Bear did not mention

As a result, Long became very interested in Noah.

Plus, at that time Long happened to leave Donghai Windmill Village, and Noah was near Rogue Town

So Long wanted to come and see Noah.

Plus, Big Bear is an important cadre of the Revolutionary Army. Now Big Bear has become Noah's partner. As the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army, Long naturally has to come.

Noah was waiting for Long's arrival under the parasol on the deck of the Dragon Star Ship.

The wind became anxious, Noah felt the power of the wind.

A person covered in a black robe appeared on the Dragon Star ship.

The black robe was taken off, and Long's face appeared in Noah's sight.

"What a rare guest!" Noah stood up leisurely, stretched his waist, and yawned.

"Bounty hunter, Noah."

Long said Noah's identity and name.

In fact, someone in the East China Sea has already given Noah a name, but it has not been widely circulated yet.

Soon, Noah will know the title of the world for himself.

"Okay, it's time to talk about business."

"I don't know why the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army is looking for me?"

Noah didn't have anything to talk about with Long. Noah knew that his current power and strength were not enough to be compared with the Revolutionary Army.

So Noah liked to be more direct and not talk about other things, anyway, it seemed that other things could not be talked about.

Noah didn't like to cooperate with forces stronger than himself on some things he really wanted to do.

"It's nothing serious. I just think you're interesting and came to see you."

Long said calmly.

Because of the relationship between Big Bear and Long, Long would not attack Noah under normal circumstances.


"What a good word."

Noah looked at Long and raised his right hand. Under Noah's control, the sea water around the Dragon Star Ship turned into two water dragons and broke out of the sea. They opened their bloody mouths and could attack Long at any time.

The sea is the nemesis of the Devil Fruit ability user.

When Noah showed the power to control the sea, Long's attitude towards Noah changed instantly.

The change in attitude is not that Long is afraid of Noah, but that he appreciates Noah.

Sea water does restrain Devil Fruit ability users, and Long is indeed a Devil Fruit ability user, but Long's Devil Fruit is related to hurricanes. With the existence of hurricanes, Long is really not afraid of sea water.

No one can defeat Long with sea water unless his physical strength is exhausted.

Long will never touch the sea water, so the only effect of sea water on a strong man like Long is to restrict it.

"Big Bear is following you."

"You should treat him well in the future. He is a very good person and a partner worth entrusting your life to."

After the dragon finished speaking, he turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

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