The pain was so severe that the enemy was in a state of panic.


The scream of pain rang out from the thunder, and at the same time, the expression on Saint Rozward's face became more satisfied.

Waiting for the thunder and lightning to dissipate, the CP0 Winter Tower was already dark, and he fell heavily to the ground with smoke coming out of his seven orifices. If it weren't for his chest still rising and falling, everyone would have thought he had died.

"Good stuff! It's really good stuff! Iron Hammer, right? Do you want to go with me to Mary Joa to be my private forger? I'll give you an annual salary of 2 billion Baileys!"

A huge sum of money! Absolutely a huge sum of money.

You should know that the heavenly gold handed over by a kingdom every year is only 10 billion Baileys, and the annual salary offered by Saint Rozward is definitely a sky-high price.

For a moment, Old Man Kong, Zhan Guo and others all showed a trace of dissatisfaction on their faces, and looked at Tiechui with a trace of expectation.

Tiechui did not disappoint them, and only heard a burst of chuckles.

"Haha, Saint Rozward is joking, I am a navy."

"Well, I understand."

"If you understand..."

"3 billion Baileys! This is one-tenth of my Rozward family's annual quota, how about it?"

Tiechui was stunned for a moment... 3 billion Baileys, it is no exaggeration to say that as long as he nodded, he would definitely have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

But when I think of the various actions of the Celestial Dragons, what is there to hesitate about?

"Haha, this is not a matter of money, Saint Rozward."

"After all, I am a navy, and my duty is to maintain peace in the sea."

Saint Rozward showed a trace of dissatisfaction on his face for a moment.

"What? Are you going to refuse the order of the Celestial Dragons, the descendants of the Creator?"

"Don't think that just because I admire you, you have the ability to bargain with me."

This is the temperament that Celestial Dragons should have. No one can disobey, and no one can be presumptuous.

"How could it be? In fact, you don't know that all my forgings are inspired by the process of fighting with pirates."

"If I leave the sea, my inspiration will be limited."

"You don't want to play something boring, do you?"

Iron Hammer wiped the cold sweat and explained.

Sure enough, this explanation made Saint Rozward nod slightly.

Let alone other Celestial Dragons, let's talk about himself. He doesn't like to stay in Mary Geoise every day, but likes to stay in the lower world.

Endless joy.

"I can accept what you said."

Iron Hammer breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that as long as you let go, it will be easy!

Just when Iron Hammer was about to start dealing with Saint Rozward, a phone rang suddenly: "Bo-bo-bo... Bo-bo-bo..."

Then Old Man Kong took out a Den Den Mushi from his arms.

"Hello? I'm Steel Bone Kong."

"Um... I'm Saint Jaygolusia Satan... I have two things..."

Saint Jaygolusia Satan, one of the Five Elders, the God of Scientific Defense.

"You said..."

"After the analysis of the report you submitted by several of us, we think it's OK, but there is one thing, the props with special abilities must be reported and sent to Pangu City."

"Okay, no problem. What about the position and price?"

"Humph! Still want a position? If it weren't for you and Iron Hammer who made the World Government earn enough face, I would have rushed to your Navy Headquarters right now!"

Old Man Kong was stunned for a moment, and his originally happy mood suddenly took a 90-degree turn.

"Just now, the Grand Line country Sakura Kingdom, the Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral (the awarding ceremony was not held.) Drago blatantly sank the World Government ship and captured the Celestial Dragon Qiqu Duoduo Sheng. According to intelligence, Drago is heading towards Whiskey Peak. You must send Zhan Guo immediately! Rescue him for me!"

"As for Tiechui, he will be promoted to Vice Admiral, but he will not be the Minister of Logistics. The price of the items will depend on the situation. As for those who have no combat power to help, we will not intervene."

"Remember my words, now give priority to sending troops! Go and rescue Qiqu Duoduo Sheng for me!"


The phone call shocked everyone present, except for Old Man Kong and Zhan Guo, whose faces were instantly covered with gloom.

Tiechui sighed in his heart.

Damn Dorag, can't he hold it back anymore...

To act so quickly...

"Excuse me, Saint Rozward, please return to Mary Geoise immediately. You heard what Saint Satan said just now. It's not safe on the sea now."

Saint Rozward dared not say anything even if he was not happy. After all, he heard the voices of the Five Elders clearly.

And that unlucky guy, the rugged

He also knew Duoduo Saint, and the two had discussed some new experiences together.

"Okay, then I'll go back to Mary Geoise first."

"But, Tiechui, I'll come again, and then we'll have a good chat about the props!"

Rozward Saint gave Tiechui a very obscene smile, which made Tiechui tremble all over.

I thought to myself that this old man wouldn't really have any weird habits...

"Dontari! How long are you going to lie down! Go back!"

"By the way, take off your watch."

"Tiechui, I like this watch very much, and I won't let you suffer a loss. I'll have someone send it over for 500 million Baileys."

Dontari opened his eyes helplessly and followed Rozward Saint away.

I just want to pretend to be dead and take a rest, why is it so difficult...

"Zhan Guo, I'll go and stabilize Garp. Who is in the Grand Line now? You lead the team to bring back the bastard Dragon!"

"I want to pry open his head with my own hands to see what he is thinking!"

Old man Kong was so angry that he couldn't speak. The rising star under his command actually attacked the Celestial Dragons so blatantly.

Zhan Guo's face was also very ugly. He just hoped that Garp didn't know about Dragon yet.

Otherwise, this matter would be difficult to deal with.

"Tsk... I'll go. It's just the Grand Line..."

Iron Hammer gritted his teeth and decided to go.

"Hmm? What's your relationship with Dragon?"

"It's okay... Don't you still trust me? I can tell the difference in big things..."

Old man Kong would definitely hesitate before, but after the battle with the Red Earl and the importance of Iron Hammer to the headquarters, his trust in Iron Hammer has greatly increased.

"Okay, Sengoku, you lead the team, Tiechui will follow, go and bring me Dragon..."

"Bolobo, Bolobo..."

"Hey? Garp? Asshole! Who told you? Come back to me!"

"Damn it!"

Looking at the Den Den Mushi that had been hung up, old man Kong felt like he was going to explode.

Sengoku on the side pinched his forehead helplessly.

Even Tiechui was surprised. He didn't expect Garp to get the news so quickly, but it wasn't a strange thing to think about it.

After all, Dragon is Garp's son. If he rebels, someone will definitely notify Garp.

"Sengoku, hurry up! That bastard Garp has already rushed to the front half from the New World."

"If he gets there first, you know what will happen..."

Sengoku nodded, and just as he was about to take action, he saw Tiechui running out before him.

"Lance! Everyone on the Warhammer! Get ready to sail! Get ready quickly!"

"Old Zhan Guo, come sail with us, hurry up! Otherwise, your salary will be deducted!"

Amid the shouts of Tie Hammer, a group of people ran quickly towards the port.

Old Kong and Zhan Guo were really stunned.



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