On the sea, the sky was full of clouds.

A young man stood on a small boat, holding a huge sword, looking at the silver-white warship in front of him with interest.

"No mistake, the warship of this color must be him."

"The forger of the famous sword, the genius master craftsman Tiechui who is known to have broken the twelve crafts of the supreme sword."

As the voice fell, the huge sword in his hand swung again, and another flying slash broke through the air and rushed straight to the Warhammer.


But this slash did not touch the Warhammer and was shattered in the air.

"Who dares to attack my ship!"

"Don't you know how expensive this ship is?"

I saw Iron Hammer standing proudly on the bow, with his right hand still in the posture of punching.

The slash just now was smashed by Iron Hammer's punch.

But feeling the power contained in the slash, Iron Hammer frowned slightly.

Looking at the appearance of the person who did it...

As expected...

"Here you are! The first rising star of the Navy Headquarters, the Forger Iron Hammer!"

A trace of excitement flashed across the young man's face, excited to see Iron Hammer.

The greatsword in his hand slowly raised, making a starting posture.

"Let's fight! A duel between a sword forger and a real swordsman!"

"I won't!"

Just when the young man issued a high-spirited battle declaration, Iron Hammer directly refused.

And he looked at the young man in front of him with a very serious face.

Black short hair, sharp eyes, but no beard.


Is Dracula Mihawk a younger version...

Yes, the one who was driving the boat and attacking the Warhammer.

He is the future Shichibukai, the world's number one swordsman.

Dracula Mihawk!

"Why! You actually refused my duel!"

This was completely beyond Mihawk's expectations, and it was very difficult for him to accept.

"I'm just a kid, not a pirate, why should I accept your fight?"

"Hmm? Give me a reason, kid."

Mihawk was dumbfounded.

Duel? Need a reason? ? ?

But soon he saw the greatsword in his hand.

One of the Twelve Supreme Swords, One Night.

The Twelve Supreme Swords, there are only 12 weapons with this title in the world. They are made by master craftsmen.

Night, a great sword, with a blade pattern of a chaotic blade and a double flower.

The Hammer's eyes were also on the famous sword Night.

The blade of Ye is obviously wider, and the tip is more like a traditional machete/hunting knife.

The guard is a bit exaggerated, and the proportions are a bit exaggerated, but this long guard may serve as a counterweight. Because the blade of Ye is extremely long and the tip is wide, its center of gravity must be close to the guard so that the weapon can be swung flexibly. Its counterweight must be very scientific to ensure balance when swinging.

The reason why Hei Dao Ye was rated as the Supreme Great Swift Sword may not only be because of the sharpness of the blade, but also because of its exquisite counterweight. Obviously, the forger of this knife is not only well versed in metallurgy, but also very knowledgeable about mechanics.

It is worthy of being called the Supreme Great Swift Sword. There are powerful things.

But who is Tiechui? He was a famous Chinese craftsman in his previous life. He believes that the few weapons he has made so far are already qualified to be among the ranks of the Supreme Great Swift Sword.

All it lacks is a proof, isn't it?

Isn't it an opportunity right now?

The future world's number one swordsman, if Tie's sword can beat his night, doesn't it prove that the supreme sword has to be inferior to Tie.

In an instant, Tiechui had conceived a perfect plan in his mind.

Even the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Seeing this scene, Kuzan and others couldn't help but feel a chill coming from Tiechui, which was very creepy.

"Hey, Tiechui, can you stop laughing like that? It's so scary and so wretched."

The outspoken Kuzan spoke directly, causing Tiechui to quickly restrain his smile and glared at him fiercely.

"Kid, if you want to challenge me, at least you have to report your name."


Mihawk was a little confused, but he still honestly said his name.

"My name is Joracol Mihawk! I want to be the world's number one swordsman!"

Tiehchui nodded, and suddenly he felt that the young version of Mihawk was so similar to Zoro?

Is this the reason why he is willing to teach Zoro?

Did you see your younger self? Did you fall into memories?

"Mihawk, huh? Yes, if I'm not mistaken, your sword is the Supreme Blade, Night Bar."

When these words came out, the navy soldiers and Kuzan and others were all shocked.

Supreme Great Blade? Really?

"Yes! Night, one of the Twelve Great Blades of the Supreme Great Blade."

Mihawk stroked the blade, his face softened.

"Okay, for its sake, I can allow you to attack me."

"Three times, I allow you to attack three times."

"Lance, put down the boat!"

Iron Hammer took off the cloak of justice behind him, and the whole person exuded an unfathomable smell.

Lance immediately arranged for the soldiers to put down the boat, and Iron Hammer jumped directly onto the boat and came in front of Mihawk.

The two of them stood opposite each other on the boat.

Mihawk, who got Iron Hammer's consent, was instantly overjoyed.

He set up the starting posture again, and the whole person was like a sharp sword, and the sword intent he exuded even surprised Kuzan.

"Sword intent... Such a little kid actually comprehended the sword intent?"

Iron Hammer nodded secretly at Mihawk who was bursting with sword intent.

As expected of the future No. 1 swordsman, he is only 16 or 17 years old, but he has already achieved such success...

"No. 1 sword!"

"Faith of the sword!"

Mihawk gathered strength with both hands, swept out with the famous sword Ye, and with a slogan, the flying slash appeared again, but this time the slash was more solid and more lethal.

Iron Hammer:...What the hell, Faith of the sword? ? ?

Why do I suddenly feel like Suo is shouting a slogan? ? ?

But now the slash has come to Iron Hammer.

"Little Hammer Forty!"

The heavy hammer sound came out, and the shock wave caused by the hammer collided with the slash.

Directly shattered the slash.

This scene surprised Mihawk very much. He knew the power of his slash very well. Could Iron Hammer shatter it so easily?

"As expected of Vice Admiral Tiechui, take my second sword!"

"Sword of Justice!"

The famous sword Yaru slashed twice, and the two slashes formed a cross blade. Even the sea surface was churning where the blades were.

"What are you talking about? Faith and justice..."

"Broken Hammer!"

Facing the slash that came again, Tiechui extended his index fingers, and the Armament Haki and hammer attack were instantly combined and launched.

The slash was destroyed with the force of penetration.

"How could it be..."

"Is that Haki?"

Although Mihawk was still young, he knew Haki, and he knew from his father that if he wanted to create the highest level of swordsmen, he had to cultivate his own black sword.

But he had not yet awakened Haki, so he was a little excited when he saw Haki.

"Oh? It seems that you know Haki, yes, Haki, Armament Haki."

As Tiechui said this, he covered his hands with Haki and looked at him with a smile.

"Is this Armament Haki... I will have it sooner or later!"

"By then, I will train Ye to be my own black sword!"

"Come on! The third sword!"

"Wherever the sword points, it will cut gold and jade!"

Iron Hammer:... I finally understand why you, Mihawk, gave Zoro a backdoor.

This damn chanting really needs to be passed down!!!

It's just that one of you is in vernacular Chinese and the other is in classical Chinese.

This vernacular Chinese looks down on classical Chinese!



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