Cobra and Noah are the same in this doubt.

Cobra and Noah don't know why the Revolutionary Army came to Alabasta Kingdom?

What does the Revolutionary Army want to get from Alabasta Kingdom?

Noah is just curious to know.

As the king of Alabasta Kingdom, Cobra must know the correct answer to this doubt.

This is the difference between Cobra and Noah.


Sky Island.

Noah is ready to leave.

But before leaving, Noah said goodbye to Conis and Gan Fowl in the Sanctuary.

As for Kaya, Noah will go to find her later.

Under normal circumstances.

Noah and Kaya spent the night, and Noah left Sky Island before the sun rose this morning.

After a while.

Noah said goodbye to Conis and Gan Fowl, and Noah told Gan Fowl a lot of things.

He also left a Den Den Mushi for Conis and Gan Fowl.

Then Noah went to find Kaya.

After a ridiculous night.

In the early morning, Noah left Sky Island directly.

The sea area below Sky Island, the isolated island, the Dragon Star Ship.

After an hour, Noah finally returned to the Dragon Star Ship.

If you look closely at Noah, you will find that the ghost mask on Noah's waist has been changed.

That's right.

Noah gave Kaya the ghost mask·Flying Shadow Mask.

In this way, Kaya can fly by herself.

As for Noah himself, Noah has the "Moon Magic Energy" and he can control gravity.

In this way, flying is an extremely simple thing for Noah.

Giving Kaya the ability to fly will make it much easier for Kaya, whether it is returning to Tianshu City in the Kingdom of Alabasta or going to the East China Sea.

Four hours after death.

Noah returned to Tianshu City.

Since Noah built the wall for Tianshu City last time, Tianshu City has been like a place isolated from the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Because of the endorsement of Noah, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the shipping and commercial development of Tianshu City are more prosperous than before.

Of course, this is also related to the management policy implemented by Noah in Tianshu City.

Regarding Tianshu City, Noah defines it as the most prosperous city in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

For Noah, the existence of Tianshu City can be said to be a cash cow for the Temple of War.

There are only two classes in Tianshu City now, one is the civilians and the other is the people of the Temple of War.

Noah took all the property of the rich and powerful before, and then used it to let many civilians run it and achieve a win-win situation.

Of course, the Temple of War definitely occupies the majority of this win-win situation, accounting for 90%.

Such a proportion is not harsh. For civilians, they are already grateful to the Temple of War.

A little kindness, a big rice.

Noah understands this principle.

There is no free lunch in the world.

For the civilians living in Tianshu City, the current life is already very good.

If there are civilians who think it is not good, as long as this civilian walks out of Tianshu City and takes a look, then this civilian will know that Tianshu City can be said to be a paradise compared to the outside world.

In general.

Every civilian living in Tianshu City is an "employee" of Noah's "company".

This is the internal policy of Tianshu City.

For foreign merchants, if they want to operate in Tianshu City, they need to pay taxes, of course, this tax is not much.

Tianshu City was originally a prosperous oil tea flower port. After Noah's transformation, the transaction in Tianshu City is more prosperous.

Many merchants from other places trade through Tianshu City and the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Of course, if the Kingdom of Alabasta wants to go out to trade, it naturally has to pass through Tianshu City.

Tianshu City is evolving into an entry and exit channel for the Kingdom of Alabasta.

These are all planned by Noah and Big Bear.

Of course, the main person who came up with the idea was Noah, who was a time traveler.

Of course, these are all plans, and the specific construction will be carried out slowly.



Noah has been walking on the streets of Tianshu City.

In fact, the current streets are not much different from the previous streets.

The biggest change is that all the streets and ports of Tianshu City have a strict and cruel guard.

This person is Bartolomeo, who joined the Temple of War not long ago.

Bartolomeo's current task is to patrol Tianshu City and solve any disturbances.

In the past few days, pirates came to Tianshu City and wanted to rob.

Then, all these Bartolomeos were solved by Bartolomeo, and the bodies of these pirates were still hanging on the sea not far from the port.

These scenes are a bit scaryPeople.

On the way back to Tianshu City, Noah asked people to clean up those things.

Bartolomeo's cruelty is only for the pirate invaders who represent evil.

Bartolomeo was influenced by Noah, and Bartolomeo is not a pirate yet.

Noah saw Bartolomeo patrolling the street, but Noah did not go to see Bartolomeo, but deliberately avoided Bartolomeo.

Noah didn't want to see Bartolomeo yet. When it was night, Bartolomeo would naturally see Noah. If Bartolomeo didn't come to see him, Noah would go to see Bartolomeo himself.

Noah was very welcome to Bartolomeo's joining.

Noah naturally had to welcome Bartolomeo well.

Instead of on the street.

Noah had the life card of the big bear on him, and the big bear also had Noah's life card on him.

This was specially exchanged by Noah and the big bear.

So Noah followed the instructions of Big Bear's life card and went directly to find Big Bear.

A forest grassland by the sea.

There are three wooden houses here, and the three wooden houses are about 50 to 60 meters apart.

One is close to the forest, and one is close to the sea.

The other big wooden house is in the middle.

The wooden house near the forest is where Big Bear and Bonnie live.

Who would have thought that the ruler of Tianshu City would live in such an ordinary place.

Big Bear and Bonnie live in one room, and Nami lives in another.

The wooden house near the sea is Nami's residence.

But normally Bonnie goes to find Nami and then lives with Nami.

As for the big wooden house in the middle, it is a training match.

When Noah came here, Big Bear was taking Bonnie and Nami to exercise.

These days Nami has prepared the sea charts she wants to record and draw.

Only in this way will Nami come to exercise.

Big Bear didn't keep Noah's life card with him all the time, especially since he was still training on his mount and wasn't sailing, so Big Bear put Noah's life card in his cabin.

So Big Bear only knew that Noah would be back today.

But Big Bear didn't know exactly when Noah would return to Tianshu City.

The construction of Tianshu City was all in the charge of professionals sent by Cobra.

Big Bear only needed to supervise.

Professional matters should be left to professionals.

Big Bear didn't know much about architecture.

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