The golden axe exuded heat, and he felt that he was completely attracted by it.

Sakaski stretched out his hand involuntarily, wanting to touch the axe. When his hand was about to touch the axe, he suddenly felt a strong force coming from the axe.

He looked at the axe in surprise, and he clearly felt that this energy was very close, which was the power of magma, and this high temperature.

This was obviously the most suitable weapon for him!

Sakaski's performance was seen by everyone, especially the hammer, who was very satisfied with the look of the dog brother.

"How is it, Brother Gou, are you satisfied?"

"This is made of the magma you gave me before, and it's a weapon specially for you!"

"A nest of Q!"

Everyone:...What kind of name is this?

Sakaski:...What does this name mean...What is Q?

"Don't just stand there, pick it up and try it out."

Sakaski nodded and grabbed the axe handle directly.

When the battle axe was in his hand, the surging heat and weight instantly spread to his right hand.

But who is Sakaski? That's a monster.

He used force with his right hand and slowly lifted the battle axe.

The golden-red battle axe seemed like a wild horse that had broken free from its reins, bursting out with a scorching breath.

"It's worthy of being a weapon made by you, Tiechui. I can feel its power just by holding it."

Looking at Sakaski's satisfied look, Tiechui said proudly: "Tsk, of course, don't you see who made it? By the way, this battle axe has the special ability of absorbing and releasing heat energy."

Sakaski's right hand turned red instantly, and the natural system magma fruit was activated instantly.

At this moment, Sakaski is magma, and magma is Sakaski.

Feeling the energy of magma, the battle axe began to absorb this energy.

The axe body began to glow slightly, which is a manifestation of charging.

"Absorb the energy of magma?"

"Then I'll let you absorb enough!"


Sakaski, who was surprised, increased the properties of magma. The pungent sulfur smell and high temperature made Tiechui and others unconsciously step back a few steps.

With the influx of magma power, the light emitted by the axe body became more and more intense, and soon reached its limit.

At this time, the battle axe was already red all over, and the axe blade was rendered with a layer of golden halo.

"Is the charging complete? Hey, Sakaski, don't just stand there, release it."

Sakaski, holding the red light battle axe, was stunned for a moment. Release? How to release?

He couldn't help but look at Tiechui, his eyes full of questions.

"Why are you looking at me? You are the only one who can charge it here. I just made it, and I haven't tried it."

"If it doesn't work, just chop it out hard and try it?"

Tiechui was telling the truth. This axe was made completely based on Sakaski. If you want to use it, you must have magma energy. He doesn't have it, so how can he test it?

In desperation, Sakaski could only turn around and find an open space to chop it down with an axe!

An amazing scene happened instantly.

The terrifying magma turned into a red light and suddenly sprayed forward, swallowing everything it went to.

With a loud "bang", a gully was blown out of the open space in front, with mud and rocks flying and smoke and dust everywhere.

Sakaski stared at the axe in his hand, his heart filled with shock.

"This... is this its power?"

Iron Hammer and others were also shocked.

"Awesome, Brother Gou!"

The power of this attack is not inferior to the flying slash of a great swordsman, and even exceeds it. After all, magma is a powerful elemental energy with a burning effect.

Sakaski tried to swing the axe and found that it became extremely light, and every swing could bring out a flame.

"Haha, what a good axe!" Sakaski laughed excitedly.

Iron Hammer couldn't help but say: "Even if it doesn't accumulate energy, with the energy of the magma fruit, this axe can also transform it, thereby enhancing its power..."

"Iron Hammer, this battle axe is great! With it, I feel that next time I face BIG MOM or Kaido, I will definitely not lose so badly!"

Well, as soon as I have a weapon, I want to fight with others.

"It seems that the forging was very successful this time, good, but Sakaski, don't be anxious yet."

"I have to settle the bill with you."

Sakaski: ? ? ? ?

Zhan Guo and Old Man Kong's mouths twitched violently, and they instantly understood that Iron Skin was going to be online.

"Although the main material is your magma, the other auxiliary materials are all taken from me."

"Let me calculate it for you. Ten pieces of woven flame stone, ten pieces of diamond, and five kilograms of mithril. I won't ask you for more. Just give me the cost."

Sakaski was stunned and asked unconsciously: "How much is the cost?"

Iron Hammer grinned: "300 million Baileys! As for the process fee and labor fee, I won't charge you. How about it, it's good enough!"

Good enough...

300 million Baileys...

It's worthy of Iron Skin!

"Okay, it's just 300 million Baileys. When I go back, I will catch some pirates to exchange money, and then make it up to you."

Sakaski is also a heroic master. In his opinion, 300 million Baileys for such a good weapon is worth it!

"Okay, I'm just kidding you. The materials I use are all from the headquarters. You don't have to pay me. If you feel bad about it."

"Just get me two devil fruits. You've seen a lot of these things in the New World."

Sakaski: I suddenly think it's better to pay...

"Oh, by the way, old man Garp, this is for you."

Suddenly, Iron Hammer walked towards Garp, who was watching the show, and handed him the awl-like thing in his hand.

"Hmm? Iron Hammer, what is this?"

"Wow, it's quite heavy."

Garp took the awl and found it was quite heavy.

"I made this with diamond and tin iron. It's extremely hard."

"If I remember correctly, that bastard Qingjiao has a treasure place called the Gem Iceberg."

"That's all the stolen money he got from robbery. Humph, I think we need to recover it."

"Oh, by the way, call me when you're going there. I also have some ideas about the Gem Iceberg. I'd feel sorry for myself if I didn't hammer such hard ice."

A hint of coldness appeared on Tiechui's face.

He actually dared to destroy his Warhammer. It would be so unfair if he didn't reveal all the secrets of the bastard Qingjiao.

"Hahahaha, I feel a little sad for Qingjiao now. Why offend you when there's no one else to offend? Alas, poor Conehead."

Zeffa knew Tiechui's temper very well. He was a villain who would seek revenge from morning till night.

Zhan Guo and Old Man Kong looked at each other on the side. They always felt a chill around them and felt very uncomfortable.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Zefa, I have basically finished your weapon, but I need you to come and help test it to see where it needs to be improved."

As soon as these words came out, everyone showed different expressions instantly.

Zefa: Oh no! How could this kid say that!

Sengoku: ! ! New weapon! Exclusive?

Kong: Zefa's weapon? Why didn't I think of it! I want one too!

Garp: Oh? There is a weapon! Great, grab it and play with it!

Crane: Well... Although I am a little embarrassed, I also want an exclusive weapon...

Sakaski: Tsk, I already have a nest of Qs! I don't like the others!



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